FDD's De-MODification PARTY.!!.


Well-Known Member
Haha lmao nah you would school them.. Thats why I prefer to kicked with older cats..I find it hard to "click" with people my age.. ahead of my time. :O


Well-Known Member
Hahaha, @ least ill have a cool tat.. you on the other hand, would have some blob of ink on you that resembles a smiley face


Well-Known Member
i not a mod anymore.

i'm feel as if i am a butterfly, emerging from my cocoon.

i don't want to "apologize" for the past 3 years because i feel everything i did, i did with the intent of making this place better. but i'm human, and was mostly alone, so did the best i could; even if some of it was wrong. i do want to apologize to those who i effected personally. people say "it's just the internet", but sometimes it can go beyond that. i often forget that behind the screen is a "real" person, even if they are pretending to be someone else.

FREE HUGS for everyone. :hug:


Well-Known Member
funny you notice.. when I was younger I burnt the side of my hand their with hot oil...Oil that was on fire... 3rd degree burn

almost 2 inch long scar..


Well-Known Member
looks alot worse in the pic due to the angle.. its about 2 inches long 1 inch wide.. battle scar >:O Nothings wrong with my hand ! just the skin on it :)

Matt Rize

looks alot worse in the pic due to the angle.. its about 2 inches long 1 inch wide.. battle scar >:O Nothings wrong with my hand ! just the skin on it :)
that's so gangsta! :) (said in a super gay voice)

So they are making hashy smoothies now or what? Also, smoothies are super gangsta ;)


Well-Known Member
Yea a local dispense has a all organic smoothie machine section in their bud tending area.. you can get any kind of smoothy and they add in THC extract.. you can buy a single double or triple shot of THC.


Well-Known Member
If your around a little later, got some Strippers coming by.. . theirs a.. um I think.. Fireman & Police Officer.. Dont miss out!