The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
University is filled with awfully nice and polite middle-class folk.

Dura is going too scare the shit out of them.
i first went college when i was 18, i'd left school without qualifications, the funny thing , as billy is referring too, is that although the college was only about 16 miles away from where i lived you could spot the people from my home area a mile off! we were louder, more aggressive and more blunt. we are truly sum of the most forthright people in the U.K, its frequently seen as rudeness and sometimes it is but generally we say EXACTLY what we mean; no pretences or pretentiousness . it can result in violence but you know where u stand. my home village was No.1 in 1998 as Britains toughest village on Sky tv, nothing to brag about i know, but it may give u an insight into my nature and attitude.


Well-Known Member
i first went college when i was 18, i'd left school without qualifications, the funny thing , as billy is referring too, is that although the college was only about 16 miles away from where i lived you could spot the people from my home area a mile off! we were louder, more aggressive and more blunt. we are truly sum of the most forthright people in the U.K, its frequently seen as rudeness and sometimes it is but generally we say EXACTLY what we mean; no pretences or pretentiousness . it can result in violence but you know where u stand. my home village was No.1 in 1998 as Britains toughest village on Sky tv, nothing to brag about i know, but it may give u an insight into my nature and attitude.
Or in your case you are loud, aggressive, blunt and rude, but when you tell people exactly what you think of them, it's done in a very articulate manner.

An articulate one at that, with no pretences or pretentiousness. lol

Dura cracks me up.


Active Member
used to get ferrari bar and jew slate for 750 a klick if i took 2 a time twice a month.ended up with so much i was findin it hard t get rid of but wen i stopped it bout the time th green was gettin up to 50 a q everycunt wanted it an was moanin.fukin sods law the wanks


Well-Known Member
harvest round 2, off to workoss i go




psycho is top left, trainwreck is bottom left and the OG is on the right


tip top toker

Well-Known Member
woah its dead here today !!

What cna i say, Casino Royale is a long film :D Although i had thought the story was slightly more than a poker game with a sore loser, still not too bad though.

Got halfway through my harvest then got bored so figured i'd stick half of it in an oil or hash run for use with glasswares.

Didn't pollinate it but there are some seeds here and there, some from the funk weird re-veg growth, and the rest on the single calyx's you get on the stems. S'all good :) Seeds are now my friend. Stuck an AK48 x into flower and pln to clone off and transplant a romulan and possbily a black rose into flower as wel this afternoon.


tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Nope, milk for me. Got some duck spring rolls and some bacon for lunch. I don't have the money for a full english, that would be like a tenner for a breakfast!

After growing nowt else for two years i'd hope to hell it is a good job :D else i'm in the wrong game. `


Active Member
lol - shame - was tryina bum a free breakfast
just checked on my seedilings and nothing yet, I'm way too eager and obsequious..... I'm down to the last of my half cola of red deisel and i fear it's gonna be a long time without a smoke somewhere along the line....

Oh well - might try the french toast - nice suggestion Billy!


Well-Known Member
Didn't pollinate it but there are some seeds here and there, some from the funk weird re-veg growth, and the rest on the single calyx's you get on the stems. S'all good :) Seeds are now my friend. Stuck an AK48 x into flower and pln to clone off and transplant a romulan and possbily a black rose into flower as wel this afternoon.
You got a romulan ?!? iv been after that strain for almost 5 yrs ! is it the original seed version or a clone ? Got me all excited now !! lol

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I've a bag of romulan seeds indeed i do courtesy of across the pond. in fact there's a plant sat to the left of my knee this second about to be cloned and flowered for sex. Really need to scrape some cash together and have a real think about this breeding cabinet thing, will need an extractor and carbon filter and some CFL alas, or maybe i'll do it with cheap LED? hmm, might be able to scrape something together, not sure if LED's could be in the budget, but i could sure enjoy not increasing my energy bill too much given recent 20% odd bollocks cuntinggreedy HUMBUG!

edit: not too sure on their origin i'll go ask but i have a feeling it's the good stuff.

