5x Fem White Widows [NirvanaShop] 400 watt closet 1st OFFICIAL Grow


Active Member
Whaddup RIU community. I should start by saying thanks to all the great minds who share their experiences with everyone. This forum is excellent!

On to the write up. I ordered 5x feminized white widows from NirvanaShop and all 5 popped :hump: props nirvana!! I am currently at day 44 and have pics of all the progress along the way. This was done in a normal closet, about 2x5x7 Here's my weapons of choice:

Lights setup
--For the first week or so the ladies were under 10x 26 watt 6000K CFL's
--For the next 30 days or so the ladies were under a 400 watt GrowBright MH Conversion bulb
--For the remainder of the grow a 400 watt GrowBright HPS bulb is being used

--Rapid Rooters
--Scott's Premium Potting Soil for the seedlings (didn't have time to wait for the Light Warrior to come until too late, so that's for the next grow!)
--Fox Farm Ocean Forest (used after the first transplant from scotts and is the only medium used after)

--Fox Farm Big Bloom (Throughout entire grow)
--Fox Farm Grow Big (Veg)
--Fox Farm Tiger Bloom (Flower)

Final Pots
--4.75 Gallon 12x12 Square Super Pots

Now for the part you guys are waiting for... the pr0n! All seeds popped and were planted on July 3, 2011. Enjoy, and please comment! Happy growing:leaf:

2 Days before planting using the paper towel method to germinate
[Day -2] -- [7/1/11] -- SEEDLING -- PAPER TOWELS


Active Member
[Day 6] -- [7/9/11] -- VEG -- 10x 26w CFL's

Almost a week after being under and they're showing great >;] a couple are a teeny bit slow, but they're all doing really well. No nutes yet, maybe in a week or so I'll start with the servings.



Active Member
[Days 8-9] -- [7/11-12/11] -- VEG -- 400w MH

Switched over to the MH bulb and they're lovin it! All 5 are doin' great, and my ghetto fan setup is working out the heat. Temps are at 80ish high and 68 low. Nice hot summer days and slightly cooler than ideal nights, but they don't seem to mind. This was taken over 2 days, I'm not sure which were from what day.



Active Member
[Day 14] -- [7/17/11] -- VEG -- 400w MH

Such beauty! They're all still doing really well. I followed the PPM nute schedule from WidowMaker's "How To Grow Marijuana" thread. Thanks WidowMaker!

"I try to keep my seedlings and clones at about 100-250 ppms. After about 10 days I bump up the ppm to around 500-600 ppm for the next 2-3 weeks. After about a month I raise it to 800-1000 ppm. When I start to bud I am at around 1000 and start taking it up slowly to no more than 1500 ppm. I don't suggest going past 1300 till you have a couple crops down."



Active Member
First post, thanks Manish! I sure will, I can't stop snapping away and taking care of these great girls! ;D


Active Member
[Day 22] -- [7/25/11] -- VEG -- 400w MH

Not too much to report--got them repotted and they all took the transplant very well. No problems with roots or anything, so it's all smooth sailing so far! Loving it! I plan to transplant one more time so right now I just started bending them over to begin the LST process.

One of the plants actually started growing sideways from the root, probably because of the way I put the taproot in upon planting. It took a head start at the LST, check it out!



Active Member
[Day 32] -- [8/4/11] -- VEG -- 400w MH

Didn't have my regular cam, so cell phone cam here ftw...

They're transplanted into their final homes! Time to get the LST in full gear. They all are taking it really well, and no bent stems or anything. I know I'm starting this much later than most people, but it seems to still be working really great. One of the plants, the same struggling one, had a much looser rootball than the rest, and the dirt kinda broke up under a lot of it. That was kinda scary, but it's still hanging in there with the rest. Will keep an eye on it and post its status.



Active Member
[Day 35] -- [8/7/11] -- VEG -- 400w MH

Not too much to report other than they're doing AWESOME! There is one plant that's really struggling and not doing as well as the others, and likewise, there's one that's just SO happy and doing much better than the rest, but they all are generally growing at the same rate and look fairly similar. Fan leaves are getting so big!!:mrgreen: Some are before and after i tied more down, so you'll see that variance between some photos. Enjoy!



Active Member
[Day 42] -- [8/14/11] -- DAY 3 FLOWER -- 400w HPS

Switched them to the HPS bulb in the dark period on the 11th. The grow needs to be chopped and gone by late October, so I had to switch them earlier than I would have hoped. They are all still looking really great! Check out the girls, can't wait!!



~ Out-Dawrz ~ Moderator ~
My Nirvana White Widow turned out wonderful last year, So good I had to re-grow this year. Good Luck with yours bro.

I think It will do fine under that 400


Active Member
subbed good job man. keep it up.

Cool, thanks for the positive feedback. Join us sir :joint:

I was a little nervous about 5 under the 400, but they seem to be doing really well, especially with the LST. I even saw a little bit of crystals on the fan leaves at those day 3 pics. I will take some more tomorrow with my digicam and see if I can get them to show up :weed:


Active Member
My Nirvana White Widow turned out wonderful last year, So good I had to re-grow this year. Good Luck with yours bro.

I think It will do fine under that 400
Appreciate the comment husalife. What was your yield like with your ladies?:weed::leaf:


Active Member
No time for pics this morning, but when I get back from work I'll be snapping away before and after training.


Active Member
[Day 45] -- [8/17/11] -- DAY 6 FLOWER -- 400w HPS

They're lookin great! One of them has got some yellowing and spots on it... maybe you guys can help me figure out what it is. I still need to bring my actual digicam so I can get some better close up shots, but one of them is showin white hairs!! :mrgreen: I'm a little disappointed, though, as I thought all of them would have sexed by now. Oh well, maybe in a few days >;] check em out bongsmilie



Active Member
You talking about the yellow spot on pic 17 of 23? That looks like water got baked on the leaf. Wouldnt worry too much about it if it were me. Got some nice bushes there. Nice even canopy.


Well-Known Member
Looking good!
I'll be watching this grow.
I'm using a bit less room in the closet I flower in (24x42x60)
with only four plants flowering in two gallon pots, but vegged longer.
I use the same Fox Farms products as well.
400w hortilux eye to flower with.
I use two closets to grow perpetually.
A few pics, ages range from 2 to 6 weeks female
Closets-They're not just for putting clothes in, or coming out of any more.