The Truth About Ron Paul - Part 2


New Member
Probably The last thing Ron Paul wants is Media Attention

He does better when no one Knows What a nut case he is

And dont give me shit. I was emailing him in 2007 to run. Then i found out a lot more about him

Guy is a racist whack job. And I am sorry Anarchy has never worked for any nation


New Member
Brace yourselves- the media is about to attack Dr. Paul on the newsletters- again... via POLITICO
Ron Paul, who's rising in the 2012 cycle in a way he never has before nationally and who came in just behind Michele Bachmann in the Ames Straw Poll last weekend,complained yesterday to Fox News about why he isn't getting coverage in the mainstream press commensurate with his status:
"They don't want to discuss my views because I think they're frightened by me challenging the status quo and the establishment."
But there are reasons why Paul, and his fan base, might be grateful for the minimalist coverage that he's received, because a more thorough vetting of the kind that mainstream candidates generally receive would invariably lead to some of the newsletters that bore his name (if not his byline or direct authorship) decades earlier.


New Member
Probably The last thing Ron Paul wants is Media Attention

He does better when no one Knows What a nut case he is

And dont give me shit. I was emailing him in 2007 to run. Then i found out a lot more about him

Guy is a racist whack job. And I am sorry Anarchy has never worked for any nation
I am sorry that you don't know what anarchy is if you associate it with Ron Paul, or you don't know Ron Paul.

Ron Paul is also not a racist whack job please read the thread.


New Member
His Newsletters
His Name on it

Stop trying to misdirect the truth.
He has to take responsibility for it. And it doesnt help that he didnt want to Honor Rosa Parks.


New Member
He didn't write them and they weren't with HIS PERMISSION and wtf are you on about Rosa Parks, you are so he is not responsible for their content he never even read it before.


New Member
Check it out I got this paper here its got dukeanthonys name on it and it says hes a racist so he must be a racist the paper says so , here look for yourself BEHOLD!

Im a Racist
pass it on

Unquestionable evidence here, this paper has your name on it, clearly that mean it was written by you, The paper is even titled dukeanthony? ever herd of it? Didn't think so...anyways that doest matter, Mr Anthony I believe this is all the evidence we need to convict you of racsim, I charge you with racism and hear by sentance you to to the title of whackjob, have a seat in the back of my mind while I ignore you.


New Member
Controversial claims made by an unidentified author in Ron Paul's newsletters, written in the first person narrative, included statements such as "Boy, it sure burns me to have a national holiday for Martin Luther King. I voted against this outrage time and time again as a Congressman. What an infamy that Ronald Reagan approved it! We can thank him for our annual Hate Whitey Day." Along with "even in my little town of Lake Jackson, Texas, I've urged everyone in my family to know how to use a gun in self defense. For the animals are coming."[137] Two other statements that garnered controversy were "opinion polls consistently show only about 5% of blacks have sensible political opinions". In an article titled "The Pink House" the newsletter wrote that "Homosexuals, not to speak of the rest of society, were far better off when social pressure forced them to hide their activities."[138]
Paul had given his own account of the newsletters during March 2001, stating the documents were authored by ghostwriters, and that while he did not author the challenged passages, he bore "some moral responsibility" for their publication


New Member
As I said Please refer to #4 of the first post and many posts therafter in this thread, this was not written by Ron Paul don't be so guiliable.



New Member
Libertarians by definition would allow businesses and people be as racist as they want.
Please quote me some classic Rand and Ron Paul


New Member
Libertarians by definition would allow businesses and people be as racist as they want.
Please quote me some classic Rand and Ron Paul
by definition libertarian allow racism? lol

last time I checked the word racism is not in the definition of libertarianism, Libertarianism is about love for all and treating everyone equally, libertarianism is against harm to others so I don't really see the connection, infact its the polar opposite of racism so that is why I mentioned it.

perhaps pseudo racism like pieces of paper you found maybe lol. Have you been victimized or something? Why do you have so much distrust and hatred for your fellow man? Are you a cop? You think if everyone is treated equally that this will cause misguided.


New Member
New Speech footage today
Ron Paul: America Is Ready for More Freedom and Less Government



New Member
Boy Romney sure is a front runner, lol, maybe in the land of oz, I don't think Ive ever seen him have a civil conservation with another human being, in all fairness the gentlemen wasn't being civil in this clip but seeing romney clips where he is completely disconnected from the people are getting old, how the fuck is this guy still considered a front runner? Front Run among who? The establishment?
