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kevin murphy

New Member
gunna mate dont be worrying about that but thats when i move across the pond lad..gunna end up serving 25 to life at the supermax hahahaha


Well-Known Member
WOW HR! those babies r incredible. I only thought I got good trich development lol. Those clones r lookn fantastic now for sure, excellent rehabilitation. Man tent #1 was an awesome yield yea? U doin it big and doin it right for sure. I'm gon try to get the recipe for success kit this wkend, I'm pumped about that. VERY nice work!


Well-Known Member
Looking frosty as fuck on those buds Hr! Vegging babies are looking nice and healthy as well. I can only hope to grow some perfectly green plants like those one day lol

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
HIgh Hellraiser30! what a beautiful garden you have! so green, lush and healthy. Your a really wonderful gardener. and your set up is to die for. I will be looking forward to waching your girls flower. take it easy .
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