What do you do when someone tries to break in?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
As i say, it's entirely situational. Even as someone who never fights but knows his stuff, if i lived in America you can be damned sure i'd keep guns :D And anyways, if you're a small asian woman you should own a sword :) ninnnjaaaaa, and if you're in a wheelchair, i say a pike is a pretty useful tool to keep handy :D Don't mind me, i'm drifting off into fantasy now :D


Well-Known Member
im just saying most important is protecting yourself and your family, second is staying out of jail,

Id rather kill a man than be a victim.
once the door is open , all bets are off, yes i am going to defend my family. response time for the cops is like 20 min. i could clean house by then. I had a little shit come sit in my jeep I watched him walk up the street. Call the cops , nope I don't want them here. I just ran em off. Kinda the same thing.


Well-Known Member
As i say, it's entirely situational. Even as someone who never fights but knows his stuff, if i lived in America you can be damned sure i'd keep guns :D And anyways, if you're a small asian woman you should own a sword :) ninnnjaaaaa, and if you're in a wheelchair, i say a pike is a pretty useful tool to keep handy :D Don't mind me, i'm drifting off into fantasy now :D
HEY, if american cops could stop people with a whistle and a stern command, im sure they would, but as it stands here the nicest we get is a tazer to the spine


Well-Known Member
Seriously, you run.. you're screwed. You can have mental issues & not know any better.. they wont find out until 5 tazes later.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
HEY, if american cops could stop people with a whistle and a stern command, im sure they would, but as it stands here the nicest we get is a tazer to the spine
Wan't talking about cops, just about how due to the number of guns it stands to reason the bad guy has a gun, because most of the good guys do as well, i love guns, they are like a turn on haha, but too many for my paranoia :D Our police have started to turn rather brutal of late, just without any actual reason or against any actual criminals, just a couple of days ago they killed a man because he was self harming. I think police have killed 3 people with "non-lethal" weapons in the past 8 days, none of them for more than simple disturbance.


Well-Known Member
3 people with "non-lethal" weapons in the past 8 days

fucking good shots..we need to send our troops there for PMI courses.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
2 were with a tazer and 1 was with pepper spray. Prior to that they also shot a black man dead on the scene while also shooting one of their own and then tried to blame it on the black dude. Looting is one thing but they wonder why there are riots and anger against the police?


Well-Known Member
Wan't talking about cops, just about how due to the number of guns it stands to reason the bad guy has a gun, because most of the good guys do as well, i love guns, they are like a turn on haha, but too many for my paranoia :D Our police have started to turn rather brutal of late, just without any actual reason or against any actual criminals, just a couple of days ago they killed a man because he was self harming. I think police have killed 3 people with "non-lethal" weapons in the past 8 days, none of them for more than simple disturbance.
its only the beginning, soon we will all either wake up to how our world is being changed, or we the sheep will be herded and the men will be culled,


Well-Known Member
2 were with a tazer and 1 was with pepper spray. Prior to that they also shot a black man dead on the scene while also shooting one of their own and then tried to blame it on the black dude. Looting is one thing but they wonder why there are riots and anger against the police?
I want to hear the black mans side of the story..lol


Well-Known Member
My dogs would be going crazy at the slightest noise... If they get past them... It's always on my side loaded and ready...


Well-Known Member
2 were with a tazer and 1 was with pepper spray. Prior to that they also shot a black man dead on the scene while also shooting one of their own and then tried to blame it on the black dude. Looting is one thing but they wonder why there are riots and anger against the police?
OK here is what i dont get, gang banger dude gets killed in london, you guys riot for three days, our media tells us its because england cant pay for the welfair state they have and never mentions the dud getting killed by cops? actually had to look on you tube days later to get the real story, or at least a more real story. Thats why england and major metropolitan areas dont want citizens armed, cause it makes the people harder to control, like trying to turn american citizens against the rioters by making them appear like lazy socialists/communist welfair recipients rather than the disgruntled masses that we might feel a connection, in many ways this was an intentional manipulation to promote fear of america's own economic disparity and civil unrest


Well-Known Member
My dogs would be going crazy at the slightest noise... If they get past them... It's always on my side loaded and ready...
my old rottweiler would have given them a heart attack when he came quietly, he never barked, bounding up to lick the person hands and sniff their crotch and generally say "hello stranger, have any treats?"


Well-Known Member
my old rottweiler would have given them a heart attack when he came quietly, he never barked, bounding up to lick the person hands and sniff their crotch and generally say "hello stranger, have any treats?"
Awesome Lol, I love rots... My dogs be barkin as soon as a car pulls up....


Well-Known Member
Awesome Lol, I love rots... My dogs be barkin as soon as a car pulls up....
1/2 root 1/2 australian shep, had a tail, grey with black spots waspy little waste and huge head and muscles like a rott, he and i fucked some shit up back in the day,