Murder is not wrong.


Well-Known Member
Harrp is some real iish. So much people do not know about how this planet really ticks.
I venture to guess you don't know a single person like me.
I find it pretty pathetic how you can dismiss facts, the truth, documented history, and government documents and dismiss it as conspiracy theory-It is sad that the majority of the people are every bit as ignorant as you- the saddest part is it is by chioce or an inability to question their beliefs that people remain unimformed and uneducated.


Well-Known Member
conspiracy theories go... best just to ignore them
How about the U.S. using nuclear weapons continously for around 20 years to kill people in Iraq,-Is that another conspiracy?
How about Libya? Your taxes are being used to murder people over there does that make you a murderer?


Well-Known Member
How about the U.S. using nuclear weapons continously for around 20 years to kill people in Iraq,-Is that another conspiracy?
How about Libya? Your taxes are being used to murder people over there does that make you a murderer?
ahhhhhh maybe it does make us murder's :D LOL


Well-Known Member
ahhhhhh maybe it does :D LOL
That's how we justified fire bombing Dresden and nuking Heroshima and Nagasaki right?
All the citizens knew what was going on and stayed and continued to contribute so they were guilty-even the civilians.
If you are complaicent you are actively contributing.


Well-Known Member
Never met the fellow. Can't very well say I doubt him when I haven't met the fellow! So that's a no-go on the chat I'm guessing??
You should be able to hear his voice inside of your head, and you can talk to him that way, if you have any doubt of God take a look into your womans eyes, that should be all the proof anyone needs


Well-Known Member
Wait wait wait wait. Proof of him? She's in a way him? WTF is wrong with this dude? Did he give her a kidney? WTF do you need proof? Are talking about a guy youve never met?
God created people, he created them in his image and every man is a king and every woman a queen. God made people and he made women with the ability to create more people, the vagina is the center of the universe.
If god did not exist neither would pussy, and without pussy we wouldn't be here to debate the existance of God-So yes she is a God as are you and I and God the creator talks to us all and gave Moses the 10 commandments so we would have a rule book- Don't murder is one of the 10

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
God created people, he created them in his image and every man is a king and every woman a queen. God made people and he made women with the ability to create more people, the vagina is the center of the universe.
If god did not exist neither would pussy, and without pussy we wouldn't be here to debate the existance of God-So yes she is a God as are you and I and God the creator talks to us all and gave Moses the 10 commandments so we would have a rule book- Don't murder is one of the 10
It's good to have a hobby. :)