Is Ron Paul The Kucinich of the Republican Party?


New Member
Discuss at length how the wacky Kucinich from the left is different from the Ron paul Wackiness from the far reaches of the right
no, kucinich has a hotter wife:



i think ill go find a thread with intellectuals to debate with,

making fun of people for how the look. wow, you guys must get on the internet right after 7th grade lets out. cool, that way all the good jokes about peoples looks are still fresh in your mind.

buck, you may have "married up". but your wife, she pretty much just married a nitwit. but judging by her looks....i wouldnt have a clue what type of person she is.
making fun of people for how the look. wow, you guys must get on the internet right after 7th grade lets out. cool, that way all the good jokes about peoples looks are still fresh in your mind.

buck, you may have "married up". but your wife, she pretty much just married a nitwit. but judging by her looks....i wouldnt have a clue what type of person she is.

at least i can get it up without popping some pills. :razz:
at least i can get it up without popping some pills. :razz:

getting it up without viagra is easy. its keeping it up that becomes more difficult with age.

its called aging moron. dont worry, it will happen to you too.

wisdom, not your strong point. next thing you know you will make fun of people for being divorced. walk a mile in someone elses shoes sometime putz.

do you point and laugh at people with a club foot too? how about midgets? they really need a good making fun of. we already know you like to make fun of little retarded babies. you are pretty much classless.
sentences end with a period, not a comma. also, intellectuals use apostrophes where appropriate and don't end sentences in a preposition.

you intellectual, you.
A bit uncouth to bring up someone elses small grammar mistakes when you yourself refuse to begin your sentences with a Upper case letter.
Thanks for not exploiting those kids

ahhhhh, that would be google exploiting them.

so do you think we should stop taking pictures of children with somethiing wrong with them?

maybe you and buck can start a special "camp" or something. that way we pretty people wont have to look at them, or ugly people like mrs paul. i suggest buying an island somewhere, secluded, hard to get to by boat.

maybe the island next to where we keep the little retarded kids and the lepers? just a suggestion.

oh, and start thinking about ways to identify them in the womb, that way we can promptly kill them before they get out. i am sure you guys can figure it out on your own.

thanks for protecting us....and them!
getting it up without viagra is easy. its keeping it up that becomes more difficult with age.

its called aging moron. dont worry, it will happen to you too.

wisdom, not your strong point. next thing you know you will make fun of people for being divorced. walk a mile in someone elses shoes sometime putz.

do you point and laugh at people with a club foot too? how about midgets? they really need a good making fun of. we already know you like to make fun of little retarded babies. you are pretty much classless.

what are you, 70?

ahhhhh, that would be google exploiting them.

so do you think we should stop taking pictures of children with somethiing wrong with them?

maybe you and buck can start a special "camp" or something. that way we pretty people wont have to look at them, or ugly people like mrs paul. i suggest buying an island somewhere, secluded, hard to get to by boat.

maybe the island next to where we keep the little retarded kids and the lepers? just a suggestion.

oh, and start thinking about ways to identify them in the womb, that way we can promptly kill them before they get out. i am sure you guys can figure it out on your own.

thanks for protecting us....and them!

you compare erectile dysfunction to deformed children? :shock:

your limp dick is equivalent to the suffering those children go thru daily? :shock:

compassion much? :roll:
I don't think RP 's wife is ugly, she is just old.
Remember Kathleen Turner? Blonde Bombshell?

Look what Age does to you.....


I wonder what RP's wife looked like 50 years ago.
you compare erectile dysfunction to deformed children? :shock:

your limp dick is equivalent to the suffering those children go thru daily? :shock:

compassion much? :roll:

no, not what i was doing at all. was busting bucks chops for making fun of people for things they have no control over, like being ugly, or not being able to keep a boner for a half hour.

maybe you should lay off the skidoo fumes. it might be affecting your sense of humor.

btw not 70, 48, with a slightly enlarged prostrate....since you asked.....

so take your shots at my prostrate. its something i have total control of....duh.
you compare erectile dysfunction to deformed children? :shock:
your limp dick is equivalent to the suffering those children go thru daily? :shock:
compassion much? :roll:
i believe jefff was comparing our reactions to the deformities of those children to the childish reaction of some to the less than appealing aspects of some possible first ladies. you've gotta try to keep up. his flaccid penis (or yours for that matter) may be the result of such unattractive women, but a comparison of their appearances would be sophomoric and uncalled for.

dammit jefff, you're quicker than i am once again.