Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

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Thats what I needed to know, UB! You are terrific, bro! I was just getting ready to purchase some more and was going to try the airpots but where I live it gets to 100 rh outside some days, early fall is no joke for mold here. Thanks for all your help!

My best guess is an ambient RH of 85% and below would induce root tip burn.
UB, thanks for the thread here. I went with topping above the 2nd node this time around to try thing out for myself. What I found was that the bottom set of "tops" on 2/4 plants still haven't caught up to the upper set. They are looking more like 2 tops than 4 as I approach 28 days veg tomorrow. The other 2 plants have 4 dominant tops as expected and look great -- their lower set of grow tips caught up with the upper set in fairly short order.

I topped all 4 girls within 3 days of each other, all around the day 15 mark, but the 2 that reacted funny had smaller lower sets of growth tips when the cut was made. They are both smaller plants -- then and even today still, 1 of them I'm calling a runt. They were showing 5-6 nodes each but again the 2 oddballs weren't quite as far along. Even so, I felt like I followed your instructions.

Any thoughts on this phenomenon? Does it maybe take them a while to even out sometimes, or do you think it's possible I just snipped to early?
UB, thanks for the thread here. I went with topping above the 2nd node this time around to try thing out for myself. What I found was that the bottom set of "tops" on 2/4 plants still haven't caught up to the upper set. They are looking more like 2 tops than 4 as I approach 28 days veg tomorrow. The other 2 plants have 4 dominant tops as expected and look great -- their lower set of grow tips caught up with the upper set in fairly short order.

I topped all 4 girls within 3 days of each other, all around the day 15 mark, but the 2 that reacted funny had smaller lower sets of growth tips when the cut was made. They are both smaller plants -- then and even today still, 1 of them I'm calling a runt. They were showing 5-6 nodes each but again the 2 oddballs weren't quite as far along. Even so, I felt like I followed your instructions.

Any thoughts on this phenomenon? Does it maybe take them a while to even out sometimes, or do you think it's possible I just snipped to early?

Plants react differently regarding apical dominance. Just go with the flow. Many times the top 2 colas will be dominant.

Lookin' good quebec.

Good luck,
Plants react differently regarding apical dominance. Just go with the flow. Many times the top 2 colas will be dominant.
Thanks for the response. So this is a normal result, I shouldn't be thinking about what to do differently next time -- is that what you're telling me?
UB- Sorry for sounding so elemtry as I am completely new to this but from what I'm gathering is you basically top right above the first four branches. If that is the case could you cut the first two branches off because they don't look as good as the next four branches and top there. By branch I mean the petiole Thanks bm
Took it into my own hands I pinched off the part were the stem splits in two in-between the 2 can't rem the body part of the plant but it starts with a C am I on track UB?
is it so tough to count 1.......... 2 nodes then cut!!look the resultsDSCN0853.jpgDSCN0851.jpgDSCN0852.jpgDSCN0940.jpgstop pinching....start Topping uncle ben style+ rep to the Uncle
[/ATTACH]View attachment 1753495stop pinching....start Topping uncle ben style+ rep to the Uncle

That worked out perfect for you.

I see you buried the "crotch". Just a thought......you will get root output along the buried "trunk" but you might want to get the crotch above ground by pulling some soil out of the pot.. If you have even the smallest crack in the crotch and water collects and stays there, you're inviting rot. The photo below shows a plant that split wide open at the crotch thanks to a storm, laid wide open. With the help of duct tape and a good spray of tar like stuff into the hole, it survived and produced really well.

Uncle Ben,
I have always loved your 10 minute Boil-In-Bag Rice. Now I will forever love your gnarly topping methods. You have successfully morphed from WHEAT to WEED!
That worked out perfect for you.

I see you buried the "crotch". Just a thought......you will get root output along the buried "trunk" but you might want to get the crotch above ground by pulling some soil out of the pot.. If you have even the smallest crack in the crotch and water collects and stays there, you're inviting rot. The photo below shows a plant that split wide open at the crotch thanks to a storm, laid wide open. With the help of duct tape and a good spray of tar like stuff into the hole, it survived and produced really well.

View attachment 1759851
that wont happen since I get them in Nightime! or before a storm!!!
Ok people straighten this False Node thing out, ur confusin alot of noobs.
Is the False Node Cotyledons the Very First Green Leaves that come out the seed?????
Or the Next Single Blade 1's????

you're only getting confused because you're just skimming through the info.

read it properly. im learning all this for the first time, and its annoying that on nearly every single page of the thread people ask the same dumb questions.
if you cant understand something made so simple by pictures and diagrams or cant be bothered to read the threads properly and research it yourself then don't bother growing in the first place cause you obviously don't have the right mindstate to do it.

next you'll want them to come and take your grow over for you.....
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