Losing Weight


Well-Known Member
i am tryig to lose too. i am 5'5 and 120 but i want to be 110. it's very annoying and it's alot easier to lose when you have more to lose. the closer you get to your goal the harder it gets. i usually hike up hill a few miles 4x a week and I cut back on carbs. and lower my food intake. the least i have ever weighed is 99. that was about 2-3 years ago. I didn't eat much becaus i was sick at that time. I didn't work out either, i was too tired. just goes to show you, if you don't eat, you do lose!


Well-Known Member
this is partially true. you need to eat smaller portions more frequently. that doesn't mean eat less. just stay on schedule eating every 2.5-3 hrs like 8-10 oz portions, to speed up your metabolism and turn into a fat burning machine, instead of storing the fat.
yep theres an actual science to losing weight. but once you get it all figured out to your body type, nothing can get into your way
of losing weight and making great gains..


Well-Known Member
Good luck to you bro, I used to be big before I finally got my ass into shape.

Cardio is how you lose weight. A big misconception is sit-ups and lifting weights will get you skinny, that is only part of it. (small part)
Doing sit ups will build muscle under your stomach and can actually make you look "bigger".

My recommendations :
Cardio: Every other day, 1 hour. (this can be basketball, running, jogging, biking, rollerblading)
Eat earlier in the day, not later. You can get away with eating higher calorie meals early in the day since you burn those calories throughout the day.
Eat 5 meals rather than 3. Try to break it up from 3 large meals to 5 smaller meals, your body processes everything easier.

I wouldn't recommend doing sit up and all that until you get closer to your target weight. You can aggravate lower back pain ( i am not a fan of sit up's) they are one of the most useless ab excercises.

My favorite healthy meal is chicken breast + brown rice.

I am just trying to throw some info out there for ya. I remember when I started getting heathy I was doing exercises and routines that didn't help out much.
My friend is a personal trainer so he gave me some good tips, hopefully they help you too bro.

good luck!


Well-Known Member
i am tryig to lose too. i am 5'5 and 120 but i want to be 110. it's very annoying and it's alot easier to lose when you have more to lose. the closer you get to your goal the harder it gets. i usually hike up hill a few miles 4x a week and I cut back on carbs. and lower my food intake. the least i have ever weighed is 99. that was about 2-3 years ago. I didn't eat much becaus i was sick at that time. I didn't work out either, i was too tired. just goes to show you, if you don't eat, you do lose!
Holy shit, MMJ, you're 4 inches taller than me and a grown woman- I only weighed that much because I was diagnosed as anorexic. Maybe me being built more muscular and my ethnicity is a factor but I'm still not sure pushing for 110 when you already watch your food and do so much exercise is a good idea. I still had compulsory blood tests and no periods at that weight and I'm shorter than you. Just be careful okay. I'm safe now because my body got used to less fat and food but... Don't go nuts. You don't want to end up where I went. I love you x


Well-Known Member
Thats what Im saying.. 5'5 and 120? You got a body like a fox. Anything lower and you may start looking sickly


Well-Known Member
My favorite healthy meal is chicken breast + brown rice.

cant go wrong with that right there...

if you all want some serious advice, pm me, ive been training elite level athletes for 5 years now, some info on here is good, but some are misconceptions


Well-Known Member
cant go wrong with that right there...

if you all want some serious advice, pm me, ive been training elite level athletes for 5 years now, some info on here is good, but some are misconceptions
Come on elite trainer, why make us pm you to get the "correct" info? We are all interested...


New Member
Well I decided its time to change it up again after chilling for awhile.

Last summer I lost 80 pounds I went from 350 to 270 it only took about two months of working my ass off.

I been living shitty and gain back a bunch at 295.

I started jogging and cutting back caloric intake yesterday.

Today is day two first weigh in 291.4

Sick of being fat. My main goal is 30 pounds in 30 days we'll see if I can do it.

I'm not telling anyone what im doing this time. You get so many compliments from people when you lose alot of weight.
I am thinking following the laws, stop acting like a wanna be thug and use proper grammar will probably garner more respect then losing weight.

I am old school though...


Well-Known Member
i hear the program Insanity burns weight like no other
You know the music video for that Eric Prydz song 'Call on Me'? The one that is basically aerobics porno? I have Ministry of Sound's exercise DVD based on that video, with the original girls from it in.

Fuck, I thought they were just there for show in those tiny leotards and legwarmers. NO. They did most of it in one take and it is one of the most INTENSE workouts I've ever done start to finish. The ladies were pretty nice to look at too, as the DVD has all the moves from the video.

Good fun. So is Zumba fitness for Wii. Guys, get your girlfriends to do it. They improve their self esteem while you watch them shake it to Latin music.


Well-Known Member
You will not regret it. It is a hard workout. I'm used to hard farm work and lifting weights but I was sweating after the warmup. It's good fun with an awesome soundtrack. Good for a sexy time party?

Urca you need to get on a plain and cone to my house, we could have so much fun together <3

PS: Thank you so much for helping me keep my head up lately aswell. I really appreciate it.


Well-Known Member
this is partially true. You need to eat smaller portions more frequently. That doesn't mean eat less. Just stay on schedule eating every 2.5-3 hrs like 8-10 oz portions, to speed up your metabolism and turn into a fat burning machine, instead of storing the fat.
your right...


Well-Known Member
hahaha fun fun times... but i might be liable to punch dick head (your friend) in the head