People on this forum need to stop trying to cut corners man!

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Active Member
they need a chat room on this site thatd be some fun shit.but your status would have to be so high so not to get a millon questions at once.or a noob chat room just for helping them and another for bullshitting


Well-Known Member
can you imagine going thru 55 pages of this shit??? oh wait most of us have.

No I couldn't especially because there's nothing useful here LMAO! I left yesterday at like page 20 go to work, do some gardening and were damn near 60 pages! More popular than a URCA thread up in this bitch!


New Member
HaHa My bad... Been fuckin' workin' bro... Some of us have to leave the computer to do their job LMAO!

It's gonna be a good Tuesday night...
get it on your phone like i do then u can post all day tell boss hold on i got to post to this awesome thread on the dope site
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