1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
yeh i've sent a few down to the southern hemisphere for an outdoor grow.. i figure with the ak influence it should do quite well... will also give me something to smoke by the time i get down there for of a holiday hopefully ;)
thinking i will pop the remaining few indoor here after the livers and psycho are done... too many strains not enough real estate :/ desperately want that dog kush too :P also after the trainwreck..
kool man, i don't think anyone has tested any of the pips i sent out, outdoor. i feel you on the real estate problem haha the dog kush i'm going to let go. its banging smoke don't get me wrong but i need a change round and with moving i need to keep my mothers to a minimum.
looking like a field of buds there don, gonna be a very nice haul.
go for the royal dutch genetics seeds mant, i cant recommend it enough. the buzz is similar to the psycho :lol:
yeah hoping so. needs to be, its got to see me through a house move and the winter ....
Hey guys looking good donny, yeah wernt too long ago u was saying i aint go no buds boo hoo lol. Now its our turn to say it lol. Tho i did weigh in a dpq last night and it was 72g so i was well happy :D
morning westy lad, haha you cant say it with 72 geezy sat in your lap man haha

bit gutted this morning, heard through the 6 double ought that the gravity and snowstorm ive been using this last year are full of cancer causing chems. fucking gutted really. ive sent an email to humbold cunty nutes to see whats up. just last fucking night i gave the girls there first dose of snowstorm. think i'll do a res change tonight and bin the stuff.

so peeps whats everyone using as a bloom booster these days? i should probably look at hydro nutes for the autopots i don't need a swamp in the res again that was a major ballache.


Well-Known Member
I just use the old faithful pk13/14, I've got canna's at the moment and in the past have used BioNova's.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
yeah i use that one already, i only really used the purple max/snowstorm to give a bit extra clout to the resin. thinking about the atami line. i like the bloombastic but its way too pricey and it clogs the works pretty good. ah feck knows. maybe ill do a run with jut the pk n see how it goes. KISS tech

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
was thinking about sticking the winter out where i am but its too cold. the missus will be moving in with me, she's sick of living between two gaffes. i've told her the score though. she moves in she doesn't complain about the op. she has a problem she moves out again. end of. tho in reality if she does have a problem 'll probably cave or get a place of my own... either way not the ideal

the uk greek

Active Member
yeah i use that one already, i only really used the purple max/snowstorm to give a bit extra clout to the resin. thinking about the atami line. i like the bloombastic but its way too pricey and it clogs the works pretty good. ah feck knows. maybe ill do a run with jut the pk n see how it goes. KISS tech
I've got something for you mate that you can use.