Anyone using Advanced Nutrients full Grandmaster line?


Well-Known Member
Yep. This guy is doomed to fail like so many others. I'm NOT singling him out but if I had to guess:

1. He's young and gullible,

2. He's a dreamer (and conmen fulfill those dreams),

3. He's new to plant culture, any kind of plants,

4. Is drawn to marketing hype as opposed to learning what makes a plant tick.

Having said that, I hope I'm wrong. At least he's getting other opinions rather than from the sales personnel, however, being that so many people are fall for the line, cannabis websites are not the place to go for non-partisan, objective information. He'll spend $700 and get $7 worth of popcorn buds.

AN is all about one thing and one thing only - marketing.
Wow... You've got me down pat based on one question....
Good For You.....


Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Its easier to buy bottles than it is to learn plant nutrition, thats all thats happening here.

First mistake is believing the hype, second mistake is following the directions on these bottles. I guarantee by week 3 or 4 your plants will start to yellow and have various deficiencies. It just gets worse from there.
Wow... You've got me down pat based on one question....
Good For You.....

I've got it down pat based on what it is (a ripoff) and what I've seen (many failed gardens). You need to read this thread for your own good -

Just trying to save you some grief. Empty your pocketbook, buy the whole line.

Good luck,

kbo ca

Active Member
Hey i've been hearing a lot about AN being all marketing, I agree they are strong marketers, but it doesn't matter how good your sales skills are if you have a crap product. If there are better nutrients out there, why haven't they taken up AN on the million dollar challenge? Sounds to me like there are just some haters out there for one reason or another. You have to be pretty damn confident in your product to put a mill on it.


Rebel From The North
Haters there are and most of an is awsome
But theres stuff you shoulnt buy, in hydro
Bennys arnt needed for awsome plant growth
Its for res managment, and theres way cheap
Way like brewing teas check my thread out
I can brew enough tea to last 10days for like
3bucks lol and hands down will woop an bennys.
So stay with the basics and avoid an bennys.


Well-Known Member
Hey NoBarriers, don't let the negativity get you down. Unfortunately you get used to it after awhile (if you haven't already). The internet allows everyone to voice their opinion if they want to, and if you can say it often enough you can build the appearance that you know what you're talking about (not saying that anyone in particular doesn't know what they're talking about, but simply that what appears to be the voice of experience is not always the case).

Right now it's popular to hate Advanced Nutrients. Those of us who've been around long enough remember when the opposite was true. Now in my opinion, and I'm certainly not alone in this, the only thing that's happened since then is the company has gotten better at basically everything they do, including marketing. That, and ragging on AN is what the "cool kids" do, so a lot of people do it for no other reason than they want to fit in.

Anyway, more to the point, there's absolutely nothing wrong with using Advanced Nutrients. If you get good results with something by all means use it again. If someone else gets good results with something else it doesn't change the weight or quality of your bud in the slightest if you can make them feel unhappy about their choices.

Unfortunately many people never seem to learn the whole "more flies with honey than vinegar" thing and instead like to use sweeping generalizations like "people who use Advanced Nutrients" combined with insults like "are naive, stupid, etc." If I wanted to warn someone about a nutrient company I personally felt was bad (say Dyna Gro, just as an example) I would first make an effort not to paint every Dyna Gro user as a moron because that would immediately create an adversarial relationship.

If someone actually wants to help you, they won't be a douche. If someone just wants to spew out negativity, start an argument, or otherwise be a douche... well then that's the way to do it.

In short, don't sweat the haters. They hate everyone who isn't helping spread the hate.


Well-Known Member
Right now it's popular to hate Advanced Nutrients. Those of us who've been around long enough remember when the opposite was true. Now in my opinion, and I'm certainly not alone in this, the only thing that's happened since then is the company has gotten better at basically everything they do, including marketing. That, and ragging on AN is what the "cool kids" do, so a lot of people do it for no other reason than they want to fit in.

Anyway, more to the point, there's absolutely nothing wrong with using Advanced Nutrients. If you get good results with something by all means use it again. If someone else gets good results with something else it doesn't change the weight or quality of your bud in the slightest if you can make them feel unhappy about their choices.

Unfortunately many people never seem to learn the whole "more flies with honey than vinegar" thing and instead like to use sweeping generalizations like "people who use Advanced Nutrients" combined with insults like "are naive, stupid, etc." If I wanted to warn someone about a nutrient company I personally felt was bad (say Dyna Gro, just as an example) I would first make an effort not to paint every Dyna Gro user as a moron because that would immediately create an adversarial relationship.

If someone actually wants to help you, they won't be a douche. If someone just wants to spew out negativity, start an argument, or otherwise be a douche... well then that's the way to do it.

In short, don't sweat the haters. They hate everyone who isn't helping spread the hate.
Lets just be clear here; there are people exactly like you who tell new growers that they need to spend all their hard earned money on fertilizer. Then there are the 'haters' who tell those same beginners that you can get better results at a fraction of the price. Sounds to me like those 'haters' are actually the ones being helpful.


Well-Known Member
Hating on AN is NOT the popular thing to do as someone stated....what UTTER NONSENSE that statement is! The people that hate on AN is the result that MANY have when using or trying AN.....these are the people that have tried other brands for ALOT less money and have found out that AN is NOT the best and that the cheaper easier to use brands like Dynagro for example WORK BETTER!! Plain and simple.....not "popular"......ROFL!

The "HATE" comes into play when they find out how much they were just RIPPED OFF by purchasing AN at the ridiculous prices that they charge. Then more HATE comes when you find AN is a bunch of LIARS and do not use the best source materials which they claim is the reason for the high prices, that and all "Scientist PHD's" they have on the payroll....ROFL!! What a joke!

Then even MORE HATE comes out when you see the AN advertisement which looks like it was designed by a 3 year old.......

In other words, AN brings all the hate out of people by the way they conduct business which is NOT morally ethical for starters, or even lay in the bed you make......

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
I have watched AN since their new reps hit the bigger sites years ago doing their initial sales spin. They have more marketing schemes, more lies, than Heinz has got pickles. The "new" line, Grandmaster, is another psychological marketing tool aimed at the noob. The name and the hype that goes with it conjures up dreams of "mastering" big buds, grand style. Give them some time and they'll be coming out with another "bigger and better" line.

I pity the fools who bought into it hook, line, and sinker finally realizing they should have spent the hundreds of bucks they just wasted on bottle watered on a few good books.


Well-Known Member
But UB, now that you know that bigger and better harvests are right around the corner, what are you waiting for. Then you can decide wether or not to let your friends in on your new secret weapon while they compliment you on the increased essential oils and fragerant buds in your latest harvest. And with our Founders 100% money back guarantee, you have nothing to lose. Why would you treat your high value crops to anything less!

Yea, their advertising offends me. I also don't like the religion that their users buy into.