Opinions About Death


Well-Known Member
so i was wondering and thinking about this subject,We have life and while we are in life we view death in many ways.My thought is that death is a transition not a means to an eternal end ,though this form we currently manifest will cease to be when transition occurs, this much we do understand.While it is my belief that that everything is made of energy condensed to make the form physicaly manifest. Energy that can never be created nor destroyed,we have come to understand this in Science.We only transfer energy or are rearranged when changing forms.In this happening it is unknown if memories of past energy forms could transfer into the new form,yet I do not view as an impossibility,yet that is beside my point.What is death to you?

So what are your thoughts people?
I believe our oversoul exists a sort of energy sink that our beings spiral around in unison with the cosmos and await our next chance to excape the mortal coil and let our energy flow INTO the oversoul and realize our true potential to be one with the godhead as we began a peice of energy with purpose(soul).
Just my veiw
so i was wondering and thinking about this subject,We have life and while we are in life we view death in many ways.My thought is that death is a transition not a means to an eternal end ,though this form we currently manifest will cease to be when transition occurs, this much we do understand.While it is my belief that that everything is made of energy condensed to make the form physicaly manifest. Energy that can never be created nor destroyed,we have come to understand this in Science.We only transfer energy or are rearranged when changing forms.In this happening it is unknown if memories of past energy forms could transfer into the new form,yet I do not view as an impossibility,yet that is beside my point.What is death to you?

So what are your thoughts people?

our bodies just decompose and all the molecules break down into smaller chains so other organisms can use it. our memories are nothing but complexed connections between neurons in our brains, so no, our memories dont go with us. if you kill a rat, where does his memory go? if a cat eats that rat, will the cat take on the rats memories and possibly personality? no...

what makes us any different than a rat? why do people believe rats decompose and get eaten by other organisms, but humans dont? why would humans be special and have a 'soul' that goes up into heaven? it just sounds nice to us, so we believe it. we would like to think death is not the end, and there is a great afterlife waiting for us after. but of course, this is just all in our heads.
Thinking that death=end shows a that one does not really understand how time works.
Read Vonnegut's Slaughter House Five it will do you wonders.
Thinking that death=end shows a that one does not really understand how time works.
Read Vonnegut's Slaughter House Five it will do you wonders.

i believe that our thoughts, experiences, senses, memories, etc. are all just a function of the brain/body. when the brain doesnt work anymore, those all cease to function as well.

the book looks interesting, i will read. thanks
Death is something we understand pretty well. The afterlife is something we do not understand at all, not even to the point of knowing if it exists. The best answer anyone can come up with is "I don't know". There are some philosophical arguments for consciousness surviving physical death that are compelling and do not make that many assumptions to get there, but they sound nothing like typical ideas of the afterlife.

Which do you fear most, your own death, or the death of the people close to you? I do not relish the thought of my death, but IMO it is likely to be no different than sleep; no different than before my birth, so it is not likely to include awareness. That is something I experience nightly and do not fear. I do not like the idea that I will have to leave the party forever while everyone else gets to stay, but that is not fear. I am scared that I may get sick and suffer before I die, but that is fearing the process of death, not being dead. What I fear most is the utter sorrow i'll feel when death claims those I am close to.
our bodies just decompose and all the molecules break down into smaller chains so other organisms can use it. our memories are nothing but complexed connections between neurons in our brains, so no, our memories dont go with us. if you kill a rat, where does his memory go? if a cat eats that rat, will the cat take on the rats memories and possibly personality? no...

what makes us any different than a rat? why do people believe rats decompose and get eaten by other organisms, but humans dont? why would humans be special and have a 'soul' that goes up into heaven? it just sounds nice to us, so we believe it. we would like to think death is not the end, and there is a great afterlife waiting for us after. but of course, this is just all in our heads.

I can agree with your response completely Luger it makes perfect sense however the energy properties we inhabit in our form are still
not completeley known.take for example a train moving along on its tracks,well you have a running engine and when the engine dies or turns off the
train is still in motion even after the brakes are applied to slow its momentum to a stop.So my thought would be
if your brain shuts off and you die,and the body ceases to function,dose the energy inside the body instantly disapate or is there
a period where the brakes are being applied to this part so to speak,soul/essence/leftover energy/momentum leaving
the body or perhaps this is not a scientificaly sound thought?The idea being that there is a possibilty of an
aftereffect of our concsiousness when death occurs and because the theorized aftereffect isnt physicaly witnessed we cant put it
into a form of logic that is palpable.
Now mind you i think that the heaven/hell idea is whats in our heads,yet thats another topic discussed ad nauseum but we know this.:peace:
I just wonder if we are just complex connections why am I a ME and you you? How are we identifying our selves?? Energy space time= life But where is the I"?? I like the slowing of the train analogy it seems to be a interesting idea . Energy cannot be destroyed only manipulated.
I can agree with your response completely Luger it makes perfect sense however the energy properties we inhabit in our form are still
not completeley known.take for example a train moving along on its tracks,well you have a running engine and when the engine dies or turns off the
train is still in motion even after the brakes are applied to slow its momentum to a stop.So my thought would be
if your brain shuts off and you die,and the body ceases to function,dose the energy inside the body instantly disapate or is there
a period where the brakes are being applied to this part so to speak,soul/essence/leftover energy/momentum leaving
the body or perhaps this is not a scientificaly sound thought?The idea being that there is a possibilty of an
aftereffect of our concsiousness when death occurs and because the theorized aftereffect isnt physicaly witnessed we cant put it
into a form of logic that is palpable.
Now mind you i think that the heaven/hell idea is whats in our heads,yet thats another topic discussed ad nauseum but we know this.:peace:

the energy from that train is all still there. the momentum turns into heat and friction on the wheels, along with a small amount of wind resistance. it takes a loooong time for the train to stop because just the wheel friction doesnt transfer energy very well(that is the point of a wheel). you can shorten the time it takes to stop the train by applying brakes, which get really hot, and transfer the momentum energy into heat. all this heat dissipates into the air. of course brakes arent perfect transferers(word?) of heat, so it still takes time.

BUT if you had a big mountain sitting on the train tracks, that train would stop pretty quickly. if this were to happen, the energy would be changed into heat from friction through metal-on-metal and rock-on-metal contact, also the metal frames of the train would bend and break until all the energy is absorbed.

all of the energy stays in the system. nothing disappears.

now lets look at the body. the energy in the body is inside of our cells, and includes our heat too, and maybe something else i cant think of ATM. when we die, bacteria attack our cells and poop out stuff that either other bacteria or plants like to eat. bugs like worms also do this. the bacteria also release heat and O2 or CO2(dont remember which). if you take all of this energy(including the energy inside the bugs) and added it all up, it would equal EXACTLY the energy that was in your body beforehand. of course, this gets very complicated because you have to determine how much heat was produced, how much O2 or CO2, etc etc.
but they can do these types of experiments in small scale with multiple methods.

i believe you are mistaking the word energy for what most would refer to as a soul. many people have tried to find it within the body, but all have failed. i remember one experiment where a guy weighed patients as they died to see if the soul left, and made them lose weight in the process. it didnt work :mrgreen:

as i said before, i believe(pretty much fact) once our brain stops functioning, so do our mental capabilities. this includes the senses, memory, logic, thought, consciousness, etc. without these things, it should not matter if there is an afterlife for us, because this is what makes us. we wouldnt even realize its an afterlife because we would not be aware of our current lives.

im high
Death is the great unknown, period. Only those who have gone before us know whats on the other side. One day we will all get to experience it for ourselves, that is certain.
I just wonder if we are just complex connections why am I a ME and you you? How are we identifying our selves?? Energy space time= life But where is the I"?? I like the slowing of the train analogy it seems to be a interesting idea . Energy cannot be destroyed only manipulated.

that is exactly what we are; complexed connections. we are a collection of trillions of cells, each with their own function and job. just the human brain alone is the most complexed single thing we know of. the complexity of it is astonishing to say the least.

this thread reminded me of these. this guys got a lot of good ones.
Death is the great unknown, period. Only those who have gone before us know whats on the other side. One day we will all get to experience it for ourselves, that is certain.

ahh but what if we DONT experience it? the word experience means you have to sense it in some way, correct? if so, those already dead may not be able to sense/experience it and thus would not know. there would have to be some COMPLETELY different system of reality and thought processing for us to experience an afterlife. our senses, memories, etc. are merely a collection of neurons connected to eachother. they do not go with us. so how would we process thoughts? how would we comprehend what is happening?

not arguing, im just high and shouting questions =]
It is an endless nameless that you describe,without the brain.the body we dont process anything,theorizing the afterlife is all we can do at this point,but it is a possibility that we are still
taking on another form of life,the complexity of it is on a scale that is next to mentaly intangible.The only phenomena that never ceases is change this much seems certain,perhaps memories, experience of life itself is only occuring in the moment they are realized in the mind and do not carry over after transition of form.That seems nominal.Energy and the soul are 2 different things because energy is physical, a soul is but a thought and theory to comfort those who are uncomfortable with the thought of it being just as such.Do i ask that you think about it as a possibility of being a form of energy?Yes.But i wont try to win you over with the jelly in the center of donut,Good vids though.
It is an endless nameless that you describe,without the brain.the body we dont process anything,theorizing the afterlife is all we can do at this point,but it is a possibility that we are still
taking on another form of life,the complexity of it is on a scale that is next to mentaly intangible.The only phenomena that never ceases is change this much seems certain,perhaps memories, experience of life itself is only occuring in the moment they are realized in the mind and do not carry over after transition of form.That seems nominal.Energy and the soul are 2 different things because energy is physical, a soul is but a thought and theory to comfort those who are uncomfortable with the thought of it being just as such.Do i ask that you think about it as a possibility of being a form of energy?Yes.But i wont try to win you over with the jelly in the center of donut,Good vids though.

yes we are all energy. atoms are just energy taking the form of mass. too stoned to think right now haha
no one knows...

to to presume that you do... is one of the most arrogant thoughts in human history. all we have is an idea, our beliefs... they are just ideas too. accepting my own ignorance of the universe was pretty hard at first, but it brings you a certain unexplainable feeling of peace, happiness and freedom as well.

the past lives only in memory, the future lives only in imagination... the only real tangible thing in existence is the here and now, right here, right now.

dont fear the unknown, accept it. dont fear death, accept it... theres not much else you can do except be afraid lol.

the only thing we can do is be positive, set a good example for others... and just pretty much love life to the fullest.

ps. i enjoyed reading all of your cool thoughts and ideas =D thank you for sharing
death completes the cycle of life, its nothin to be afraid of. The thing i dont get is .when some folk have this romance bullshit with death...ive watched people die, and there aint no romance in it lol , its just a part of life.

Im with Strife....live life to the fullest cuz you never know when your clocks gonna get punched.