The UK Growers Thread!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Fuck plans i just improvised as i encountered issues. I still can't get myself to follow the whole measure twice cut once lark, more like just have spare wood for when i cock up :D

Lots and lots still to do. Got to buy a filtration or some form or other and possibly get another hole drilled in the ceiling as i don't fancy extractor fans in my bedroom. Then i need to buy a bunch of CFL's and fittings and wire and plugs etc, then mylar the thing up and install some removable dividers. I also plan to install another floor in the box which will sit on rails so the entire platform can slide out from niside so i don't have to be doing my neck and back in peering around inside :) Thinking 3 or 4 sections with a male and female in each. Fun times ahead :) Once again i do something that makes me think fuck Canada :p

Also means the veg tent is now at eye level which is nice :)



Well-Known Member
got 2 400w hps laying around i dont need....anyone got any fans or filters an wanna do a swap? either that or a tent


Well-Known Member
Fuck plans i just improvised as i encountered issues. I still can't get myself to follow the whole measure twice cut once lark, more like just have spare wood for when i cock up :D

Lots and lots still to do. Got to buy a filtration or some form or other and possibly get another hole drilled in the ceiling as i don't fancy extractor fans in my bedroom. Then i need to buy a bunch of CFL's and fittings and wire and plugs etc, then mylar the thing up and install some removable dividers. I also plan to install another floor in the box which will sit on rails so the entire platform can slide out from niside so i don't have to be doing my neck and back in peering around inside :) Thinking 3 or 4 sections with a male and female in each. Fun times ahead :) Once again i do something that makes me think fuck Canada :p

Also means the veg tent is now at eye level which is nice :)
I bet it would be cheaper and easier to pick up a second hand pair of large chester draws and modify it.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Didn't cost a penny to build that. Just a couple of hours of my time that i had originally planned to waste playing Giants :D Only things which will cost money will be the internals which id have to buy either way


Well-Known Member
mate i saw that gaff on masterchef the guy does a pistachio foam mouse thing, looked fuckin lush
it was pretty fuckin special man. the icing on the cake, the director and some of the crew from world war Z (brad pitts new film being filmed in glasgow which we saw earlier that day) was sat on the table next to us lol. good fucking day/ night man

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I always fancy going to fancy restaurants but well, when i'm paying for me grub i always pick what i know i'll enjoy and never experiment, i ent paying £30-40 for a main course i'm gonna end up not enjoying. £5 and i might try a different pizza but i ent about to order me fish with an unpronounceable sauce i know nowt about :lol: fuck that play it safe haha


Well-Known Member
lol im exactly the same in most but in that place i know whatever i eat will be effing good. i dont mess with my pizzas though man, bbq chicken, peppers and onions ... since '03 lol

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I've only ever ordered 2 pizza's in my life when they're not store bought, four seasons or capricciosa. Olices anchovies capers egg artichoke mmmmm. Saying that i think i once bought a pollo picante and thought it was crap.


Well-Known Member
see the way they treat newusers round here and u wonder why no1 stays lol

fear not well not yet anyway WoW u wait till the i finished this half bottle tho lol