Club 600


Well-Known Member
I don't even think wally knows there's a competition going on. Hey wally. We are having a picture competition. you are supposed to print out the 600 logo and put it on sticker paper stuff. Stick it up around town, where-ever you want. Best entry wins a shit load of cool stuff from DST. A bunch of seeds and more goodies. I think the comp will run not too much longer if you wanna get some entries in.

Also, can be printed on regular paper, or glossy photo paper, and applied with backing tape or spray adhesive.

hey i need club 600 help :( dunno if you remember me posted a few times only
posted this elsewhere and got nothing... plus i need experienced growers advice on ALL this ... thanks plz!!!!!! :D

this is my first medical grow... flowering 5 plants (two mini) that were vegged well under CFL/flouro 250watt+ it was all i had and now i'm paying for it because my fav plant Chem4 is stretched out is looking real shitty unlike my other plants... even my plants that were vegged pretty well aren't getting big colas for 25-30 days... i checked others, for the whole flowering ive been using Lumatek 1000watt... anyways I want to chop the skinnyass Chem4 into a bunch of clones its at about 25 days into flower its not gonna give me much at all, is it possible, it has more than hairs on it lol see for yourself...

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It was an expensive clone and it would give me MANY more clones than bud is it even possible though? that's some small buds there....

also.... here's one of my regular plants that im not really satisfied with... (searched other's flowering times and compared) it's not lookin like its goin to FILL out like those bigass colas i see... and im afriad my next grow will do the same, tell me if its because it was veg'd under cfl even though it was well done! just not enough nodes? im afraid the sativa's im veging now wont fillup with big colas, i don't see how they will with what im experiencing now under my 1kwatt lumatek (temps are fine)... heres the purple diesel pic day25-30 of flower (not of 12/12)
View attachment 1769044
Your plants look like a few of mine did.
Some of mine had problems in the root system in that some numbskull (me) left some of the pots sitting in water far too lang after watering (10-minute wicking is fine, but not overnight, and certainly NOT multiple times like I did).
It really hurt the rhizoshpere, killing most of the beneficial organisms that provide the plant with most of it's nutrient needs.
They were stunted and looked like they were dying in the pots when they should have been flowering up and getting bigger.
So, if it's not nute lock out from other causes, then it might be that your root system needs a re-boost of fresh mychorrhizae.


Well-Known Member
I don't even think wally knows there's a competition going on. Hey wally. We are having a picture competition. you are supposed to print out the 600 logo and put it on sticker paper stuff. Stick it up around town, where-ever you want. Best entry wins a shit load of cool stuff from DST. A bunch of seeds and more goodies. I think the comp will run not too much longer if you wanna get some entries in.

That WOULD make a cool personalized license plate: "Club600"


Active Member
Yeah something is up with those. Whats in the soil?have you checked the run off? Possibly miss a few waterings? Its something.
I didn't check runoff... im using the crappy drops to test PH... usually get them to yellow-greenish, what i was told to do.. its about 6.4-6.8 i think... and i feed every other day usually... can't believe this, i don't know what it is... im giving them Big Bud and Bud candy with my nutes as well but not overdoing it...


Well-Known Member
So I'm posting online pics
of tasty mary jane
and some guy gives me a box of swag filled of way cool STUFF!
So I looked at him and said,
"Man, I didn't axe you for none of yo' sick-ass merch! Do I look like a contest entrant to you!?"
Congratulations to the GROOOUUNNDD!!!!!
I'm not part of your system!
That'll teach you' to give away free stuff, "Cannabis...


*before anyone thinks I too weird & behind the times: I am both :-)
I am a cinema buff, and former TV addict (Television Free Since April of 2011™), and can't stand 99% of SNL stuff, so I quit watching back in the late 1980's, but it means I miss out on things most were hip to when it was fresh.
So my apologies for that, I guess ;-)

I've just been using the "Threw It On the Ground" theme on lots of things lately.
Makes life funner.



Well-Known Member
I think peeps are shakin in their boots because the epic trip around so cal is going to be photographed tomorrow. Wife's now quite interested in my winning... so it's on. Like Donkey Kong.

lol doob. I THREW IT ON THE G|ROUND!!!! maaaaaaan.


Well-Known Member
I think peeps are shakin in their boots because the epic trip around so cal is going to be photographed tomorrow. Wife's now quite interested in my winning... so it's on. Like Donkey Kong.

lol doob. I THREW IT ON THE G|ROUND!!!! maaaaaaan.
If you pad your post count with an extra 75 posts, you can post your pics when you've reached post #4200 ;-)

Green Apple

Well-Known Member
Hold on....:joint:....ahhh, thats better....:mrgreen: Well it was of with there heads this AM, and I must say, that I am very pleased with this crop. Holy Smoke seeds held there own for sure! Sorry guy's.....I've been so damn buisy, I didn't really have time to do a proper photo shoot, I havn't even had a chance to medicate:cry: Dropped $350 at the hydro store, started building my trellis, and made some wicked progress to my new room, I'll try to get some before and after pics (you'll be shocked!). I've got some 7 day dry strawberry diesel (cherrybomb pheno taken @8 weeks), that I've been dying to try! Peace:peace: everyone, it's time for a serious session!!!!

Oh yeah, the pic with the white sheeting was A LOT different looking this AM!


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Active Member
what up fellow six hundred-ers, how ya'll been doin??"s another set of pics from my ladies.....................enjoy.

BURMESE.jpgBurmese Kush
BLUE_WIDOW.jpgBlue Widow
SOUR_ak.jpgSour AK


Well-Known Member
lol.. you didnt stir up any bad emotions and you shouldnt be sorry. why dont you just lighten up and get a sence of humor.
Well that's good then. No worries and bowls all around. I was questioning my post right after I posted it hoping you wouldn't take me the wrong way, you know with me pushing the doll thing and all. ;) Anyway, then you replied and it was so full of excitement. Oh but was it a good kind of excitement, or a baaaaaad kind of excitement? Hard to tell sometimes. But cool heads prevail and all rocks on in the world. Best to ya bro and may all your trichomes be just as amber as you want them to be. :peace:

EDIT: I stand corrected. Best to ya "young lady"... I was not aware. Totally explains the dolls. Not so creepy anymore and frankly a bit of a relief. Whew!


Well-Known Member
Could someone tell me if they see any signs of purple in these pics? I am colorblind and cant really tell. I know it doesn't look like the regular green weed i usually grow. I was told that these plants would turn purple late in flowering and i think they are.


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Well-Known Member
Cool, I have been trying to keep my temps when light off as cool as i can. I have been getting the temps down to 68f at night. I just hope that they finish soon because I ran out of nutes a few days ago and all they have been getting is molasses. I probably wont receive my new nutes in time to help. Alot of the leaves have turned yellow and it is affecting the bud leaves and i dont want them to turn all yellow on me. They could be harvested now from the looks at the trichs. Most of them have turned milky and there is a few amber ones. I was just hoping for more of the hairs to turn red.