tea bag thuggery!

feff f

Active Member

Jack Fate

New Member
fox news probably made the whole thing up. it wasnt even hoffa speaking, it was one of those hot fox reporters in disquise......and obama wasnt even there. that was the guy from saturday night live.

but watch out for the tea baggers....they are dangerous right wing nutjobs.......
The left better watch out or they'll get hit upside the head with wet tea bags. Might leave a mark.

feff f

Active Member
The left better watch out or they'll get hit upside the head with wet tea bags. Might leave a mark.
and when they went to that beck thing in dc by the tens of thousands, they even cleaned up after themselves.....

i ask you, is there anything worse than a cleanly thug?


Well-Known Member
"HOFFA: Everybody here's got to vote. If we go back and keep the eye on the prize, let's take these son of a bitches out and give America back to America where we belong! Thank you very much!"

Who considers a call to vote as "thuggery"?

That's just stupid, ignorant and well completely dishonest. You choose to subject yourself to such bullshit huh?

That's a you problem.

Jack Fate

New Member
"HOFFA: Everybody here's got to vote. If we go back and keep the eye on the prize, let's take these son of a bitches out and give America back to America where we belong! Thank you very much!"

Who considers a call to vote as "thuggery"?

That's just stupid, ignorant and well completely dishonest. You choose to subject yourself to such bullshit huh?

That's a you problem.
Calling the American people "sons of bitches" is thuggery.


Well-Known Member
Do you have a link for that quote?
If I did, will you finally admit that you are being lead around by the nose by a billionaire from Australia in the form of Propaganda?

If I did, would you admit that this is a non story being pushed by a biased 'news' organization with the intent of manipulating voters?

If I did, would you admit to being gullible and falling for shit that isn't true?

Jack Fate

New Member
"Don't Call Me names" - Jack Fate.

And for the record, he didn't call me a son of a bitch. But if he did, I could handle it.
The American people are not "sons of bitches". Doesn't matter what your politics are. This kind of inflammatory rhetoric is unacceptable. When our Dear Leader steps up to the podium on Thursday evening, someone should stand up and demand he condemn Hoffa's words. If our Dear Leader doesn't then every republican should get up and walk out.


Well-Known Member
I think the tea baggers are son's a bitches too. You need some skin man.

Ready to admit that you are being mislead by a 'news' organization yet or are you too busy moving goal posts?

Jack Fate

New Member
I think the tea baggers are son's a bitches too. You need some skin man.

Ready to admit that you are being mislead by a 'news' organization yet or are you too busy moving goal posts?
I think leftys are pusillanimous pissants.

I'm ready to admit you don't know anything about me and using Fox News is nothing but deflection and I welcome your thoughts so I can ram them up your ass.


Well-Known Member
You asked for a link to the quote that Fox Edited. You didn't believe me. You believed what Fox News told you.

Then you Googled it and found out that I was right and Fox News was simply misleading you. So you edited your post and moved the goal posts to a "your pussy is sore because you got called a name" position.

Just admit that you fell for misinformation. It's no big deal. Everyone already knows that you did. Just admit it.

Just admit that I educated you and we can move on from this non-story brought to you by the propaganda that is Fox News and you fell for it.


Well-Known Member
I think leftys are pusillanimous pissants.

I'm ready to admit you don't know anything about me and using Fox News is nothing but deflection and I welcome your thoughts so I can ram them up your ass.
That sound like thuggery to me.

Jack Fate

New Member
You asked for a link to the quote that Fox Edited. You didn't believe me. You believed what Fox News told you.

Then you Googled it and found out that I was right and Fox News was simply misleading you. So you edited your post and moved the goal posts to a "your pussy is sore because you got called a name" position.

Just admit that you fell for misinformation. It's no big deal. Everyone already knows that you did. Just admit it.

Just admit that I educated you and we can move on from this non-story brought to you by the propaganda that is Fox News and you fell for it.
LOL. I changed my words because I had a differnt thought. You give yourself waaaay too much credit for something that never happened. Using Fox news is what ignorant idiots do because they don't have the intellect or information to make a coherenet argument. Like I said, I welcome your thoughts on the Tea Party or anything else so I can shove them up your lying ass right in front of everyone here.


Well-Known Member
Did you still need that link that you asked for? The one stating the truth. Something tells me you found it all by yourself. Good. It's good to expand your information sources. Some are very misleading and make people look like fools for digesting and trying to spread their misinformation.

Good thing that doesn't pertain to you huh....................