For mod april

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
You got some rep and lost your mod abilities. Good trade off. :) I got over 350 rep points and kept my mod status that night. ;) Gotta learn to balance things yo.


Well-Known Member
I just read this from back to front looking for the stuff like you might hear when you play a record backwards.
You know what?
I er me neither lol..

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
DSB, I know you're online. =) Don't try to be 'invisible'. You fail at it miserably. ;) You think you can kill crypt? You've just become a prime example of exclusively assured destruction. There was a point in history where Seppuku could be noble and graceful...

Truce for now my little pilgrim spider.


Well-Known Member
dsb, i know you're online. =) don't try to be 'invisible'. You fail at it miserably. ;) you think you can kill crypt? You've just become a prime example of exclusively assured destruction. There was a point in history where seppuku could be noble and graceful...

Truce for now my little pilgrim spider.
i tried to call a truce with you....but you called just need to be put in your place.........

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
BTW, you do realize that a truce isn't the end of a war. You called for peace. A COMPLETELY different thing than a truce.

An agreement between enemies or opponents to stop fighting or arguing for a certain time


Well-Known Member
I just wanna know if there are going to be any new pics of April up in this bitch!!!!!!!!!!!

Not concerned with the rest.

You guy's play nice ya heard?????????