The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
thought ah screw it :P just bought my first cfl the switch over is happening lol little bit more skint than i thought i was gonna be so just had to get a 300w blue with hanger for now and hopefully get the red next week :)


Well-Known Member
gotta go bit careful on that site silly things like to get a few sheets of mylar delivered is £11.99

yet to send my bulb and hanger is £5.99

i guess they think were stoned all the time lol


Well-Known Member
lol dgt..sambo be on soon for a good old rant hahaha he cheer ya up lol
i aint even got a rant left in me lol

just looked around me flat tho thinking whys it look like i been robbed??? then it came to me lol shop was shutting at 10pm second bottle was needed couldnt find me keys fucking anywhere tho was going nuts looking for em then i found em in me front fucking door where id left em for good no's who long! twatattack!!!


Well-Known Member
Sambo whats we tryin to dis me last night, then I shot you down an you deleted ya post ya puff?........makin me look like a loon lmao