60 day wonder - is it ready?


Well-Known Member
looks prety swollen and covered in resin, looks done if the trics are to your liking


Well-Known Member
90% of the hairs on it have turned colour. I really want to harvest it but I don't want to have my yield shortened.
They are only supposed to yield about 28-40 or so grams


Well-Known Member
look at it with a scope. you can get one at radio shack for 10 bucks. when all the trichs are milky white a little amber if you like. id say at least a week and a half


Well-Known Member
lol i think you misunderstood. your plant isnt done putting on weight, but totally smokable. i had to harvest an auto at 65 days and it was beautiful, but could have easily gone on for another 2 or 3 weeks.

everybody gets impatient, but especially if you're growing organic in soil, give her time to ripen.


Well-Known Member
wait it out it will be worth it. i know how you feel trust me it used to happen to me all the time. now i have to fight with my self to cut it down.


Well-Known Member
wait it out it will be worth it. i know how you feel trust me it used to happen to me all the time. now i have to fight with my self to cut it down.
Let is go until the leaves turn yellow and all the hairs recede and you can't wait any more.

Remember, you will probably want to dry it (1 week) and cure it (minimum 2 weeks) soooo...

Nice Plants :joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
literally every day you put off chopping, your plant will put on resin weight until it peaks out and starts to degrade with completely amber trichs. the buds will start drooping and the plant will look like its soaked up a bunch of maple syrup. after this, the plant will start to die, beginning with the fan leaves.
i wanted to see what cannabis looks like as it finishes its life cycle in nature. very interesting.

bottom line, i always harvest late now that i smoke for medical. it makes for a much heavier smoke. harvesting early trips me out.


Well-Known Member
wait it out it will be worth it. i know how you feel trust me it used to happen to me all the time. now i have to fight with my self to cut it down.
Oh man its killing me to see this sexy girl everyday and not be able to smoke her!

It will be a lot easier though because I just grabbed a new batch of some bomb kush,
should tie me over for the time being...


Well-Known Member
literally every day you put off chopping, your plant will put on resin weight until it peaks out and starts to degrade with completely amber trichs. the buds will start drooping and the plant will look like its soaked up a bunch of maple syrup. after this, the plant will start to die, beginning with the fan leaves.
i wanted to see what cannabis looks like as it finishes its life cycle in nature. very interesting.

bottom line, i always harvest late now that i smoke for medical. it makes for a much heavier smoke. harvesting early trips me out.
Oh man I can't wait for the day i can chop her down, but I guess I am gonna wait and let her fatten tha fuck up!
Thanks for your input bra. I def need a heavier smoke because this shit is crossed with ruderalis so gotta get the best I can get out of her!!