Women who ALLWAYS us Sexual inuendos.

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Sector 5 Moderator
You guys complain when we behave or call us frigid.

Why watch so much porn when you don't respect women who act like porn stars, but you desire them more than a sweet girl who loves and cooks for you. Double standards...

Innuendo- how else are we to hold the wavering attention of the average adult male??!
Sweet girls do not know how to please her man; sluts do. Now, make me a fucking sandwich. :)

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
You guys complain when we behave or call us frigid.

Why watch so much porn when you don't respect women who act like porn stars, but you desire them more than a sweet girl who loves and cooks for you. Double standards...

Innuendo- how else are we to hold the wavering attention of the average adult male??!
Welcome to the bizarre world of straight-male double standards. Also known as The Madonna-Whore Complex.


Ursus marijanus
Like that old joke about the importance of capitalization.
"I helped my Uncle Jack off a horse."

Now go lower-case...
cheers 'neer


Well-Known Member
I MUST repeat....sexual-in-your-endo!

I change my mind from before,
I like a dirty girl!
Bend her over like a whore,
C'mon baby, let's take a whirl!

A poem on peyote :)


Well-Known Member
The women come the women go,
In all your beauty and your glory,
Don't go around and act all whorey,
Elst we call thee a dirty hoe.

Poems on peyote :)

Maybe ill start a thread tomorow. (Not all about sexuall in your endos :) I swear! )
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