The helpful random ? thread.


Well-Known Member
Alright I always have random questions or funny things that I have noticed and have no idea where to put them, and I'm sure many of you have the same problem.
And that is the very reason I made this thread. I feel like the question I am about to ask is pretty pathetic to start a thread over but this is the point if this thread, a place where you can ask anything and get an answer.

Alright so I just tried a new drink (Lipton green tea citrus) and it's amazing. Thing is it smells and tastes like a strain I used to love and haven't had in a while. So my question is would you be kind enough and go pick up this drink smell it and of course drink it, and if you can tell me what strain this drink smells and tastes like please tell me. Ha, this is a completely serious question. Haven't you guys ever had that moment where you saw, smelled, or heard something that just sweeps you away with memories? Well that happened to me with this drink. :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Oh and in case you forgot statements or funny things you saw today you can talk about on here. :).
Example: I was watching tv and on the bottom of the screen there was a list of "political heroes" any ways one of their names was Mary Jane Hoffman. That's hilarious, you know her parents smoked the great herb.


Active Member
Mary Jane is in fact a very common Eastern American name. It's peak of popularity was in the 1950's more pre-marijuana stage (society wise) anyway.
Therefore, the chances she was named that was probably because her parents went with a typical name in that era.
Like we do with "Jessica's & Justin's" currently.

... Side note, I want to name my first daughter Mary-Jane myself although, so maybe your right to. Lol.

[edit] Not much of a funny question or anything, but just wondering if Coca-Cola Icee's are becoming the most popular flavor now days? It use to always be Cherry, then they came out with all these other flavors, but I most commonly see Mountain Dew/Coke ones over Cherry/Blueberry.

I myself, have about 2 Coke Icee's a week. At least.


Well-Known Member
Mary Jane is in fact a very common Eastern American name. It's peak of popularity was in the 1950's more pre-marijuana stage (society wise) anyway.
Therefore, the chances she was named that was probably because her parents went with a typical name in that era.
Like we do with "Jessica's & Justin's" currently.

... Side note, I want to name my first daughter Mary-Jane myself although, so maybe your right to. Lol.

[edit] Not much of a funny question or anything, but just wondering if Coca-Cola Icee's are becoming the most popular flavor now days? It use to always be Cherry, then they came out with all these other flavors, but I most commonly see Mountain Dew/Coke ones over Cherry/Blueberry.

I myself, have about 2 Coke Icee's a week. At least.
Oh man I love coke flavored icees. I drink them alot. They are the perfect mix of ice and soda and are great at getting rid of that cottonmouth and saves you when you take too big of a hit and can't stop coughing.


Pickle Queen
WTF icees lol in Canada we call em freezies lol
mmmmm maybe i should grab a handful from my freezer,
I got a box of the Mr Freezies


Well-Known Member
WTF icees lol in Canada we call em freezies lol
mmmmm maybe i should grab a handful from my freezer,
I got a box of the Mr Freezies
View attachment 1789359
lmfao there both different.We call them freeze pops.

And Urca you should subscribe,bookmark and set this thread as your home page,I think it'll be useful for you.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Damn I took too long to post a pic of one, haha I was deciding which one was best. Oh well now April knows what an icee is x3


Well-Known Member
What you guys call a coca cola? Where im from we say, " a coke" please? I kmow its different all over, so


Well-Known Member
lmfao there both different.We call them freeze pops.

And Urca you should subscribe,bookmark and set this thread as your home page,I think it'll be useful for you.
yeah we call those freeze pops over here too, although one of my girlfriends back in middle school always called them mr.freezies. But either way we aren't talking about those delicious things we are talking about ICEE's!!!


Well-Known Member
That tea reminds me of a pot we would get back in high school. My feiends dad had the connect and we would get lima limon and another one they would call "pinito" or "piney"

Those were some of the best weeds i ve ever had, sad thing is, it is extremwly difficult to find the.same if at all

Alright I always have random questions or funny things that I have noticed and have no idea where to put them, and I'm sure many of you have the same problem.
And that is the very reason I made this thread. I feel like the question I am about to ask is pretty pathetic to start a thread over but this is the point if this thread, a place where you can ask anything and get an answer.

Alright so I just tried a new drink (Lipton green tea citrus) and it's amazing. Thing is it smells and tastes like a strain I used to love and haven't had in a while. So my question is would you be kind enough and go pick up this drink smell it and of course drink it, and if you can tell me what strain this drink smells and tastes like please tell me. Ha, this is a completely serious question. Haven't you guys ever had that moment where you saw, smelled, or heard something that just sweeps you away with memories? Well that happened to me with this drink. :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the help oly, but it doesn't ring a bell. But for sure if I come across those strains I will try them out. Also I would get it all the time. Damn what was it, ha?


Well-Known Member
icee has pink lemonade, raspberry lemonade, cherry lime, white cherry...

a fat joint and an icee sound so good right now.


Well-Known Member
Nah, you wont find these anywhere unless you got a straight connect south of the border.

These strains came from michuachan i think back in 2000-03, where im from not many people know much about growing much less strain type...

I wish i had some right now. I hate getting crappy ass weed from sorry ass dealers. Good thing i only got 9wks to go till i get some pret ty dank stuff!


Well-Known Member
Have you all ever made a hole through an apple, put a joint through it and smoke it?

Pretty good smoke, then you eat the apple and it tastes like apple weed!