Weed=wBeautiful walks


Well-Known Member
I like to smoke before i have to walk to school in the morning, or when im just walking around the campus, and it makes me realize what a beautiful place i live in, and i go on long rambling walks, or i get so caught up in my surroundings i get to school hella fast...
go get fucked up then take a nice walk!


Active Member
I use to walk to school high & walk home high all the time. Me & my cousin use to tear the streets up stoned lol, it literally makes everything so much more beautiful. Real talk.


New Member
I used to work with a girl who liked to take e and go for walks. Now that sounds like fun. Talk to random strangers cranked outta your mind


New Member
Theres a canyon kinda close to me that has a lot of differnent colors in the walls...and its always kinda cool and windy down there...its a GREAT place to walk around high!!!!!

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Theres a canyon kinda close to me that has a lot of differnent colors in the walls...and its always kinda cool and windy down there...its a GREAT place to walk around high!!!!!
I love biking in the canyons. The wind blowing through the rocks and sage make a particular sound that is so soothing. I usually smoke a bowl before I head out. I drive my car up to the Colorado/New Mexico border and there is a huge mesa with tons of canyons along it and ruins everywhere. I don't mess with them. The Anasazi are still hanging out there. ;)



Well-Known Member
alright let me rephrase that because i know it sounds stupid.

I mean when you look at a 2d image there isn't that much going on but pull it out into 3d and it has many more details and ect.

Now imagine you can take that 3d image and pull it out into 4-d and look at it <<< that's what shrooms are like you will see the things you always just ignore and find details in the patterns and such.


New Member
So much better having a walk on shrooms. I dont know how to put it but every thing looks so 3-d lol
I bought some shrooms from a MoM, should be here monday. I got a date with a girl I met on okcupid, we're going to shroom at the mall. Probably catch a movie after a bit of walking and looking at stuff.


Well-Known Member
I bought some shrooms from a MoM, should be here monday. I got a date with a girl I met on okcupid, we're going to shroom at the mall. Probably catch a movie after a bit of walking and looking at stuff.
Are you experienced?

Shrooms are not for crowded public places the outsiders will think you have down syndrome.


New Member
Are you experienced?

Shrooms are not for crowded public places the outsiders will think you have down syndrome.
I've done it before but she hasn't. I don't plan on feeding her more than 3 caps because I'm not sure the potency compared to stuff you buy on the street. If things get too dicey we'll just go to the movie theater


Active Member
I've done it before but she hasn't. I don't plan on feeding her more than 3 caps because I'm not sure the potency compared to stuff you buy on the street. If things get too dicey we'll just go to the movie theater
Really stupid idea... if your a U.S. resident at least. Lol.
I know here in the states if you get caught doing something stupid like this, you not only end up on "most idiotic criminals" tv show, but you'll be in some trouble as well.
It's really not smart for an experienced shroomer to be in public while shrooming, but to do it with someone who never has - less smart.
Not to mention, someone you never even met, I'm assuming?

Not trying to make you sound like a douchebag, but it certainly isn't smart.
It's also very unsafe for the people around you at the time.

For so many reasons this idea is stupid as shit, sorry.
...Just saying.