what is it that convinces you ?

Problem is heph, you can lead a horse to water, but cant make em drink it. You can tell them where to find it but they wont look.

Well the lack of knowledge in science of how the world was created leads me to belief in a greater being. Personally I follow the bible because of the morals it teaches. I'm not sure how much is still true in the bible since it was probably corrupted or someone might have wrote something false in it.

You want proof? Just google proof of Christianity and you will find several facts that link to historical evidence that is referred to in the bible.

The Muslims believe we go to heaven if we are good so yeah.
And honestly I don't know where they come up with this other religions go to hell stuff. I mean the only scripture I can find is when Jesus says "the only way to the father is through me." but of course. If he died for our sins then that's exactly true, it doesn't mean that other religions go to hell. We can't judge only god does.
I think he is saying to just ask for guidance, just ask.

if i asked god something, the answers would come from my own brain anyways. so i dont see a reason

You don't have to believe but give it a shot.

why? on the off chance i give it a shot and start believing it? no thanks

Because what else do you have to lose?

my dignity, self respect, my time, my energy, and my free will

Jesus would know you don't believe in him/god but he would also know you gave religion a chance. That's what he is saying IMO.

why on earth would i give religion a chance? there is absolutely no reason to believe in it, other than a false feeling of satisfaction.
Well the lack of knowledge in science of how the world was created leads me to belief in a greater being. Personally I follow the bible because of the morals it teaches. I'm not sure how much is still true in the bible since it was probably corrupted or someone might have wrote something false in it.

You want proof? Just google proof of Christianity and you will find several facts that link to historical evidence that is referred to in the bible.

The Muslims believe we go to heaven if we are good so yeah.
And honestly I don't know where they come up with this other religions go to hell stuff. I mean the only scripture I can find is when Jesus says "the only way to the father is through me." but of course. If he died for our sins then that's exactly true, it doesn't mean that other religions go to hell. We can't judge only god does.

Doesn't scripture say something about false idols? I watched this movie called spiderman, and in it is the city of New York, is that proof that spiderman is real?
so because you dont know, it is okay to assume a god created the universe? why make assumptions?

there is both good and bad in the bible. choosing to only look at the good does not mean the bible is a good moral teacher.
and why cant you follow the same morals without religion? humans naturally have morals. if that wasnt true, all atheists would be serial killers and rapists. i think you are smart enough to realize stealing, murder, etc. is wrong

yeah thats exactly why you shouldnt rely on it for truth and morals. maybe there was something written in it that was taken out, and maybe you go against that thing every day. how would you know?

i will do that

if belief that jesus died for our sins and he was the son of god is the only way to get to heaven, how do muslims get in?

Why make assumptions? Because god is the only other being I can believe in to make such intelligent designs. The big bang is impossible IMO so how can I believe that? Can you prove the big bang to me?

Humans do not have natural morals check out the feral child.

My point on how some of the people writing in it could be lying was to say that I believe in god but not really them. But fair enough response from you on that subject.

Tell me what you think of this evidence.

Jesus died for all of our sins so I believe that Jesus died for everyone's sins including Muslims. That passage never says that if you don't believe in him you go to hell. What that passage says is thanks to Jesus' sacrifice we have the option to be with god.
Doesn't scripture say something about false idols? I watched this movie called spiderman, and in it is the city of New York, is that proof that spiderman is real?

No and that is a horrible argument BTW. There is proof of a great flood like it says in the bible (noahs ark) there is tombs of the people talked about in the bible, there's more proof too, I encourage you to go google them yourself.

And yes the false preachers are the people that tell you that something is right by twisting the scriptures (extremists).
if i asked god something, the answers would come from my own brain anyways. so i dont see a reason

why? on the off chance i give it a shot and start believing it? no thanks

my dignity, self respect, my time, my energy, and my free will

why on earth would i give religion a chance? there is absolutely no reason to believe in it, other than a false feeling of satisfaction.

Don't tell me tell vileplum. If you don't want to believe that's fine with me. The bible tells us to try and help people find the truth and if they don't want to hear it then dust off your feet and move on. So pretty much it's like alright, your loss.
Who said jesus died for all our sins? Was is god? was it one of these people who wrote in the bible? How do you pick which person writing in it could be lying, or mis-understanding?
Problem is heph, you can lead a horse to water, but cant make em drink it. You can tell them where to find it but they wont look.

I know but Luger is asking some questions so I'm gonna answer them. But then again we are just gonna go in circles over and over, ha. You wanna join the debate? The doors open.
Why make assumptions? Because god is the only other being I can believe in to make such intelligent designs. The big bang is impossible IMO so how can I believe that? Can you prove the big bang to me?

why do you assume a being created it? why do you assume this being would care about you personally with the MASSIVE size of the universe? even if you just look at the number of people on earth, its a stretch to say god is looking over every single one and changing events as he see fit.
why do you think the big bang is impossible? what do you have to refute all the evidence for the big bang? what is your theory about how the universe was created, and what evidence do you have to back up your claims?
nothing in science can be 'proven'. you can just lower the chance of it being wrong by doing experiments and evidence. we have a lot of evidence for an expanding universe.

Humans do no have natural morals check out the feral child.

wasnt he raised by wolves or something? you know life experiences can change those morals, right? some people think killing is okay because of events in their life or a brain malfunction.

My point on how some of the people writing in it could be lying was to say that I believe in god but not really them. But fair enough response from you on that subject.

you can believe in god without the bible

Tell me what you think of this evidence.

will do

Jesus died for all of our sins so I believe that Jesus died for everyone's sins including Muslims. That passage never says that if you don't believe in him you go to hell. What that passage says is thanks to Jesus' sacrifice we have the option be with god.

what are the rules of going to heaven then?
belief that jesus died on the cross for your fuck ups that is it nothing else. one divie here onj earth omes and sayjust blieve tat ill save you from DEATH from a gun shot. physical is not the only thing in life or death.
NO, thank you. I dont like luger and his stupid questions and never answering questions we ask, that is pure douchbaggery! he is a mr. knowitall... never finds anything good in anyone's responses who are not atheists and then all he does is mock believers with all his dumbass questions and arguments of ingnorance

I know but Luger is asking some questions so I'm gonna answer them. But then again we are just gonna go in circles over and over, ha. You wanna join the debate? The doors open.
to me i dont feel anyone who has stayed on one side of the debate can give me an answer to anything. the only difference between believer and non-believers is that at one point a decent amount of non's were believers at one point in their life. i can voice my opinion and all of you can aswell but all of us live in the land of i dont know with the topic of god. to me the christian god...which to me havin more than one god is a clear sign that somethin isnt right...acts too off for a god. loving and just got, but slaughters innocent children, gets jealous if you dont serve him, only talks to certain ppl. like if he was all powerful and he had some shit to say to the masses i would think he could come down here or make it so everyone would hear it. him bein jealous? that a human trait so why would a god have that
No and that is a horrible argument BTW. There is proof of a great flood like it says in the bible (noahs ark)

what evidence?
these videos are really funny and refute the argument for noahs ark. please watch. i know theyre kind of long, but theres a lot of stuff to be said haha. in the info, he said he cut it down from like 35 minutes lol

there is tombs of the people talked about in the bible, there's more proof too, I encourage you to go google them yourself.

ok id like to say this. just because there are things in the bible that are true does not mean the conclusion that god is real is true. because people in the bible really existed doesnt mean they are prophets or really saw an action done by god. they were humans just like us, and can easily be tricked, even by their own brains. maybe they just didnt understand what was really happening because they had the education of todays preschoolers.
just a thought, not tryin to start another argument :mrgreen:

And yes the false preachers are the people that tell you that something is right by twisting the scriptures (extremists).

how do you know who is right and who is wrong? who has the correct interpretation? its quite possible that the 'extremists' have the correct interpretation and you do not.

Don't tell me tell vileplum. If you don't want to believe that's fine with me. The bible tells us to try and help people find the truth and if they don't want to hear it then dust off your feet and move on. So pretty much it's like alright, your loss.

too bad, so sad :cry:
why do you assume a being created it? why do you assume this being would care about you personally with the MASSIVE size of the universe? even if you just look at the number of people on earth, its a stretch to say god is looking over every single one and changing events as he see fit.
why do you think the big bang is impossible? what do you have to refute all the evidence for the big bang? what is your theory about how the universe was created, and what evidence do you have to back up your claims?
nothing in science can be 'proven'. you can just lower the chance of it being wrong by doing experiments and evidence. we have a lot of evidence for an expanding universe.

wasnt he raised by wolves or something? you know life experiences can change those morals, right? some people think killing is okay because of events in their life or a brain malfunction.

you can believe in god without the bible

will do

what are the rules of going to heaven then?

Well because nobody can disprove god and anybody can disprove any theory. I didn't say god is watching over each individual all the time. It's up to us if we want to follow him not the other way around. Why are you still asking the same question for proof? I already said google it yourself and you said "will do" so I'm gonna start ignoring that one. (remember I'm not gonna answer pointless question, no fighting).

You can't just throw off the feral child. He is a great example of how humans have no natural morals. And that's true even you are saying it you just don't see how you are contradicting yourself. You said humans have NATURAL morals and then say that society is the main impact on our morals. Well that's exactly the case withreligion too, it teaches us our morals just like society teaches you your morals.

Yes I suppose I can but like I stated earlier I follow the bible because of it's morals.

Did you research the evidence yet? Tell me what you think about it if you have.

Well we are to "bare good fruits" which means just have a positive impact on the world and people on a day to day basis and hopefully god will let you into heaven.
I am still curious at to WHY we have these discussions on a MARIJUANA GROWING FORUM???? ANYONE???? Really, just stupid. People must be bored to all lengths to argue religion rather than talk about what we signed up to this website for. What a fucking joke! Here is a thought, get this shit off the website so we can have discussions about what this site was intended for.... MARIJUANA MARIJUANA MARIJUANA. Nothing worse than a bunch of bible thumpers and anti-thumpers arguing about is there a G-d or not. Seriously this site needs to be redone WITHOUT shit pertaining to what we ROLL UP.
to me i dont feel anyone who has stayed on one side of the debate can give me an answer to anything. the only difference between believer and non-believers is that at one point a decent amount of non's were believers at one point in their life. i can voice my opinion and all of you can aswell but all of us live in the land of i dont know with the topic of god. to me the christian god...which to me havin more than one god is a clear sign that somethin isnt right...acts too off for a god. loving and just got, but slaughters innocent children, gets jealous if you dont serve him, only talks to certain ppl. like if he was all powerful and he had some shit to say to the masses i would think he could come down here or make it so everyone would hear it. him bein jealous? that a human trait so why would a god have that

Oh I guess I missed the part where god showed himself and slaughtered a child.