Asshole Thread!!!


Well-Known Member
is it really negativity you speak of? or is it constructive criticism?

it seems as tho when people log on the computer they forget what humor is


Well-Known Member
That was pretty funny when i was 9 yrs old :mrgreen:

panhead if you dont slow down with the jokes you might not be able to get full credit for them...

you're killing me.

i've been repping more folks so i can give it to you.... you're doing a number on my stomach


Well-Known Member
i think at any rate panhead, jamiemichelle must of misunderstood.

me and panhead are cool

dude is just so funny, i cant keep up with his earned rep!


Well-Known Member
And then you get flamed for being a grammer (sp) nazi. Lol. It's spelling god damn it (goddammit).
grammar nazi???

i think not. there alot of members that are more anal on the spelling than me.

hell im not the greatest speller by any means. but um OWER tho? cmon


Well-Known Member
I propose, due to the recent (?) and ongoing bitchery, nastiness, and negativity that seems to be a pervasive feature on these forums, an Asshole Thread be created
Look,you dont seem like a bad person when your not freaking out why all the drama,im not trying to be a dick but damm,you have to learn to go with the flow & try to have fun,after all that is why were all here isnt it,if we were all here just to trade grow secrets there wouldnt be shit to talk about.

I understand that people attack you but you also attack others as well,you gotta expect that, were all playing in a forum with very easy going moderators which is the way it should be,plus half of us are stoned when were typing shit, which is also the way it should be :blsmoke:

All im saying is you should chill some,from looking at your pic i imagine you as a young person,its not healthy to be angry all the time,try to chill & take the good with the bad,im a short timer here but from what ive seen in my time here there's alot more good than bad.


Well-Known Member
LOL LB, the whole point of my post was; you corrected his spelling and everyone jumped on you for being hung up on grammar, not S-P-E-L-L-I-N-G. Me, personally, I can't stand badd speling.

grammar nazi???

i think not. there alot of members that are more anal on the spelling than me.

hell im not the greatest speller by any means. but um OWER tho? cmon