Taking Ecstasy, not the first time but looking for info

Pat Man

Active Member
I have taken X once before and done MDMA before...i have a couple pills and i was thinking about taking one before or during work.

I work at a restaurant as a server, I will be working from around 12 to late evening getting a little break in between.

Last time i took X i felt super shitty after but i was also drinking.

My question is if i take it at work will i feel crappy after and not be able to work? I just want to have a good time and see if it will improve my serving at all haha.

if you think this is stupid let me know...and if you think its a good idea i want to hear that too



Well-Known Member
It all depends on the chemistry...you never know with E because its always made different with all kinds of crazy shit, If you take it and have a bad trip you risk making shitty tips. If you take it and you start rollin good you might make great tips, i wouldnt waste it on a work night! Wait till you get a sexy bitch and give her a hit and have a great night! Smoking about 2 hours into rolling sometimes keeps it going for longer!

Pat Man

Active Member
hell ya last time i smoked after coming back from the clubs and it lasted another 2hrs. I just dont want to find my self in a situation where i can't do the work i need to. but a bad trip seems highly unlikely since i have handled the dose before...or am i wrong in thinking that?

Pat Man

Active Member
I appreciate your 2 cents. I bought 3 pills a bit ago and took the first and now im just trying to find reasons to take the rest, but can't find any! no good concerts coming to town.

p.s. if I am with a sexy girl i wont be able to boink her on X, correct?


Well-Known Member
I've thought about doing the same thing before, but it always came back to ''why risk my job?''. I think I'd rather trip in a fun environment anyway, not one where you'd have to go back to work and serve people.

Stupid? Eh, I wouldn't say that, depends on how you can handle it. Just don't over do it, that would be stupid. I have done that, not with E, at work, and it was terrible.

Pat Man

Active Member
you are right dudes, if im not in a fun enviroment raging it would be a waste, but i fucking hate work sober! and im out of bud!!


Active Member
Honestly I wouldn't do it before I had something important to do. I would save it for your days off. The next day your more than likely guna feel pretty out of it.


Well-Known Member
ya i never had sex on E but i was told its awsome, but you can't cum...
Have had that experience, just start uncontrollably shaking right before the climax, hard to describe.. But it completely takes focus off it, it would probably be similar to having someone shake the shit out of you right before you nut.


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt go to work on x,

eyestones get huge and you possibly very huggy and sweaty :)

you can eat chocolate the next day and or smoke some weed (weed makes you "come up" again, quite pleasurable)

also make sure to drink alot of water.

the thing about x though, is that it uses up totally natural chemicals to get you high, the stuff that gets pumped out when you have a orgasm for example.

pumps it out and then keeps it from being reabsorbed into the body for a few hours.

the body does not have an infinite supply and it takes abit of time to regenerate.

people like depressives (low supply of happy chemical) tend to get hit bit hard the next day on x and others feel bit shitty.

helpful tips, not overdo it (pick some good occasions to do it) eat chocolate, drink water or fluids.

and smoke weed the next day if you can swing it.


Well-Known Member
I've taken tabs of e, and smoked e with weed at school.
Not a big deal. Don't take more then one.
Drink water before, not more then a cup every hour. Water will activate your trip harder, I don't know how long that drug stays in your stomach so dirnking water could just get you higher 2-3 hours later.

Just stay in control, don't over hydrate or under hydrate. Write a note to yourself or just take note what time it is, try to figure out when your peak is and try to be home by then.

You never wanna be working when your comming down(dont stress about it, its just more relaxing to be relaxed on a comedown).

happy tripping and remember everyone reacts to drugs differently.
best thing is to keep your hear rate down imo. stay away from stress and excitement at work.


Active Member
cant beat a bit of mud!!! mmmmmmmmm
I have taken X once before and done MDMA before...i have a couple pills and i was thinking about taking one before or during work.

I work at a restaurant as a server, I will be working from around 12 to late evening getting a little break in between.

Last time i took X i felt super shitty after but i was also drinking.

My question is if i take it at work will i feel crappy after and not be able to work? I just want to have a good time and see if it will improve my serving at all haha.

if you think this is stupid let me know...and if you think its a good idea i want to hear that too



Well-Known Member
Observe someone on E next time you are sober.... you can definately tell they are on something.


Well-Known Member
Don't roll at work. It's a good way to get fired. And it won't be as fun because you have to try to act like you're not rolling.
And you can totally fuck on E. You might need a Viagra or other PDE5 inhibitor to get it up, and you may not be able to finish, but every thrust is like 5 orgasms.


Active Member
I used to go into work as a server after a long night of raven all "E-tarded" and would usually take another before my shift to get me through.... But I def wouldn't be doing it if your not used to it on a regular basis...

Sex on E is amazing, BUT GL most the time your dick shrivles up and you can't cum...


Well-Known Member
Now that im thinking about it, meditate for a good 30minutes on e. It will change your dna and you'll have a better time meditating in the future.