Food Stamps B


Well-Known Member
WhatEVER douche... People like you are why weed is illegal...
cannabis prohibition exists because i don't like to see idiots buying non-nutritional items on an assistance program designed to give them nutrition?

you're going to have to bridge that gap in your logic, "homey".


New Member
really? you want to make it this easy?

this is not even a challenge.
Challenge? You think you provide some form of a challenge? You got too much anger to see clearly bro... (am I your bro?)

Oh I see what you're saying...we call ppl homey here when were chumping them off...I never said you were MY homey... good eye though, I guess...

I'll bridge gap... You are closed minded, or at least come off that way. People like you, closed minded are why we have prohibited marijuana right now. It has nothing to do with your candy bar statement, just the type of person you are in general.


Active Member
Let me're white?? hahaha jk... I just read a lil of your first line... you seem to authoritative to be here... I mean get off your high horse...quit paying taxes if it bothers you this much... I mean WHITE cracker bastards are the ones who invented food stamps... yes, when you give minoities free shit for decades the system gets abused... why get mad at someone buying a coke? cause your taxes helped buy that coke, and you wanted to choose something else? you make yourself look ignorant homey...
LMAO I was going to reply with almost the same exact thing... word for word.
Dude sounds like a complete tool. Not even worth replying to his response to me because it's obvious this dude is blind.
Half the points he made didn't even stand or hold any sort of significance.

I guess it's like they say, you don't know what it's like until your put into the situation.
It's like someone telling a car-accident victim what they SHOULD HAVE done without actually ever being in that situation.
One day you end up on food stamps (if your not already) & I'll guarantee you buy a soda & won't bitch at yourself.
Fortunately for me, I'm not the type of person that NEEDS to be in the situation to UNDERSTAND it.
I simply understand it.

Enough said, this dudes a joke to society. My analogies were perfect by the way, your responses were as good as a politician answering worldwide issues, SOLVED NOTHING.
Good day now. I'm out.


Well-Known Member
you know what uncle buck. i bought a twelve pack of coca cola this morning. i used my food stamp card. . .. . . .lol.

what im getting at is theres alot more serious shit out there to bitch about and you bitch about this? ha! i hope next time your shopping some filthy ghetto trash gets in front of you in the shopping line, i hope you notice nothing but soda, junk food, and microwaveable crap. i hope this pisses you off. BECAUSE your so easily angered over stupid shit. yes man, they do get abused, and no im not saying overlook it. lets put it out there like this.....

My mothier in law hasnt worked a god damn job in her life. Shes lives in the projects, she has a nice four bedroom apartment that she pays maybe around 100 dollars in rent a month. light and water get discounted cause shes inthe projects, she also gets food stamps, a whole lot. infact shes in that apartment because she still claims that my wife and her 2 sisters still live there, and thats why she gets sooo many foodstamps. which is a lie all have moved out. so there she is, in a four bedroom taht she dont deserve, getting foodstamps to waste. AND she takes care of her mother, an elderly, so gets that home healthcare check. dont that boil your blood? it does me, seeeing as me and my wife work, we both pay rent in our own apartment, and between the four of us we get like two hundred in foodstamps. my children are young so diapers, food, and daycare are more than rent and the other bills almost. yet we do it, we work hard and get shit. she does nothing but lie and gets everything handed to her!!!!

Whose fault is it?! is it my fault for enjoying a cookie everynow and then because im at a very stressful time in my life, or is it her fault for abusing something that NO ONE is paying attention too? IF the stupid bitches down at the fucking foodstamp office would get her head out her ass, she might smell discrepinsy. the owner of the PJS might knows somethings up, IF HE WENT AND LOOKED IN THE HOUSE. BUT NONE OF THESE ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS COME IN AND CHECK IN ON YOU. IF THEY DID, MORE PEOPLE WHO NEEDED THEM WOULD HAVE THEM AND THE LAZY ABUSERS WOULD BE OUT IN THE LIGHT FOR ALL TO SEE.

Your attack on the recipients is brash and generalizing. its almost like saying all those fucking mmj users are abusing the rights to grow cannabis! not all those mmj users are truly sick! they should only be allowed to grow if they have cancer or aids!!! dont like that arguement? well then.?


Well-Known Member
it's my food stamps and imma buy whatever i like.
they are not "your" food stamps, they were provided TO YOU by other people so that you wouldn't starve.

and you waste them on products with no nutritional value.

does that make you proud?


Well-Known Member
I'm in line behind some piece of shit with food stamps. Her and her baby are done and on their way to their car. Oh fuck no!! It's not a car. It's a fuckin new lifted truck with badass tires and rims. Goddamn that pisses me off. Fuckin illegals.


Well-Known Member
they are not "your" food stamps, they were provided TO YOU by other people so that you wouldn't starve.

and you waste them on products with no nutritional value.

does that make you proud?

it's a fucking play off of whatever you like by t.i.

i don't even have food stamps.


Well-Known Member
you know what uncle buck. i bought a twelve pack of coca cola this morning. i used my food stamp card. . .. . . .lol.
you're proud of this? :neutral:

Whose fault is it?!
yours. you are on an assistance program designed to provide nutrition. how much nutrition is in that 12 pack of soda?

Your attack on the recipients is brash and generalizing.
where did i generalize to ALL recipients? my wife's friends in graduate school are mostly on food stamps, and they buy actual food with nutrition value. they will soon have their doctoral degrees.

whereas some lump living in poverty is resigned to never break that cycle of poverty in part because they are eating shit instead of healthy, nutritional food.


Well-Known Member
lmao!! this guy say there car is a lifted truck with rims! fucking illegals! ILLEGALS DONT GET FEDERAL ASSISTANCE DUMBASS!!! NICE TRY THO. just blaming a general populace on a problem you clearly no nothing about! enough argueing already. im losing respect for those who previously held it in my book.


Well-Known Member
again uncle buck. beeing brash.
my wifes going to school to be a pharmacist. we support a family. my wife packs her on lunch and she also took a can of soda with her to enjoy. while pieces of shit like you make fun of her at work, she does what she has to do to survive. And know your saying the mother of my children who works a full time job and goes to school doesnt deserve a fucking soda at work. REMOVE the resident grammar and just leave nazi below your fucking name bro. your pompous self righteous opinions on the owrld sicken me to death. Your nobody so get that thru your head, your opinions on thigns will not change nothing but our view on a once respected mj expert.


Well-Known Member
again uncle buck. beeing brash.
my wifes going to school to be a pharmacist. we support a family. my wife packs her on lunch and she also took a can of soda with her to enjoy. while pieces of shit like you make fun of her at work, she does what she has to do to survive.
she needs a soda for survival?

i had no idea something with no nutritional value was a necessity for survival.

And know your saying the mother of my children who works a full time job and goes to school doesnt deserve a fucking soda at work.
if she wants a soda at work, she can buy it with that money she makes at work, and not use an assistance program that is supposed to provide her with nutrition.

REMOVE the resident grammar and just leave nazi below your fucking name bro. your pompous self righteous opinions on the owrld sicken me to death. Your nobody so get that thru your head, your opinions on thigns will not change nothing but our view on a once respected mj expert.
i am expressing my opinion, as abhorrent as it may be to you. and i don't even have to stoop to insults, like you.

you are doing the same, except i don't think as many people will be hopping on the "let's give them soda!" wagon anytime soon. i think people want to see those on food stamps actually use them to do what they were designed for: provide nutrition, not diabetes.


Well-Known Member
if you're really so mad about food with no nutritional value, then why take it out on people that get food stamps?

take it out on the people wasting energy making food that won't benifit you.


Well-Known Member
if you're really so mad about food with no nutritional value, then why take it out on people that get food stamps?

take it out on the people wasting energy making food that won't benifit you.
because those people have a market to sell to of people that HAVE THEIR OWN MONEY to spend on food.

i take it out on the food stamp abusers because they are taking OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY, provided under the guise of giving nutrition, and blowing it on stuff that is not only lacking in nutrition entirely, but which can cause or exacerbate health problems like obesity, diabetes, heart name it.

it is wrong, and you know it, too.


Well-Known Member
so heres what you do UB.

contact your local congressman so they can pass ANOTHER LAW, restricting what people buy with food stamps.

You know they create the laws....not the people of RIU.


New Member
she needs a soda for survival?

i had no idea something with no nutritional value was a necessity for survival.

if she wants a soda at work, she can buy it with that money she makes at work, and not use an assistance program that is supposed to provide her with nutrition.

i am expressing my opinion, as abhorrent as it may be to you. and i don't even have to stoop to insults, like you.

you are doing the same, except i don't think as many people will be hopping on the "let's give them soda!" wagon anytime soon. i think people want to see those on food stamps actually use them to do what they were designed for: provide nutrition, not diabetes.
Look here man, my friend died in war so I can be free... If an American wants a fucking coca cola they can have one. Move to fucking Iraq where they dont have microwaved burritos and snickers.