Prove to you There's a God?


Well-Known Member
I do not respect your beliefs. They encourage prejudice, ignorance and cruelty. There is no act so malevolent that it can not be justified through scripture.

I do not respect the way you justify your beliefs. You may not engage in manipulation, but you make many mistakes which include logical fallacies, inconsistency, and sloppy thinking. It is blatantly irresponsible.

I do respect your right to express your beliefs. You have the right to stand up and say what you believe and why, but you must then suffer the reactions of others. You have the right to not be silenced, but that does not give you a pass from criticism.

I do respect your desire for a better life and understanding of the world. You seek a path to personal contentment and social coherence, but you choose an easy path that gives false comfort at the expense of other's well-being.
My beliefs encourage a Godly understanding and wisdom.
When you say my beliefs encourage ignorance and cruelty I see you as an other anti-christ that diddn't read the bible.
Only someone who read the bible himself will truely understand the religon.
Anyone else is mislead to believe that they understand what they heard.


Well-Known Member
Christian religion IS about logic. It is a logos based vs. eros based 'academy'.

Faith is not a blind belief, it comes after much study. Actually, it's the point where one no longer needs logic.

The idea is to drop the head into the heart. That's religion.
That's one very selective definition of some people's religion.... There shouldn't come a point when you "no longer need logic".

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
...people in the bible are models of being... 'bad' people in your mind are what's known as 'legion'. The enemies are in the mind. Angels are pure thoughts (whatever you deem those to be - usually things that do not 'harm your neighbors'). If you love your enemies (problems of mind) they will lesson and you will heal.

It's a book of metaphors... that doesn't make it bad. It makes it a book of descriptions - multiple levels of descriptions.


Well-Known Member
...people in the bible are models of being... 'bad' people in your mind are what's known as 'legion'. The enemies are in the mind. Angels are pure thoughts (whatever you deem those to be - usually things that do not 'harm your neighbors'). If you love your enemies (problems of mind) they will lesson and you will heal.

It's a book of metaphors... that doesn't make it bad. It makes it a book of descriptions - multiple levels of descriptions.
yeah but the problem is people take it literally. a lot of people


Well-Known Member
Love Your Enemies
5:43 "You have heard that it was said, 'you shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.'
5:44 "But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you,
5:45 "That you may be sons of you Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.
5:46 "For if you love those who love you, what reward have you? Do not even the tax collectors do the same?
5:47 "And if you greet your brethren only, what do you do more than others? Do not even the tax collectors do so?
5:48 "Theresfore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member means a different kind of logic. Not to have NO logic. It means to use your heart instead of your head.

After being born, your stomach and brain separated into 2. It's up to you if you want to use the 'top of your stomach' to think.


Well-Known Member means a different kind of logic. Not to have NO logic. It means to use your heart instead of your head.

After being born, your stomach and brain separated into 2. It's up to you if you want to use the 'top of your stomach' to think.
It actually says that the heart will utter preversity. Use your head man, not your heart.


Well-Known Member means a different kind of logic. Not to have NO logic. It means to use your heart instead of your head.

After being born, your stomach and brain separated into 2. It's up to you if you want to use the 'top of your stomach' to think.
so basically you start thinking with you emotions as opposed to logic? not a good way to find truth man


Well-Known Member
...I agree whole-heartedly that people misinterpret the bible.
I do firmly believe that too, which is why people should be working together to fully understand the bible, but with so many anti-christs thinking that they understand(calling it stupid(without reading it) and not believing it) and with the other anti-christs that just plain manipulate you.


Well-Known Member
My heart is the one telling me to fight, my head is the one telling me to use reason and logic over emotions.


Well-Known Member
Seeing as Christianity is so large & popular, I would think other Fellow Christians would have chimed in here to make this an Equal Debate or @ least shed light on Marls points. <3
But no.. . :[ you are being crucified by logic & common sense let alone reason.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
No, you do not use emotion. Emotion is a fallacy. "E" "MOTION" - energetic motion is what that means.

Ever have a gut feeling? It comes from the gut-brain.


Well-Known Member
...people in the bible are models of being... 'bad' people in your mind are what's known as 'legion'. The enemies are in the mind. Angels are pure thoughts (whatever you deem those to be - usually things that do not 'harm your neighbors'). If you love your enemies (problems of mind) they will lesson and you will heal.

It's a book of metaphors... that doesn't make it bad. It makes it a book of descriptions - multiple levels of descriptions.
If it's a book of metaphors why are we talking about the literal son of god being resurrected, and performing miracles? It's either true or it's not - that has nothing to do with the value you can learn from the teachings within. Sure, there are great lessons to learn from the bible, like tolerance (as long as you're not gay lol) , and forgiveness, sacrifice, and many more. But, just because part of it's moral landscape doesn't make the stories true, any more than a nursery rhyme or fairy tale.

My point is, it's CLEARLY not true in any way, shape, or form... it's a giant book of fairy tales just like the stories of Odin, Posseidon, Zeus, Ra, Vishnu, Allah, and the millions of once worshipped (and thought to be the TRUE), gods!

Eye; are you seriously drawing on Aristotle to defend Christianity? We can get into a big old debate on virtue ethics if you want to, I don't think it's going to help you out much....


Well-Known Member
Do you honestly think you understand the bible the way it was intended to be understood?
I do firmly believe that too, which is why people should be working together to fully understand the bible, but with so many anti-christs thinking that they understand(calling it stupid(without reading it) and not believing it) and with the other anti-christs that just plain manipulate you.