Man killed in sacramento for trying to rob plants. One up for us growers *woot woot*

many yrs ago before the kids came along i awoke to someone in the house with the wife n i. i chased him out of the house n cought the no good sob a bit diwn the road. tought him a little justice with a staff i had by the door. when the cops arrived we were both arrested n carted off to jail, me for assalt n him for breaking n entering an occupied dwelling. the cop informed me i could kill him inside the house n no problems but once he left the residence it was a dif story. my persuit n action against him caused me to spend the rest of the night in jail, 3 grand in fines n court cost n be on probation for 6 mo. where is the justice in that??? you liberal fuckers can waste your breath convincing others its not right to shoot someone entering their home but dont try n convence me...if you enter my home by sneak or force i promise i will ventilate you untill you quit moving or you kill me. i have arms that are loaded, i have the ability, n i have the desire to protect whats too God Damn old to even think i could stop someone phisically even if i wanted to nuf said...JMO

oh! n from what i understand by reading the news clip n listening to the reporter the sob was inside the house not in the yard...rule #1 if past threshold shoot to kill, if not shoot to kill n drag their sorry ass inside...

If he was inside the home, then the homeowner should have no trouble with the law.
Now let's get this straight mj is not just a plant... Its how some of us feed our families n how others treat their illnesses. Ill admit I'm one who abuses the mmj system I don't need it I grow for profit to pay the bills. My garden is worth approximately 20 grand n ill be damned if I just let some people come take that from me.
U say u can just grow another plant ya maybe next year but that don't help me eat this year. N on the other side of that coin those rippers couldve just grown their own instead of tryin to thieve. To me the only people lower on the totem pole than thieves r child molestes n rapists.
"gunshot wound and injuries to his upper body"

Seems like they might have beat him up and then shot. Reminds me of "american history x".
. Killing someone over something so trivial is fucking stupid.
I taught both my boys to shoot with a .22 rifle. I worked and SOP! someone tries to break in shoot out the glass in the door if they still come it shoot to kill! I would handle it when I got home. So 'no abla english' should leave after first shot? Thief comes but to steal, kill and destroy. I got nothing in my house worth anything but my wife and child. Best wait on the front porch. Like the domestic where 2 officers clothes were on fire in GA. The husband was shot because "you be still while I put my clothes out" did not work.! At least that one will not pour gas on any one else. 1+ for PD!
norcalabdiver i agree whole hartedly, if it was just the weed hell you can have it, ill grow some more. if you are really in need just ask for some, i imagine most of us would be compasionate enough to turn someone on to some weed if they ask. its the uninvited n unknown intents of a tresspasser that worries me. i stand firm in my resolution to protect whats mine reguardless of the price. ive worked hard my whole life to pay for everything i got, ill be damned if i let a worthless thief profit from my hard work...
Same in my state it's justifiable to kill someone on your property as long as they are doin "criminal mischief" which stealing would be considered... One less scumbag the way I look at it.
And people who grow medicine for another only to give them a oz or two each month or bottom nugs while they pull in 1000's in cash from all the top nugs grown for said patient Pretty sure being a caregiver does not mean you can smoke or take marijuana just means you can grow it and only FOR your patient/patients. Dont abuse the system that makes you no better then the dude that got shot breaking into dudes house. Cuz when you really break it down your stealing bottom line. I hate growers like you that abuse it when people like me need it just to get through and have somewhat of a quality of life instead of taking man made pills.

Stealing either from your pateint or stealing the right from others to grow by giving medical marijuana a bad name and the reason why it has been shut down in other states or why the cops give dispensary such a hard time. Why dont you just cook meth and stop giving something beneficial a bad name.
The piece of shit thief decided what his life was worth, not the grower, defending ones property is essential to liberty.
Ok people, I havent read all the posts on this thread, but I dont think it has been noted yet......The article never mentions HOW MANY marijuana plants were at the home,think about that and what that would mean to the homeowner.
Im not in defense for him whatsoever, just stating what has been left out.
if the home owner was out of line with plant numbers im shure he knew n will suffer the consiquences. the focus here should be the wrong doing of the robber/thief n his actions not the fact the home had mmj in it. the mmj just is not an issue with me...its the mentality of another that thinks he can get away with stealing from others reguardless what the item was. not to mention the health n well being of the people living in said home.

im legal n under my plant limit at all times so i have no fear of that aspect, i do however fear what someone desperate enough to enter a dwelling is capable of doing...
Maybe I read the same post differently, I thought it was being brought up in what the plants may have represented in terms of loss to the homeowner. It was mmj, could have been depending on those plants to make it another few months because something bad happened and they don't have money to buy. My health -vs- your life? 3 guesses which I pick, and the first two don't count.
I wouldn't shoot anyone...don't even own or want a gun. But hey, it was on their property, and if they guy threatened them. But it does send a message to would be rippers

The message being: when stealing mj bring a gun... Then it's a gun fight over plants? Seems wrong but I come from a place of low gun crime, if you have a gun here then you are into crime, unless you are a hunter of course.
whys everyone gotta hide behind their gun. if someone was in my backyard tryin to take my shit i would beat the living shit out of them. fuckin panzies. guns should only be used in self defense. i guarentee this wasnt self defense lol. he prolly just caught him trying to take his shit and the guy tried to run and he shot him.

I wish more people would shoot robbers. An armed society is a polite society. I'm 6' 215lbs, solid, have 10 yrs of martial arts training, and I would rather shoot someone in MY yard trying to rob me, of anything. Having been in thousands of fights (including sparring) I know how quickly and how badly someone can get hurt, and in the dark, anything can happen, you slip or trip then this robber has the upper hand to boot your face, or thanks, here's one to your coolo.

A man's home is his castle. I would never go to someone's home to rob them of anything and expect oto be shot if I did.

I grew up in some really bad neighborhoods, and trust me, if you beat someone like that up, they will be back with friends to do more harm. If you hold them for the police, same thing. With low lifes, you cannot win. THEY understand shooting someone trying to rob you.
You shoot to kill or be prepared to pay whoever you shoots medical bills for the rest of their life people are always getting sued over this thats why you shoot to kill then there no one left to sue you for protecting yourself. The family of said person that was shot never win only the ones that get shot i know i will put as many as i can in em before they hit the ground after that no more shoot unless they still pose danger but i really only need the first shot to kill the 3 or 4 that follow as the subject is falling are only for good measure. I think there are a lot of crooked people on this forum and you can tell by the posts im going to have to reframe from posting any more as this is not for marijuana nor beneficial for the movent and legalization of ganja and some on here are just plain sheep its been proven the more civilians with guns the less crime plan and simple any kind of ban or anything that keeps us from owning and baring arms is against our rights and it is our RIGHT to shoot a mother fucker dead as a door nail if he breaks into your house or posses you bodily harm. Now if the guy was abusing the medical system and had a 20,000 dollar grow then he is a criminal himself and the dwelling is considered a drug house then the man who did the shooting should go to prison bottom line anyone that abuses the medical marijuana system is trash and should be treated like any other criminal. Until i see proof that he was a drug dealer and a criminal i'll change my opinion buy for now im siding with the home owner but if he was in the least bit shady then he should at least get manslaughter and assets seized.
Now........ only some states let you shoot em in the yard those are my favorite ones hahahahah almost 99% you can blast away once they make it in the house +1 for the good guy;-)
i have no problem with shooting an intruder to protect your family or property or whatever. the part of the story i don't like is where it said there were gunshot wound AND injuries to the upper body. that leads me to believe that they caught the guy, beat his ass, then shot him anyway. if so that's WAY not cool. that type of lack of restraint is exactly why i have to jump through so many hoops to get a permit. i also won't be very pleased if it comes to light that they shot the guy in the back if he was running away. i don't give a fuck what the situation is, shooting someone who is running from you is a bitch move. other than these two scenarios they had every right to take care of their shit.