Well-Known Member
many yrs ago before the kids came along i awoke to someone in the house with the wife n i. i chased him out of the house n cought the no good sob a bit diwn the road. tought him a little justice with a staff i had by the door. when the cops arrived we were both arrested n carted off to jail, me for assalt n him for breaking n entering an occupied dwelling. the cop informed me i could kill him inside the house n no problems but once he left the residence it was a dif story. my persuit n action against him caused me to spend the rest of the night in jail, 3 grand in fines n court cost n be on probation for 6 mo. where is the justice in that??? you liberal fuckers can waste your breath convincing others its not right to shoot someone entering their home but dont try n convence me...if you enter my home by sneak or force i promise i will ventilate you untill you quit moving or you kill me. i have arms that are loaded, i have the ability, n i have the desire to protect whats too God Damn old to even think i could stop someone phisically even if i wanted to nuf said...JMO
oh! n from what i understand by reading the news clip n listening to the reporter the sob was inside the house not in the yard...rule #1 if past threshold shoot to kill, if not shoot to kill n drag their sorry ass inside...
If he was inside the home, then the homeowner should have no trouble with the law.