kevin murphy
New Member
no worries im here to stay lol...
hash ball and plant update plus new package delivery..
Why is the light diagonal? It should really be directly above them and straight.
I really, really love this journal. I don't know how long you've been doing this, but it's very very clean and organized.
You plant, is the bushiest flattest thing I've ever laid eyes on. I love your technique.
You're going to get places in this hobby.
... Thinking the slowish growth could be down to me cutting leaves off her every other day. For this reason i've tried to minimise on trimming this week, and instead focus more on tucking.
Yes, a few years ago Viagra and Cialis were always pushing commericals on TV. Everyone knows what they are, and there is a million jokes about them as well.(USA)
Hey lilindian. Been following this grow with huge interest. I have little experience indoors and no scrog experience (yet) though from what I do know I'd say you're spot on about the trimming. By the looks of it every time you've trained the plant you've given it a triple-blow to growth - damage from leaf trimming, some stress from tying down branches, and a big reduction in leaf surface facing the light. I'm guessing the plant is putting a lot of energy into recovery each time, stunting new growth a fair bit.
Have you considered doing the training incrementally? - i.e. tying down the taller branches each time but leaving the smaller ones upright with all their leaves unharmed? That way those smaller branches would form a decent undamaged canopy and be able to feed the rest of the plant as it recovers from the stress of training, maybe allowing it to recover a bit quicker. The branches you leave alone will shade the lower ones a bit, but only for a day or two until they are the tallest and are themselves tied down.
Slow or not so far though I'm guessing that plant is going to take off like a rocket once the stress of training stops. I'll bet it'll have a fantastic number of tops on it when you go to flower and all the work will have been well worth it. Really excellent job so far and thanks for all the info and pictures. I'll will be following this through to the end and I'll be sending all kinds of positve growth vibes your way![]()
im curiouse to see the outcome too! Cant help but think this is gonna out grow your kinex net. I have no experiance with this it just seems like it will over grow that.