One man and his bush - 1 plant SCROG in Stealth Cab - Chocolate Berry

Haha, kev im gona make my way to ur journal as soon as i get to a computer, need to see this ball of hash!

An update is close, all in good time.. She's been hit with foilar boosters all week, "halo" and "groigen" and a feeding of 3/4 strength canna nutes and well, she hasnt actually grown that much! Or maybe its just me and i dont notice cos i keep trimming (possibly another reason for her slowish growth). Looks like ive found a caretaker so we're stickin to the original plan to fill the screen. Update in next couple days.

Measured her yesterday, she's roughly 16-18" across, and im lookin to grow her to 28" across (2 1/2feet-ish)
That hash looks insane, fuck me. I have no idea what breeder the bud came from, i didn't grow it, just smoked a lot of it. The high was much greater than the taste. Must've been fantaseeds cos it was commercial bud, unless it was all grown from clones.
Why is the light diagonal? It should really be directly above them and straight.

I really, really love this journal. I don't know how long you've been doing this, but it's very very clean and organized.

You plant, is the bushiest flattest thing I've ever laid eyes on. I love your technique.
You're going to get places in this hobby.

  • So after a week of being blasted with products she's doing good! Looks quite lush and healthy, although she hasn't started growing as fast as i'd hoped. At this rate it'll be at least another month till the screen is filled. I was hoping as the plants root mass grew so would its rate of growth, but that doesn't quite seem to be the case. Thinking the slowish growth could be down to me cutting leaves off her every other day. For this reason i've tried to minimise on trimming this week, and instead focus more on tucking.

  • Took 90mins of tying down branches and tucking down leaves to clean her up today, gona treat myself with some blueberry diesel i received in the post today! Feels well deserved.

  • Last week i said i'd give her a small flush this week with plain water, ended up giving her a 3/4 - full strength feeding of Canna nutes due to her slowish growth. Over the next couple days her growth did pick up a bit, so i'm gona continue feeding unless something i see stops me.

  • Another branch got topped by accident this week, makes 3 or 4 now i think.

  • She's sure taking her time but i'm not giving up on her just yet.

Before tucking leaves + tying down:


Topped branch from last week:

Current height of SCROG:


Why is the light diagonal? It should really be directly above them and straight.

I really, really love this journal. I don't know how long you've been doing this, but it's very very clean and organized.

You plant, is the bushiest flattest thing I've ever laid eyes on. I love your technique.
You're going to get places in this hobby.


The light has to be diagonal otherwise the reflector doesn't fit in my cab. Its really not that big! Which is why i'm trying to make the very best of my space. I stupidly bought it without measuring up, i think the new Sputnik 2 reflectors are slightly skinnier, meant to be more air tight with rubber seals between the glass and all sorts, maybe i'll invest in one...

Anyway thanks for the kind words! I aint been doing this that long, but fuck me i'd been wanting to do this for YEARS before i eventually took the plunge. Taking care of plants runs in my family, lol. Never thought i'd enjoy it as much as i do. Find it proper interesting to see how these plants grow! My ambition is to turn this hobby into a legit living, but life in the UK makes it very tough to do so!

My technique is looooong, adopt it, and u'll suddenly find u dont like it as much! If i manage to fill this screen completely and make it to flowering it'll be just short of a miracle. Is Cialis advertised on TV there or something? Everyone seemed to be clued up in on apart from me... I always thought it was like some medicated ointment cream or something...
Yes, a few years ago Viagra and Cialis were always pushing commericals on TV. Everyone knows what they are, and there is a million jokes about them as well.(USA)
... Thinking the slowish growth could be down to me cutting leaves off her every other day. For this reason i've tried to minimise on trimming this week, and instead focus more on tucking.

Hey lilindian. Been following this grow with huge interest. I have little experience indoors and no scrog experience (yet) though from what I do know I'd say you're spot on about the trimming. By the looks of it every time you've trained the plant you've given it a triple-blow to growth - damage from leaf trimming, some stress from tying down branches, and a big reduction in leaf surface facing the light. I'm guessing the plant is putting a lot of energy into recovery each time, stunting new growth a fair bit.

Have you considered doing the training incrementally? - i.e. tying down the taller branches each time but leaving the smaller ones upright with all their leaves unharmed? That way those smaller branches would form a decent undamaged canopy and be able to feed the rest of the plant as it recovers from the stress of training, maybe allowing it to recover a bit quicker. The branches you leave alone will shade the lower ones a bit, but only for a day or two until they are the tallest and are themselves tied down.

Slow or not so far though I'm guessing that plant is going to take off like a rocket once the stress of training stops. I'll bet it'll have a fantastic number of tops on it when you go to flower and all the work will have been well worth it. Really excellent job so far and thanks for all the info and pictures. I'll will be following this through to the end and I'll be sending all kinds of positve growth vibes your way :)
im curiouse to see the outcome too! Cant help but think this is gonna out grow your kinex net. I have no experiance with this it just seems like it will over grow that.
Yes, a few years ago Viagra and Cialis were always pushing commericals on TV. Everyone knows what they are, and there is a million jokes about them as well.(USA)

I seeeee. I just found it around the house, lots of doctors in the family, get given free gifts like that fan all the time at meetings and stuff. They generally dont push viagra ads on TV here...

Hey lilindian. Been following this grow with huge interest. I have little experience indoors and no scrog experience (yet) though from what I do know I'd say you're spot on about the trimming. By the looks of it every time you've trained the plant you've given it a triple-blow to growth - damage from leaf trimming, some stress from tying down branches, and a big reduction in leaf surface facing the light. I'm guessing the plant is putting a lot of energy into recovery each time, stunting new growth a fair bit.

Have you considered doing the training incrementally? - i.e. tying down the taller branches each time but leaving the smaller ones upright with all their leaves unharmed? That way those smaller branches would form a decent undamaged canopy and be able to feed the rest of the plant as it recovers from the stress of training, maybe allowing it to recover a bit quicker. The branches you leave alone will shade the lower ones a bit, but only for a day or two until they are the tallest and are themselves tied down.

Slow or not so far though I'm guessing that plant is going to take off like a rocket once the stress of training stops. I'll bet it'll have a fantastic number of tops on it when you go to flower and all the work will have been well worth it. Really excellent job so far and thanks for all the info and pictures. I'll will be following this through to the end and I'll be sending all kinds of positve growth vibes your way :)

Yeh ur pretty much spot on, thats exactly what i started to think half way through last week and for that reason i stopped cutting off stuff and let her grow for a couple days before tying her down on thursday again. The reason i was tying down stuff early was to get the branches used to being bent down in that shape. I thought maybe if they're bent into shape right from the start they'll be more willing to hold that shape if i removed the screen eventually. But A.) I don't know if that makes sense and is even working B.) I dont think its worth all this extra time its gona take. So yeh exactly as you said i'm gona try preventing her from going into recovery mode again by letting branches grow as they please for a few days. Another reason i didn't used to do this is that i felt if potential bud sites were shaded then they wudn't get enough light to begin branching out in the first place, if u get me.....

Anyway, cheers for the support and suggestions, keep sending them my way! Pictures will continue to come every thursday. Hopefully this week with this new plan i'll have some major new growth to shout about.

im curiouse to see the outcome too! Cant help but think this is gonna out grow your kinex net. I have no experiance with this it just seems like it will over grow that.

Its already outgrowing my k'Nex screen on the near side of the cab, having to bend branches 180 degrees and all sorts. Once the screen is filled, I'm gona remove all the ties i've put on, and instead just put one tie at the end of each branch holding it down, and i'm not just gona hook that, i'm gona tie is properly, so when the plant stretches it doesn't just rip all the ties off the screen. Knex is some pretty strong shit, holds together well when needed to.