Southern California Patients

whats up captain kron! My bad havent texted ya just been crazy busy over here! Saw my grow tent and girls yesterday for the first time and built my first green house : )
I hate waiting for my new grow to start. Everyday, the anticipation gets worse and worse. Once I get my tuition reimbursement, I can finally get things under way.
I will get my refund. The school says it's already out which means I'm just waiting for the bank or creditor to send it back to my account. I'm thinking it should be there by tomorrow. It's going to be a relatively small grow and will be house inside of a 26" tall PC server tower. I bought some Purple Widow seeds a while back and am really excited to see how it does.
I will get my refund. The school says it's already out which means I'm just waiting for the bank or creditor to send it back to my account. I'm thinking it should be there by tomorrow. It's going to be a relatively small grow and will be house inside of a 26" tall PC server tower. I bought some Purple Widow seeds a while back and am really excited to see how it does.

*make a grow journal in the forums, and ill tag along :)

I searched for an hour for my car keys, I finally found my back pocket where I thought I felt my wallet. I need another brownie.
Sweet! I finally got my server tower in and damn is it big. She stands at a whopping 26.5" tall. I still have to modify it and gut it out before anything can take place. I also have to wait for my new seed order to come in. :-?

Originally, I ordered some Purple Widow but seeing that they normally grow 3'+, I knew I had to get another strain. So I placed an order with Sannies last night for some delicious Jackberry F3.:weed:
Wussup my peeps, I'm back again. There was a death on my wifes side of the family and have been busy since. Today was the memorial....ugh yeah.. Steve you will be missed. Anyways guys how is everyone? I need to smoke a bowl with my RIU Socal G's
Were you from lostnug? You guys need to jump in our socal thread in the outdoor section! 5 og us got together last night had fun with the scope smoked triple berry! Best guys a guy could know!! How you been muppet man and captain kron? Hope all is well!
What's good so cal. Got some Shots of LA OG in my Sig down below. One of my fav strains & a Keeper.. Super Dense Nugs.
Sup guys... from so-cal myself. San diego area. I also think i'd be cool to meet up. I'm pretty new to the forum, so if I don't get an invite I understand. I'm currently growing 1 Green Crack plant. Still working on my system.

Just wanted to say hi...