Want a relationship with a difference?


Well-Known Member
Holyshit...they must be feeding the ones in my state good...all the pics were literally cows!...I go back and look somemore..hehehe


Well-Known Member
hopped up off the mat
threw my greens on
took a look in the mirror, say this sucks, this sucks, this sucks.
yeeeaaahhh, i'm gettin' commissary.. ohhhh

got my greens onnnnnnnn
now it's my time to mop the floors


green was color of our clothes when i was locked up so they were called greens.. we used to take rap songs and remix it jail style just to pass the time.

not really relevant or anything but dots mentioned commissary and it reminded me of that song we made up.
lol around here greens are PC


Well-Known Member
I am looking to find a pen pal that has at least some of the same likes as me.* I'm pretty easy, I don't think 2 people have to like all the same things but a few would be nice.* I'm open to new things. * I have a very open & honest mind and heart.* I believe in 100% honesty. * I would like to talk with men 25-40 years old, race really doesn't matter. * Nice build, I like people that take pride in themselves and take care of their body.* I love tattoos but they are not a must.* I like men who are taller than me, at least 6 ft.* They must like kids.* They don't have to have any but they have to like them even if they don't, same with animals.* I like driven men. * Someone who goes after what they want.* They must have a job & schooling. * I don't have much respect for people that are OK living off of others.

WTF, there goes the saying "beggers can't be choosers". I'm sorry I'm not good enough to be a fucking pen pal to some chick that's in jail for unknown reasons, lol.

Someone who is not in jail and doesn't openly admit why she was sent to jail.

Oh damn she doesn't fit my description.


Well-Known Member
lol around here greens are PC

actually that song we made up when i was in juvie, we couldn't buy food with commissary but we could get it to spend on shower items. this one black dude i was cool with used to buy this apricot face mask shit, and he would put it on before showers. but it was an all white face mask so to me it looked like he was in "white face" funniest shit ever.

how i loathed being in those places, yet have all these great memories from it.


Well-Known Member
†LOL† just because a chicks locked up, don't mean she can't have standards...though I wonder how many replies she gets with those standards.


Well-Known Member

actually that song we made up when i was in juvie, we couldn't buy food with commissary but we could get it to spend on shower items. this one black dude i was cool with used to buy this apricot face mask shit, and he would put it on before showers. but it was an all white face mask so to me it looked like he was in "white face" funniest shit ever.

how i loathed being in those places, yet have all these great memories from it.
protective custody.

lol I have fun when im locked up.It gos so much faster


Well-Known Member
ohhhh you mean the people that are locked up have to wear greens if they're in PC

it's too late for me, mind just aint right.


Well-Known Member
†LOL† just because a chicks locked up, don't mean she can't have standards...though I wonder how many replies she gets with those standards.
I'm just saying.. I mean she wants a model, when she's supposed to want a pen pal, lol. IDK I guess I just don't like picky shallow people, especially if anyone should be judged harshly it should be the person who judges the most.


Well-Known Member
relationship with a difference?!? hell, I just want a relationship... period! :|

I haven't had a gf since freaking Junior High School. Which was almost 20 years ago.. lol.

I live a lonely life.. but, at the same time.. I've kinda adapted to living this way. If I have to go through life without a 'better half' then it is what it is you know? I can deal with it..

I've got my two dogs.. their good company. <:)

Funny thing is.. is I'm old school whenever it comes to relationships. In other words.. I'm more of the romantic type..and people may tell you "oh, romance is dead these days.." - well, I don't believe in that..

If I ever do find love.. the girl that ends up with me, is going to be one lucky girl IMO. I have a lot of love to give out... but nobody to give it out to, so again, I've learned to live with it.


Well-Known Member
I guess my state only locks up the scary looking ones...I didn't see 1 bitch I would even joke about writing to...half of them look like Granny