Growing with a time limit, sprout to harvest in 90 days.

Which harvest schedule will be best?

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ok so heres the deal. I am currently growing WW from nirvana. I have until dec 17 2011 to harvest, and my babies have been above ground since sept 24 2011. Thats a 12 week hard deadline ready or not.
I have been researching alot and see many people who say WW can take 11-12 weeks for flower, which wont work for me.

Im trying to come up with the best/tastiest/highest yield possible and ive come up with a couple schedules that might work, need some input.

3 weeks veg under 24/0 light
switch to 11/13 for 9 weeks flower.

4 weeks 24/0 veg
11/13 for 8 weeks flower

Ive read many places that cannabis is a c3 plant and it can therefore take 24 hours of light in and possibly experience accelated growth. Also the 11/13 has been shown to decrease flower time (with decreased yield). So which schedule is better? give it another week to veg or another to flower for that extra bit of frost. Looking foward to the discussion.

Oh yeah this is all hypothetical of course...
Lets start with there is no diffrenct between 24/0 and 18/6 just the amount of power your using. There are alot of side by sides on here to prove that. The extra week of veg really isnt going to do that much for you yield wise(yes it will increase it a little but your not going to have the time to flower it out right since your losing another week so whats the point)? i would be more worried about giving it the time it needs in flowering to finish other wise your just going to have a bunch of popcorn air buds, that arent ready. You cant rush cannabis just like JOC just said.


Well-Known Member
totally doable but here is what i will say to you - as i say to most in your kind of situation.
you cannot go into a grow stressing on time and expecting a plant to preform, because when something does go wrong, its the end of the world and everything is fucked. if you have a time limit, think instead of this as a learning experience and simply do your best to grow them well while you can instead of trying to cram expected growth into a time frame.
you can definitely do some things to help speed your plant up though. first off the biggest one is hydroponics. if you started in soil you're kinda out of luck, but ive literally seen the same strain take a month and a half more to finish in soil with a smaller yield (but better bud!).
try to avoid topping, as i have found this can easily put another month onto a grow, but things like lollipopping crappy lower buds will really help the plant finish up if you have a few nice buds you're focusing on. as highly intense lighting as you can go and consistent temps (keep them on the warm side of 25 for veg and the low side for flowering ive found helps ripen). however, my best suggestion is just to let them grow! try to make everything as optimal as possible, but in the end, it's up to them to do the growing.
good luck and keep us posted.


Active Member
plants do grow a little faster under a 24 hour light, but that in no way works for flowering 12/12 for 8-10 weeks (strain depending)
but pulling your plants early is just a waste of time and effort.
Im thinking about going with the 3 week veg 9 week flower, giving it more time for flower like LostintheWoods stated. I dont agree with it not growing faster under 24 hours light however. Plants are not humans, they do not need to go to sleep. The fact that they are classified as c3 means that they absorb co2 as long as they have light, thus increasing sugar production, unlike a c4 plant.

I wanted to go soil because I heard its tastier than hydro :bigjoint:

Does anyone have any experience with quicker flower using 11/13? There is very little data available on it, but from what I have seen, it forces the plant to flower quicker with a small decrease in yield.


Well-Known Member
Im thinking about going with the 3 week veg 9 week flower, giving it more time for flower like LostintheWoods stated. I dont agree with it not growing faster under 24 hours light however. Plants are not humans, they do not need to go to sleep. The fact that they are classified as c3 means that they absorb co2 as long as they have light, thus increasing sugar production, unlike a c4 plant.
You're making declarative statements as though they are fact....which they are not...Cannabis DOES NOT grow faster under 24 hours of light. Comparing cannabis plants and humans and needing rest is not appropriate either. Also, Uncle Ben has posted some quite thoroughly scientific evidence that relates to carbohydrate uptake and the benefits of giving a plant 4-6 hours of darkness per days indoors.

You're asking for advice, getting it from people who know their shit, and you're disagreeing? I'm confused.

I wanted to go soil because I heard its tastier than hydro :bigjoint:
I heard Facebook was going to start charging and Donald Trump was running for President.

This sounds like a horrible idea in my opinion. Before you even grow, you need to have security. You are going to have people coming into your op. Too many uncontrollable variables (personally I would just lay down the fucking law, but maybe you don't have the same mentality I do about my own home), and you aren't experienced.

Do a grow when it makes sense security, time, and stress-level wise.

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
2 weeks veg 10 weeks flower
yeah i would go with this
i have posts on here of my plant at about 3 weeks veg before i flowerd at 3.5 weeks
but sometimes it can take a couple weeks to show sex and that could make it flower longer so i would deff do the 2 weeks then 10 weeks to make sure you have enought time or even 12/12 all the way threw people on here get up to 2 oz off each plant 12/12 all the way so it could be worth it
and you would have enought time for flower forsure
Seriously? This is supposed to be a friendly place where we can discuss our ideas and argue point by point until a general concensus of the best possible method for the conditions are met. All I was saying was from all the research I have done, it seems to me that a plant grows faster under 24/0 :shock:

Take a look at some time lapse videos where they have a dark period included. It looks to me like its not vegging at all during the night time, maybe root growth, but leaves are sleeping. Now I know root growth is important but Ive also read that they grow just as well during light hours. Lets get some more feedback in here tell me why im wrong or right.

Time limit is because im in college and im going home for a month for christmas break. As for security with roomates, yea like you said lay down the fucking law lol.

As for the 2 week veg, 10 week flower, I thought I was pushing it with 3 week veg. Will the plant be mature enough to go into flower at 2 weeks or will it just try to veg for 1-2 weeks more under low light until its mature enough. Thoughts?


Well-Known Member
Seriously? This is supposed to be a friendly place where we can discuss our ideas and argue point by point until a general concensus of the best possible method for the conditions are met. All I was saying was from all the research I have done, it seems to me that a plant grows faster under 24/0 :shock:
:shock: I wasn't trying to be rude or unfriendly....sorry if it came off that way...

Take a look at some time lapse videos where they have a dark period included. It looks to me like its not vegging at all during the night time, maybe root growth, but leaves are sleeping. Now I know root growth is important but Ive also read that they grow just as well during light hours. Lets get some more feedback in here tell me why im wrong or right.
I will find the exact information from Uncle Ben about night-time benefits.


Well-Known Member
Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks (

After 40 years of gardening experience, a ton of applied book learning, and a whole lot of research and personal experience I thought I'd share some pointers or tweeks. Feel free to comment. This will be a work in progress as I recall “gems” I might have inadvertently left out.

Light - Plants need a rest. Recommend 20/4 for veg. Plants do better (produce more carbos) with less light over a longer period of time than alot of light for a shorter period of time. There is a point of light saturation where more light will work against you by bleaching out the lifeblood of the plant - chlorophyll. Learn to "read your plants" and keep those leaves healthy and green until harvest. Also, contrary to forum paradigms, in general you want to give your plants more light during veg and less during flowering, think nature. The flowering response is not the time to bleach out the leaves with high light intensities (and high P foods). Ultra low levels of N found in bloom foods will generally not support leaf health.

Temperature and the importance of day/night differential - In general, a 85/70F (32/16C) day/night temp is best for most hybrids for maximum carbo production. What's really important is a good drop in temperature at night, of at least 15F/4C. If night temps are too high, the plant will use up the carbos manufactured during the day to the process of respiration as opposed to plant cell division/elongation (tissue production).

Watering technique - contrary to popular belief, wet/dry cycles are NOT good, especially for organic growers. Keep the soil medium moist but not saturated to the point where air is excluded. When you water, don’t be shy. Water until there is a good runoff. The issue is not overwatering, it's watering to the point of the exclusion of air.

Fertilizers - I don’t use “cannabis specific” plant foods for many reasons. If you do, make sure you’re able to find the NPK and micro values and understand the relationship between those elements. An overage of one element over another will create an antagonistic affect. For example, too much K tends to create a deficiency of N, Ca, and Mg.

Foliage production - Grow for the most amount of foliage you can going into the flowering response. Maintain those leaves in a green and healthy condition up until harvest, even if it means switching fertilizer to a high N value, like a 9-3-6.

Upcanning (repotting) - Score the rootball - pop the ball out and using a razor blade or sharp knife insert it about ½" into the rootball at the top and slice thru the exposed roots from top to bottom concentrating on any root spinout at the bottom. Rotate the rootball and do this about 4 times. Bury the “trunk” as deep as you can even if it means pulling off some of the lower leafsets. This will induce root output all along the buried trunk.
K so plants can reach a point of light saturation, but when do they reach this point? Im wondering if starting at 24/0 for first 1.5 weeks then switching to 20/4 for the remainder of veg would somehow bypass the saturation since I would think sprouts are using every single ray of light that comes in.

When exactly to water then? After a good dousing, should next watering be when soil is slightly moist but not dry? Top soil drys alot quicker than further down so how many inches down of dry top soil is acceptable?

What kind of nutes exactly do you use? I am currently using FFoF ~ 65% and Light warrior ~ 35% as my medium.

Have you ever experimented with co2 enrichment? I have heard that it can make your plant grow very, very fast. Would co2 enrichment offset light saturation since theres enough co2 to utilize the extra light?

What do you think is the best lighting for quickest/highest yield flower. From what I read, 11/13 will force a plant to flower faster (it thinks the end is near) with less yield due to less light. Maybe a variable lighting schedule would be best. 13/11 for 1st week flower. 12/12 for weeks 2-3. 11/13 for weeks 3-6. 10/14 for week 7-7.5. Finishing off with 3 or more days complete darkness (most people agree blackout last few days for extreme frost growth) This was just a rough schedule, but it seems like it would benefit from the little extra light at the start while still knowing it has to flower. And decreasing the light hours as time goes on just tells the plant to haul ass winters coming soon.


Well-Known Member
When exactly to water then? After a good dousing, should next watering be when soil is slightly moist but not dry? Top soil drys alot quicker than further down so how many inches down of dry top soil is acceptable?
I use the weight of the pot as a guide. I lift them to determine when they need to be watered. If they start to droop, you waited too long. I would rather underwater than overwater, so I learned that way. It's hard to teach someone, you seem smart. If you're getting good run off, it should be 2-3 days or so. The soil shouldn't be wet any longer or really dark colored either.

What kind of nutes exactly do you use? I am currently using FFoF ~ 65% and Light warrior ~ 35% as my medium.
I use the Fox Farm line for soil nutrients. Big Bloom (BB) + Grow Big (GB) in veg, and Big Bloom + Tiger Bloom (TB) + Trio of Granular (Open Sesame, Beastie Bloom, Cha Ching) in flower. In veg, 4 TBLS BB/GAL & 2 TSP/GAL GB as directed, but I start at 1/4 strength so 1TBL/GAL and .5 TSP/GAL. Once I am in flower, I don't go back down to 1/4 strength. I make a judgement based on the plants and usually go 4 TBLS BB/GAL, 2 TSP TB/GAL, and 1/8 TSP Open Sesame/Gal. At the end of flower, I am up to 4 TBLS/GAL BB, 3 TSP/GAL TB, 1/2 TSP/GAL Cha Ching.

Have you ever experimented with co2 enrichment? I have heard that it can make your plant grow very, very fast. Would co2 enrichment offset light saturation since theres enough co2 to utilize the extra light?
I know nothing about this, other than it's too expensive for what I have going on. Sorry man.

What do you think is the best lighting for quickest/highest yield flower. From what I read, 11/13 will force a plant to flower faster (it thinks the end is near) with less yield due to less light. Maybe a variable lighting schedule would be best. 13/11 for 1st week flower. 12/12 for weeks 2-3. 11/13 for weeks 3-6. 10/14 for week 7-7.5. Finishing off with 3 or more days complete darkness (most people agree blackout last few days for extreme frost growth) This was just a rough schedule, but it seems like it would benefit from the little extra light at the start while still knowing it has to flower. And decreasing the light hours as time goes on just tells the plant to haul ass winters coming soon.
You are using outdoor logic on an indoor grow, which doesn't always translate. Is there no option to grow an indica or just tell these people to get the fuck over it?? Not trying to be rude at all (I wanna make that clear, sometimes I can come off like I am I guess) just want to know.

I just wouldn't expect great results manipulating with lighting schedules. If there was some magic way like that to harvest earlier based on how you set your timer, don't you think we would all be using it on here?


Active Member
plants do grow a little faster under a 24 hour light, but that in no way works for flowering 12/12 for 8-10 weeks (strain depending)
but pulling your plants early is just a waste of time and effort.
dude be real, no it isnt a waste of time, depending on the pheno, you can be done with nirvanas wonder woman in 9 weeks for sure. Make sure the mother you clone is indica heavy, otherwise you will need 10-11 weeks. If you pick it a week early(by being forced too) You will not be disappointed in in the high unless you really want couch lock. However, if you are wanting the couch lock then you want the indica strong phenos and therefor should have no issues harvesting at 9 weeks.

I dont share this website with everyone but here it is -

This is a strain review submitted by someone. he obviously had an indica strong pheno, personally, my WW pheno is sativa strong and am sour about it lol
dude........ just grow 12/12 from seed.... read up on Del's forum he knows all there is to know about it, and you will surely have it done in 12 weeks.
yea thats so awesome man. Im thinking about vegging for 2-2.5 weeks and going flower for 10 weeks. I think it might boost yield a bit with some veg before flower. Im gonna stick with the 24/0 lighting till flower to. Getting those sweet leds in tommorow, gonna post before and after pics.


Well-Known Member
Time limit is because im in college and im going home for a month for christmas break. As for security with roomates, yea like you said lay down the fucking law lol.

As for the 2 week veg, 10 week flower, I thought I was pushing it with 3 week veg. Will the plant be mature enough to go into flower at 2 weeks or will it just try to veg for 1-2 weeks more under low light until its mature enough. Thoughts?
your going to risk being kicked out of college (and possibly banned from almost any other college in the country) to grow some grass?

dont be a moron, no pun intended
Ive been smoking for 10 years straight never been caught. Its just personal man theres no reason to be caught. Nice carbon filter and im good to go.
dude be real, no it isnt a waste of time, depending on the pheno, you can be done with nirvanas wonder woman in 9 weeks for sure. Make sure the mother you clone is indica heavy, otherwise you will need 10-11 weeks. If you pick it a week early(by being forced too) You will not be disappointed in in the high unless you really want couch lock. However, if you are wanting the couch lock then you want the indica strong phenos and therefor should have no issues harvesting at 9 weeks.

I dont share this website with everyone but here it is -

This is a strain review submitted by someone. he obviously had an indica strong pheno, personally, my WW pheno is sativa strong and am sour about it lol
Thanks for the site info man. Im gonna be looking for a nice strain for my next grow and seems like it will be useful. Leds and pics coming tommorow!