Why does outdoor give less harvest than indoor???


Hey guys
I live in Scandinavia and since it's too cold to start growing outdoors now I'm gonna start growing next summer, but I've been looking at the infopages of different seed companies and they say that plants give a much bigger (almost x10) harvest if grown indoors than outdoors.
Is this true? If so, why???
I'm puzzled...
Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
Optimal conditions can be created indoors where as outdoors you are at the mercy of mother nature.


Active Member
I would think it would be out doors that would yield more have you seen any of the big 7 foot trees thay have in northern cali?


Active Member
its harder to grow big a harvest outside because of the illegality of it and helicopters, however, that dont mean huge harvest's arent being taken from outdoors, your just not seeing them :P


Well-Known Member
I don't know where you got that info, or what seed co. is making such rediculous claims, but there is no way iondoor out yields outdoor, unless you live in a bad climate for it. In the proper climate, outdoor will always grow bigger, more potent buds.


Well-Known Member
Out door u have more light, more plant, more bud its that simple,Now there are factors like insects,mold,animals that can f$#k with yur grow,but in general outdoors will get u more yield.


Well-Known Member
If it all goes perfectly you get more outdoor, but this rarely is the case due to thieves. If you grew outdoor for 10 years or indoor for 10 years and didnt get caught , you would harvest more indoor and get a higher price for it.


Thanks everybody for the unexpectedly fast answers. But on greenhouse seed website it says that the outdoor yield for some strains can be 25-45gr but indoors its more like 350gr. Maybe I'm misunderstanding something but this seemed extremely weird to me...


Well-Known Member
yea your reading something wrong or they wrote it wrong. And dude, I'll take 10 years of outdoor grows anytime, anyday. Your talking pounds per plant verses ounces......c'mon!


Thanks man!
You gave me the motivation I needed :)
Where I live weed costs just tooo damn much and considering the fact that I am but a weed-hungry and poor student, life sucks currently :)
But in the summertime when the weather is high, hopefully I will be too :)
Thanks to everybody
Indoors we are trying to recreate what naturally happens outdoors. We will never have light as good, strong, well rounded spectrum as the sun no matter what kind of lightbulb you have. Yes there are pests, insects, mold outside but that is no diffrent then indoors the exact same problems exsist. Outside they always have fresh air and a breeze you just cant beat mother nature, cant even compare to it! Only thing i would consider is you said scandinava my guess would be the climate there would not be sutible for growing outdoors. But again OUTDOORS trumps INDOORS hands down. Size, quality, yield structure, EVERYTHING! Hope that helps!


Well-Known Member
your probably reading it wrong. most companies use grams per sq meter for indoors and for outdoors grams per plant.
i agree. i got me a 7.3 footer out back. the dam branches are drooping cuz of the heavy amounts of resin their producing. have to use a ladder to scope out the top cola


Well-Known Member
You read it wrong or it was a typo by the website.

If I remember correctly most websites/breeders that give yields almost always show the plant yields more outdoors compared to indoors... Also you must remember, those estimates mean nothing... Nothing at all.. There are way too many factors to determine a plants yield.. But in general... a plant grown with all the same variables will always yield more outdoors compared to indoors.. The one reason? Because theres no light that can match the sun...

The only thing you can use those yield estimate number for is to compare one strain to another to see which GENERALLY yields more... And you must keep in mind to only compare strains that are from the same breeder... For example ,one breeder may give their outdoor yield estimates with 10 weeks veg time and another breeder may use 16 weeks.


New Member
we as indoor growers only veg like 2 to 5 weeks and hit flower the sun produces 110,000 lumens on any given day if a person was to lets say veg 10 - 12 weeks indoor you would have one serious plant indoor and if you run lets say 3 - 5000 watts on them producing 3 to 5 times the lumens then the sun does less ultraviolet light what do you really think your goin to get :)) thinking the same thing if not more indoor