click it or ticket

do you think people who don't wear seat belts should be ticketed?

  • yes

    Votes: 16 31.4%
  • no

    Votes: 35 68.6%
  • i don't know

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Total Head

Well-Known Member
this law really bothers me. not because i'm anti-seatbelt but because my seat belt does not fit properly. i'm a girthy individual and when i wear my seat belt sometimes it cuts into my neck or accross the bottom of my face, and i'm constantly adjusting it. it just seems very short sighted to force everyone to wear the things if there's no regulations on how they fit. isn't it plausible that an improperly fitting seat belt could cause more damage than not wearing one? every car i enter is different, and even the adjustable ones don't always fit right. i'm supposed to give you money for that?

i also believe that i should have the right as a free individual to choose whether or not to wear the thing. maybe i don't want to wrinkle my shirt before a job interview. maybe i have a rash and it chafes. maybe i don't like the smell of the thing. why is it anyone else's business?


Active Member
Let everybody do what the hell they want long as they're not putting anybody else in danger besides themselves lol


Ursus marijanus
The problem occurs when the accident happens. You cannot predict accidents; it's in their very nature. The worst-case scenario isn't death. It's long-term disability from failing to die, followed by years of expensive health-care consumership. All oh so preventable. I'm all for personal freedoms an'all, but in this instance I side with the seatbelters. Wanna not wear the belt? Are you willing to sign a waiver excusing you from all EMT attention? All jmo fer sure. cn


New Member
in my civic you couldn't tell if I was wearing it or not, specially when I tinted the windows. Cops honestly don't really look around for people doing stuff like that, at least in Canada


Well-Known Member
If you crash a car and kill yourself because you didn't have a seatbelt on you are an idiot, but your not harming me in any way.
A law requiring an adult to wear a seatbelt is stupid. Most new cars make tons of alarms and beeps if you don't have seatbelt on anyways, I think thats enough


Ursus marijanus
My argument is that you are harming me ... drawing on health care resources funded in part by my tax money. Freedom is a double-edged sword ... I should have the counterright to say NO, ain't payin for that. cn


New Member
My argument is that you are harming me ... drawing on health care resources funded in part by my tax money. Freedom is a double-edged sword ... I should have the counterright to say NO, ain't payin for that. cn

Because thats really going to effect your salary in any way as opposed to now


Well-Known Member
in my civic you couldn't tell if I was wearing it or not, specially when I tinted the windows. Cops honestly don't really look around for people doing stuff like that, at least in Canada
They look for it here in America. Who knows how much money they have made off this stupid program.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
The problem occurs when the accident happens. You cannot predict accidents; it's in their very nature. The worst-case scenario isn't death. It's long-term disability from failing to die, followed by years of expensive health-care consumership. All oh so preventable. I'm all for personal freedoms an'all, but in this instance I side with the seatbelters. Wanna not wear the belt? Are you willing to sign a waiver excusing you from all EMT attention? All jmo fer sure. cn
they would be at the scene whether or not i wore the belt. what cracks me up is this law is in effect in all states yet some of those states do not require helmets for motorcyclists. should i be forced to wear eye protection when i weedwhack? should i be forced to wear kevlar in the ghetto? people make choices and they live with the consequence. that's freedom. we all pay for their emts when shit goes awry. however if there are studies that DEFINITAVELY PROVE that state x spent y amount of money SPECIFICALLY because people don't wear belts then i might reevaluate my stance. the issue is that no one can say what "would have happened" with any scientific certainty. certainly not worth raping me 50 bucks over.


Active Member
Because thats really going to effect your salary in any way as opposed to now
Probably not.
But that's also not the point.
I'm usually not one to side AGAINST freedom to do/say whatever you want, but this is just stupid.
Your not ONLY harming YOURSELF, look up a major accident, or a minor one in places like LA - that occur everyday.
People NOT wearing seat belts GO THROUGH windows, which in turn can cause more accident AROUND them.

So yes, not wearing your seat belt not only harms YOU but OTHERS.
... & the same simple fact that IF you survive, which is VERY possible, why should medical attention go to you over another accident victim who WAS wearing their seat belt.

This conversations now ... over. Lol.

I don't think he meant immediate attention, as I didn't either.
The LONG-TERM medical attention you will need is wasted time/material/money.


Ursus marijanus
Because thats really going to effect your salary in any way as opposed to now
Yes. It adds up after a while ... cn

I see I'm the odd one out here with my opinion. It's just one old online stoner's opinion, but I'm being honest. I do think that it isn't a victimless act without consequences beyond the person choosing to not strap in. All jmo. ~peace~


Well-Known Member
What about those idiot family members (like my dad, grew up not wearing it and is too stubborn to start now) who refuse to put it on? He dies in a car accident, our whole family suffers.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
My argument is that you are harming me ... drawing on health care resources funded in part by my tax money. Freedom is a double-edged sword ... I should have the counterright to say NO, ain't payin for that. cn
when i get a moving violation for anything (i.e. running a red) the breakdown of my ticket includes a 50 dollar head injury surcharge, among other things to cover such expenses. and the beauty of that ticket is it ONLY punishes people who are driving dangerously.


Ursus marijanus
they would be at the scene whether or not i wore the belt. what cracks me up is this law is in effect in all states yet some of those states do not require helmets for motorcyclists. should i be forced to wear eye protection when i weedwhack? should i be forced to wear kevlar in the ghetto? people make choices and they live with the consequence. that's freedom. we all pay for their emts when shit goes awry. however if there are studies that DEFINITAVELY PROVE that state x spent y amount of money SPECIFICALLY because people don't wear belts then i might reevaluate my stance. the issue is that no one can say what "would have happened" with any scientific certainty. certainly not worth raping me 50 bucks over.

You're intentionally setting the bars impossibly high. There is no way to definitively prove just what portion of funds went to this kind of situation. Look how long it took them to definitively prove that tobacco was expensive in healthcare terms, or even addictive.
Try to prove the counterargument: that the costs are negligible. Can't be done either, esp. in a courtroom-style setting.
Motorcycles ... I wear my helmet always always, including in states without the law. I did it before the law. I'd feel naked without it ... nakeder than I feel without my seatbelt. cn


Well-Known Member
you can also injure other passengers in the vehicle from your unseatbelted body/head crashing into their seatbelted body/head


Well-Known Member
I flipped over twice w/o my seatbelt on and have worn it ever since(not my car). i know i didnt get hurt that day but it just made me think "if i was wearing it i wouldnt have crushed my boys collar bone"-in 260 6'2 and hes like 120wet 5'7. Plus my truck has the most annoying alarm now that makes it almost impossible to not wear it. somehow all that happened was my boys collar bone outta 5 people, think only the driver was wearing his belt


Well-Known Member
I Say yes,,,Because one time I got caught speeding well over in a residential neighborhood,,,Slip on my seat belt while getting pulled over,,,Long story short,,,The cop asked me if i was wearing my seat belt,,,Being honest I said no,,,came back with a $50 no seat belt ticket "violation",,,instead of a close to a "reckless driving speeding ticket"!!! Plus i just got used to it,,,almost feel naked without it.