Could you pass your expert eyes over this for me please?

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Hi everyone, I have been growing these plants outdoor this summer - given to me by a friend in their infancy. I don't even really smoke weed, I just took them on for the luls but now that they seem to be producing, I'm getting more interested in getting a good harvest. What do you think? One of the smaller ones seems to be flowering well, the larger ones have some flowers and some buds that don't really seem to be up to much. Some are dry and fall off. I must admit, I had to go away for about a week and left a friend in charge and so I missed a lot of these buds appearing. Diagnosis please?


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your pollinating everyone's grow with that plant i heard if the conditions are right one male can pollinate a 20 mile radius so your ruining others crop man.

ayyyy fuck you !
Can't come in here and talk to our members like that so fuck off!
And btw you suck ass at growing that male looks like shit!:finger:

GTA is the on in the right here. He got spoken to for no good reason before he defended him self. Now you're just continuing to be abusive to someone without a good reason. Nice work! Guess i should say fuck you for making a new member feel so welcome.

And joe, you seem just to be making a huge bunch of vague assumptions and insulting and abusing someone you don't know based on these assumptions. To me it just reads that the plants seemed to be growing so he got excited about what the yield might be like. But yes, you're right that is just screaming drug dealer.....
Hahahah Hey buddy where did you come from this guy is a joke huh im mean wtf did he expect:-)

Whats up mang, and yeh you just dont ask for help then snap back like wtf! GTFO..
Btw I would of said the same thing you did you just beat me!
if your gonna ask people for advice dont call em fags!

In other words "don't bite the hand that feeds you"
thats was un called for all he did was say he shuld chop it cuz it could mess other peoples crops up.
So there for :finger:

<3 :joint: Jayy's

So you don't notice how GTA was perfectly civil and didn't call anyone a faggot until after he had been insulted and his very presence on this site was questioned..
Fuck it, I'll leave them growing. See if we can't fuck everyone's grow up?

And btw dont ask for help then snap back kk!
Your brand new here at least start off on a good foot.
Im new also but shit you just dont do that!
So you don't notice how GTA was perfectly civil and didn't call anyone a faggot until after he had been insulted and his very presence on this site was questioned..

yeah i did but SlimJim503 didnt say anything rude.
No name calling was done on his part and i thought drug dealer when i read the op.
And dont say you didnt cuz you even stated you did.
Thanks ! Mauh!
stick to your own hobbies and stop fucking with ours why you even on this site man?
Yup, this isn't insulting at all really, just a nice warm welcome.

And i thought dickhead when i read some of the other posts, does that make it true? I'm sure you'd wish to argue that it's not true....

See what i mean about making these assumptions? All i have stated is "excited about what the yield might be like" but you're somehow telling me that this is ME stating that i think he's a drug dealer. No, this is me saying he might be excited about what the yield might be. Don't try and make an argument on an incorrect assumption.
So you don't notice how GTA was perfectly civil and didn't call anyone a faggot until after he had been insulted and his very presence on this site was questioned..
I asked him ?'s and gave him info no name calling only facts and ?'s and to call someone a faggot on open forum is WAY out of line no matter how i worded my post. How ways i out of line.
Take your knowledge and try again next year. People talk about selling pot on here all the time, theres no specific rule against it on this forum. Pot isn't free, if it was I'd give it away, but its not so I charge away! At a price reasonable of course. Electricity, bulbs, nutrients all cost money that I don't have
Again, not a drug dealer. Took on some plants because I had the facilities to do so, meaning that my friends could possibly get some free smoke. After getting back from my trip, I saw these buds that I didn't know were male and thought "Holy Shit" because I thought I might have gotten more than I bargained for. Jesus Christ, I was trying to be a nice guy! You know, saying "What the hell I'll give it a go for the luls".

Anyway, you can believe what you want, I don't give a shit. You are just some random person in some random forum that I will never visit again.
I asked him ?'s and gave him info no name calling only facts and ?'s and to call someone a faggot on open forum is WAY out of line no matter how i worded my post. How ways i out of line.

stick to your own hobbies and stop fucking with ours why you even on this site man?

Because yes you were such the friendly welcoming person, you're totally innocent....

I'd have called you a faggot or such if you'd replied to me in that kind of manner.
Yup, this isn't insulting at all really, just a nice warm welcome.

And i thought dickhead when i read some of the other posts, does that make it true? I'm sure you'd wish to argue that it's not true....

See what i mean about making these assumptions? All i have stated is "excited about what the yield might be like" but you're somehow telling me that this is ME stating that i think he's a drug dealer. No, this is me saying he might be excited about what the yield might be. Don't try and make an argument on an incorrect assumption.

He dont smoke bro....? Either he is one of a kind or he's a drug dealer. How many people have you met that will risk ten years in prison for growing cannabis just so he could "give it away" yea ok......He's not a caregiver......
GTA is the on in the right here. He got spoken to for no good reason before he defended him self. Now you're just continuing to be abusive to someone without a good reason. Nice work! Guess i should say fuck you for making a new member feel so welcome.

And joe, you seem just to be making a huge bunch of vague assumptions and insulting and abusing someone you don't know based on these assumptions. To me it just reads that the plants seemed to be growing so he got excited about what the yield might be like. But yes, you're right that is just screaming drug dealer.....

Aight read me the last sentence and tell me what is says thanks im right your wrong.
So yes my argument was valid you stated it yourself!
Aight motherfucker read me the last sentence and tell me what is says thanks im right your wrong.
So yes my argument was valid you stated it yourself!

The last sentence reads like it is heavily sarcastic and taking the piss out of you as indicated by the "....." i wrote it, i think i know what it means :D If you don't understand what someone has stated, don't try and use it against them as an arguing point :D God forbid anyone ever takes the context of a paragraph into account to identify grammatical tools :lol:
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