Yeah I hear people get killed over that in Northern Cali...
How do the killers track down the hermie plants? How do they find the people responsible? Do they have bees with cameras strapped to their heads? Really would like to know about this.
Yeah I hear people get killed over that in Northern Cali...
Again he called me multiple names multiple times thats AGAINST forum rules i dont think i run this forum but i do know the rules and your all attacking me for what cuz i simple told a newbie his plants were fucked and he should cut them down before they seed other crops and simply asked him why he was on the forum. If you read my first two posts then you would understand.Great a another fucking newb that joined 5 min ago and thinks he runs the site.
Go take you meds angry one![]()
Well those are small communities up there where everyone knows what happens with everyone else. So if some douche leaves a male or a hermie in his grow word just gets around. I guess its usually the neighbors. So like If your crop gets all seeded and you start asking around and others have seeds then I guess its just easy to triangulate it. Plus it would be pretty hard to hide if you show up with a crop of totally seeded buds chances are your grow is the source. So if you live in a place whee other people are growing like your neighbors you better hope they don't get a bunch of seeds and start looking around the hood for the source. I know if I was your neighbor and my shit got seeded and found out the source of the pollen was some kid playing around, I might have to have a talk with him...How do the killers track down the hermie plants? How do they find the people responsible? Do they have bees with cameras strapped to their heads? Really would like to know about this.
Welcome to the in-tard-net.Again he called me multiple names multiple times thats AGAINST forum rules i dont think i run this forum but i do know the rules and your all attacking me for what cuz i simple told a newbie his plants were fucked and he should cut them down before they seed other crops and simply asked him why he was on the forum. If you read my first two posts then you would understand.
Sometimes word of mouth or they go out and look for others growing close by if you have those plants outside they can find you. Also your more likely to have nothing happen to you but in that slim case you seeded out a 20,000-100,000 dollar grow i would be worried. Thats a game you shouldn't play thats all i was saying and you came at me by calling me a dick and faggot. I only gave you helpful info sry you grew out some hermie/males that sucks but when you ask how they look and someone tells you the HONEST fucking truth take it like a man you grew them i did not and like ive stated a few times before if you would have came on here when you first started to grow i would have helped you throughout the whole grow thats what i do is help newbies. I was tired and short with my response was not a dick response sry you all fail to understand what i posted but thats what you all did is FAIL im not this kids mom i dont have to hold his hand and sit him down and be all loving about giving him the answers he asked for. Shits a hermie/male cut that shit down you might seed others crops told you to stop fucking around with the shit and simply asked you why you where here. If you read all my posts you will see what i was meaning. Everyone interprets shit differently sounds like you all failed to read my shit and failed to understand what i was saying.How do the killers track down the hermie plants? How do they find the people responsible? Do they have bees with cameras strapped to their heads? Really would like to know about this.
Because Civility is for Pussies! would be my guess come no ones suggested that he keep the seeds and try again ..... but no it gets like this ..... for shame
Now get off your thread and go do your homework! Start at the NEWBIE section and work your way up....bahahahaha
(Deep inside op is hurt)The more you fuck with me the more i kinda like you , you annoying little shit!
Its how you go about saying things,to be honest after reading all your posts here I'm gonna say youre 18 MAX and probably don't have alot of friends.Your beyond annoying and you dont get it i did NOT bully you simply gave you facts and you called me a faggot for speaking truth to you sry you couldn't handle the truth about your plants maybe next time before you show some shit hermies off and ask how much they will produce take a minute to find out a few things about the plant first man you thought a male was female i set you straight and you continue to run your mouth. You are a hurt little punk sorry i hurt your feelings and now your all butt hurt truth hurts sometimes no money for you from selling those plants sucks bro.
Dude i grow micro ? you fail to see im in a micro grow box? It takes more skill to go small.I checked out your grow you started in June...Are you actually joking me SlimJim?! It says the run before you got 2 ounces dry off 12 plants and now you are giving advice and flaming a new member?
YOU need to go to Newbie Central and get a grip bro.