Could you pass your expert eyes over this for me please?

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Great a another fucking newb that joined 5 min ago and thinks he runs the site.
Go take you meds angry one ;)
Again he called me multiple names multiple times thats AGAINST forum rules i dont think i run this forum but i do know the rules and your all attacking me for what cuz i simple told a newbie his plants were fucked and he should cut them down before they seed other crops and simply asked him why he was on the forum. If you read my first two posts then you would understand.
How do the killers track down the hermie plants? How do they find the people responsible? Do they have bees with cameras strapped to their heads? Really would like to know about this.
Well those are small communities up there where everyone knows what happens with everyone else. So if some douche leaves a male or a hermie in his grow word just gets around. I guess its usually the neighbors. So like If your crop gets all seeded and you start asking around and others have seeds then I guess its just easy to triangulate it. Plus it would be pretty hard to hide if you show up with a crop of totally seeded buds chances are your grow is the source. So if you live in a place whee other people are growing like your neighbors you better hope they don't get a bunch of seeds and start looking around the hood for the source. I know if I was your neighbor and my shit got seeded and found out the source of the pollen was some kid playing around, I might have to have a talk with him...
Again he called me multiple names multiple times thats AGAINST forum rules i dont think i run this forum but i do know the rules and your all attacking me for what cuz i simple told a newbie his plants were fucked and he should cut them down before they seed other crops and simply asked him why he was on the forum. If you read my first two posts then you would understand.
Welcome to the in-tard-net.
Wow what debut. You came in and showed us this fucked up male/hermie and when its not met with positive elation you say your going to "keep it to fuck up your neighbors grows" Then you start a fight with a long time member with mucho rep and now you have Rep points. Wow, just wow.
How do the killers track down the hermie plants? How do they find the people responsible? Do they have bees with cameras strapped to their heads? Really would like to know about this.
Sometimes word of mouth or they go out and look for others growing close by if you have those plants outside they can find you. Also your more likely to have nothing happen to you but in that slim case you seeded out a 20,000-100,000 dollar grow i would be worried. Thats a game you shouldn't play thats all i was saying and you came at me by calling me a dick and faggot. I only gave you helpful info sry you grew out some hermie/males that sucks but when you ask how they look and someone tells you the HONEST fucking truth take it like a man you grew them i did not and like ive stated a few times before if you would have came on here when you first started to grow i would have helped you throughout the whole grow thats what i do is help newbies. I was tired and short with my response was not a dick response sry you all fail to understand what i posted but thats what you all did is FAIL im not this kids mom i dont have to hold his hand and sit him down and be all loving about giving him the answers he asked for. Shits a hermie/male cut that shit down you might seed others crops told you to stop fucking around with the shit and simply asked you why you where here. If you read all my posts you will see what i was meaning. Everyone interprets shit differently sounds like you all failed to read my shit and failed to understand what i was saying.
Nah he didn't like that i called his plants trash and returned by calling me a faggot. If he had not done so and told me why he was here i would have helped him to the fullest and that was one of the things i had typed out but then i sah he called me a faggot so i said fuck it and from the looks of it those seeds were almost mature if not already. if he really wants to grow he'll be back and when he returns i would be more then happy to help him pick a strain off the tude or something stable for him to start with maybe some jack herer something along those lines. And would suggest he try his skills inside since it is not much of a crime where he is from. CFLs to start just something cheap so he could see if he likes growing inside or in general and from the looks of it if he is going to outdoor maybe picking a strain that starts to flower eralier and finishes faster cuz i noticed it was probably to cold at night for them and caused some purpleing on stems and such but could have been nute lockout but if its below 60 degrees at night he might want to look for a strain like i just suggested. Im not a dick or a faggot im disabled and sometimes i dont feel like writing a whole fucking page explaining myself to a t but i am always helping around on this forum its what i do.
You all are acting like little boys in highschool.
"...but he called me a faggot!"
"No you're the faggot!"

Shut up and hit that spliff. Its just a mistake made by all involved....
Now get off your thread and go do your homework! Start at the NEWBIE section and work your way up....bahahahaha
Now get off your thread and go do your homework! Start at the NEWBIE section and work your way up....bahahahaha

Maybe you should go to the "not being an asshole" section then follow it up with the "Rep doesn't matter a shite" section?

You attacked a new member and he defended himself,and you go off and click report all over the place?

That's the definition of "newbie thinks he's 1337 butthurt syndrome" there...
The more you fuck with me the more i kinda like you , you annoying little shit!
(Deep inside op is hurt)
& thinking this vvvvv

<3 :joint: Jayy's


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Um, no Jayy's, you're wrong I'm afraid. Deep inside I am lolling over the fact that Slimjim has been raging his ass of for about two days straight. I must admit after the first couple of posts thing started to get quite silly, but you know sometimes it feels good to get back at someone who thinks it's totally OK to bully people.
Your beyond annoying and you dont get it i did NOT bully you simply gave you facts and you called me a faggot for speaking truth to you sry you couldn't handle the truth about your plants maybe next time before you show some shit hermies off and ask how much they will produce take a minute to find out a few things about the plant first man you thought a male was female i set you straight and you continue to run your mouth. You are a hurt little punk sorry i hurt your feelings and now your all butt hurt truth hurts sometimes no money for you from selling those plants sucks bro.
Its how you go about saying things,to be honest after reading all your posts here I'm gonna say youre 18 MAX and probably don't have alot of friends.

Put down the keyboard and go outside,it's a beautiful world,full of really cool shit to do...yet you're here talking down a guy looking for help...think about it,were you an expert grower when you started out?

Bet someone on here didn't treat you the way you treated GTA. Grow up kid and get a life, everyone starts somewhere and YOU are the asshole here bro.

Little piece of life advice for you...when everyone else seems like they're being an asshole to probably means you're the asshole and didn't realise it...I'm off to check out your plants now to see how super-expert you you even pre-harvest flush your toilet plants cos someone told you,right?
I checked out your grow you started in June...Are you actually joking me SlimJim?! It says the run before you got 2 ounces dry off 12 plants and now you are giving advice and flaming a new member?

YOU need to go to Newbie Central and get a grip bro.
Nah its called being trolled and people trol see a slander wagon and jump on for kicks thats all you people are doing i told him the truth about his plants and what they could have done or could do to others crops and ask him why he was on this site. You come on here and attack me when your not apart of this you not me nor are you the op so for you to come on here and attack me on open forum makes you in the wrong. Keep calling me names troll hope it makes you feel better about yourself. And your off on the age there buddy but nice try i wish i was 18 again. Now go ahead and jump off the wagon and quit slandering me.
I checked out your grow you started in June...Are you actually joking me SlimJim?! It says the run before you got 2 ounces dry off 12 plants and now you are giving advice and flaming a new member?

YOU need to go to Newbie Central and get a grip bro.
Dude i grow micro ? you fail to see im in a micro grow box? It takes more skill to go small.
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