My pot movie

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Well-Known Member
yea man i need a copy also man. i just planted 72 seeds in my little room on top of the 6 clones i have all will be going outdoors this spring and i need some help on hydraulics. gotta figure that out:mrgreen:
so please let us know man.
peace BDW

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
I don't grow commercial strains, it's all private stock bred by dyed in the wool breeders who don't do it for the money. .

what does that mean? not commercial?

was I made from commercial strains?

they don't do it for the money?


can you tell me what is done for money?

can you tell me why they do it?

thank you


New Member
i dont mean to be a dick,but there are a lot of people expecting this video out before summer.If its not out by are going to lose much business my friend.Its not so much about you anymore BDW its about everyone you promised to have the dvd ready.Not just that,but a lot of peoples seasons are now counting on that dvd to be successful.Everyones counting on you man........dont let us down.


Well-Known Member
chong i see your point but man if you've never grown outdoors or somethin and expecting this video to be a 100% garuantee for a great grow this year then wow man.
i mean its gonna be a good video and for me im going to have it to see new or different techniques that i dont know. but most people that buy it aint gonna be gettin it to learn how to grow. its not like growing is magic man plant some seeds and learn, thats how most of us did it. peace


Well-Known Member
plent ov info here an hour and half vid aint gonna give ya wot rollitup can come on chongsbubby read the shit ps. r u from the uk?


Active Member
yeah man i dont think that anyone here is DEPENDING on his DVD.. im just hella stoked about it! and i want the soundtrack man!!!!!!!!!!!!!
well well well.. i must say.. . i just read 162 pages in 5 hours... all because i was drawn in to the dramatic approach of your grow vid.. adding the element of personal issues was genius ( the bills, the wifey leaving ) .. i think u nailed the whole episodic editing.. great job bro..
welcome aboard the pony express.
yea man i need a copy also man. i just planted 72 seeds in my little room on top of the 6 clones i have all will be going outdoors this spring and i need some help on hydraulics. gotta figure that out:mrgreen:
so please let us know man.
peace BDW
just keep positive gravity and purge and charge your lines. But there's quite a bit more to it. (but please folks, this doesn't mean I'm going to answer a litany of grow questions in here).
what does that mean? not commercial?

was I made from commercial strains?

they don't do it for the money?


can you tell me what is done for money?

can you tell me why they do it?

thank you
I see cynicism creeping in like a bad smell. THEY BREED TO GROW THEIR OWN. Motivation? Love of bontany and kicking the asses of the commericial strains.
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