Welch's Juice adds flavor and color!

Well I'm a non believer with the juice you will surely attract gnats and bugs, only thing it would do is make everything sticky. Ahh feeding threw the roots won't give u any color change or flavor enhancement just doesn't work I've tried, the only way I know would be to water cure your buds using a flavored extract I've done watermelon bud it tasted like a jolly rancher candy, so for the real good tasting buds it's usually 9 out of 10 would be the plants genetics. :clap:
And I love seeing people who stare at wheels all day long giving nothing but patronizing comments thinking they know everything because of their post count on a forum and their "Years of experience"...I've known plenty of people with "Years of experience" who know jack shit about their applied profession.

Your signature doesn't do you justice...

I can tell you what commonly causes patronizing comments. Someone who doesn't know about something says some inane thing works. People who know for a fact that it does not work say so. The initial person ignores their knowledge and continues to insist that their inane idea, that has repeatedly in the past been proven to not work, does in fact work. Those who know better respond saying, nope, you're wrong, Rain Man, but you're either to pigheaded to accept that you are wrong or you are just not intelligent enough to understand you are wrong.

The whole idea behind sites like this is to learn from others who know more. Sites like this do not exist so the inexperienced can argue with the experienced and to tell them that something the experienced knows for a fact will not work will work.

Doing so is contrary to the intended purpose of sites like this and negates the reason for either group, the experienced and the inexperienced, to be here. If the inexperienced will not heed what the experienced say there really is no reason for either to be a member of this sort of site. It is a waste of time for each. The inexperienced cannot teach anything factual to the experienced. It works the other way around.

Learn it, live it, love it.
I can tell you what commonly causes patronizing comments. Someone who doesn't know about something says some inane thing works. People who know for a fact that it does not work say so. The initial person ignores their knowledge and continues to insist that their inane idea, that has repeatedly in the past been proven to not work, does in fact work. Those who know better respond saying, nope, you're wrong, Rain Man, but you're either to pigheaded to accept that you are wrong or you are just not intelligent enough to understand you are wrong.

The whole idea behind sites like this is to learn from others who know more. Sites like this do not exist so the inexperienced can argue with the experienced and to tell them that something the experienced knows for a fact will not work will work.

Doing so is contrary to the intended purpose of sites like this and negates the reason for either group, the experienced and the inexperienced, to be here. If the inexperienced will not heed what the experienced say there really is no reason for either to be a member of this sort of site. It is a waste of time for each. The inexperienced cannot teach anything factual to the experienced. It works the other way around.

Learn it, live it, love it.

I'm with bricktop. Started about the same time he did..lst, scrog..where do you think those ideas came from..guys working with weak lights..Most "great ideas" these days have been tried long ago.

If I grew something that NEEDED juice to add flavor, I'd just switch strains.
Yep Brick Seen a Million of these Super Solution thread's go to shit.I've tried alot of crazy shit and heard alot of speculation so let's see what happen's.Maybe this will be the last one.I fuckin doubt it.I'm going out to rub a bud on my cats snatch and see if I can get some cat piss going...lol...
FIRST of all, I would like to extend a great BIG FUCK YOU to gfreeman, for posting such nonsense. Why would you post anything to do with a grape drink or grape at all with a black man in the back. its boarder line racists and offensive as fuck. mann fuck u. you aint on shit.

Secondly, I regret to inform you but I agree with mostly every one who gave their facts about juice turning things purple. sorry, but it aint gonna happen. if you want a purple strain either look for black rose, kf, or genetics that turn purple such as the one you mentioned yourself (grape ape) Think about it. Molasses is brown to dark brown. and when added with water and fed to plants, it doesnt turn the bud brown.

im not knocking u but you sound like your new to this game (which isnt a bad thing) but get a couple of grows under you belt then try things for yourself. you will quickly find out that much of the things you hear, particularly the name and rename game of strains is mostly bs. so with that, keep growing. The last thing i want to do is deter another grower, but do some research and find out for yourself.
I'm not the kind of person that would tell people something works when I know it doesn't. The only reason I posted it because I thought some people would like to smoke what I've smoked from the results of Welch's Grape juice. And I had been waiting for every to share this with people who grow once I asked my friend for the steps. I love growing and I love smoking. I pamper my plants so much, you would think I'm fucking crazy. There would be no gain for anyone if I were to come on here and spread a lie like this. I'm not some dumbass who gets satisfaction out of making people ruin something of theirs. But like I said, you don't have to believe me right now and that's fine. But at least wait until you actually see me fail in my attempt of putting Welch's Juice into my plants before you start criticizing me. I didn't really expect this many people have such negative comments towards it. But I guess it's that time of the month for some of you....

Oh well, this will be the last post from me on this thread. Next thread I start will be from the results of my grow, so expect that around mid november.
Until then
I try not to pass judgment till i see results.....ALOT of closed mined people on this site........

"you did what to your plants and yeilded that"..WELL BLA BLA BLA that will never work ill never ever ever in a million years try that, not even if theirs a fire.........

i say let the guy do his experiment befor you guys talk so much shit......hes not fucking with your plants so ease up a bit.......
I think the issue most people had was (if you read the OP) him promoting it as a proven method, not an experiment.

Big difference.

be that as it may...............i think a mature grower would still want to see solid proof..no matter WHO says that anything is proven.....
so ok let him say its proven....now prove it to me,
all im saying

no need to call this guy out like hes a loser or something.....noone here even knows this guys name..
I'm not the kind of person that would tell people something works when I know it doesn't. The only reason I posted it because I thought some people would like to smoke what I've smoked from the results of Welch's Grape juice. And I had been waiting for every to share this with people who grow once I asked my friend for the steps. I love growing and I love smoking. I pamper my plants so much, you would think I'm fucking crazy. There would be no gain for anyone if I were to come on here and spread a lie like this. I'm not some dumbass who gets satisfaction out of making people ruin something of theirs. But like I said, you don't have to believe me right now and that's fine. But at least wait until you actually see me fail in my attempt of putting Welch's Juice into my plants before you start criticizing me. I didn't really expect this many people have such negative comments towards it. But I guess it's that time of the month for some of you....

Oh well, this will be the last post from me on this thread. Next thread I start will be from the results of my grow, so expect that around mid november.
Until then

Boy. This guy is a trooper. lol
you tell me you have a cure for aids.....im not gonna laugh at you and call you a retarded douch bag.....i'll simply say prove it..

but then when i see you fail at it, then i will laugh at you

talking in theory here.....if someone here on RIU told me they had a cure for aids.....yeah prolly right off the bat im gonna laugh....
be that as it may...............i think a mature grower would still want to see solid proof..no matter WHO says that anything is proven.....
so ok let him say its proven....now prove it to me,
all im saying

no need to call this guy out like hes a loser or something.....noone here even knows this guys name..

I can see where you are coming from. I know I am going to attempt to be more civil, even if I disagree with someone and feel like they are setting up others for potential issues...

However, I still think that when you attribute grape qualities to grape juice instead of grape ape....you're setting yourself up to be made fun of...

But again, I see your point and agree with the overall tone being a bit much, for whatever it's worth. :peace:
I can see where you are coming from. I know I am going to attempt to be more civil, even if I disagree with someone and feel like they are setting up others for potential issues...

However, I still think that when you attribute grape qualities to grape juice instead of grape ape....you're setting yourself up to be made fun of...

But again, I see your point and agree with the overall tone being a bit much, for whatever it's worth. :peace:

WOW!!! see that RIU!!!!! this is what is looks like when 2 adults discuss something.......and i didnt call bigjesse a name the whole time!!!!!Nor did he call me one

see RIU!! it can be done!!!!!
i believe it shit ive smoke some hydro that tasted just like fruit i didnt know if i loved the high or the taste more
hahah i love the last post mad hatter i just went through two huge threads with people just fighting and not being civil one a mod even shut it down it was getting so ridiculous