Bwpz' First PF Tek Attempt

Nice list of abbreviations anymouse.

And yeah anymouse, If I were you I would either skip the PF tek and go straight to bulk, or do bulk and a PF tek like I am so you can compare them yourself.
If you want to look at my grow journal, it is in this section too :)

Maybe those jars messed up with that little mishap with the incubator and it killed off the myc?
They could still very well colonize though, most strains of myc are extremely vigorous.

In Texas these just grow out of cow shit. Since that's not where I am right now, it'd be cool to set one up. Does your thread have details on starting bulk? And where is it?
Got my Pressure Cooker today. Bought it on Craigslist for $40. Was going to be $25 but they drove 2 hours to bring it to me lol.


All American 21.5-Quart, they're $200 on Amazon, I got a pretty good deal on it xD

If that is your unit, you need no weight or rocker, you got the whole package - that flippy thing is spring loaded and will keep you at a solid 15 lbs.

Be sure you purge the thing every time you cook by flipping that lever up and watching for a continuous stream of steam before you flip it down - that will ensure you have only wet air in the cooker from the beginning. Afterward, take my advice and go an hour and ten to an hour and twenty each cook - especially if you use corn - the corn around now is PACKED with contams. In fact I quit eating popcorn at the theater or anywhere else the stuff is filled with kernels that are infected.
Read this thread below like 4 times. Instead of Wild Bird Seed I use Rye Berries, but it's whatever you wanna use.

Rye works, and in my opinion far better than anything else - and I've tried them all from spelt to wheat to brown rice to bird seed to dog food to corn husks to coffee grounds. I don't mean to insult the PF fans here but I just can't see where the method is any better than standard grain in a jar. The worst part is the time it takes to watch the mycelium move from the innoculation point all the way to the bottom. You can get grain that is PH balanced and the right moisture to fully colonize in 4 days. Hell, you can get a BAG of grain to colonize in 6 if you work it just right.
If that is your unit, you need no weight or rocker, you got the whole package - that flippy thing is spring loaded and will keep you at a solid 15 lbs.

Be sure you purge the thing every time you cook by flipping that lever up and watching for a continuous stream of steam before you flip it down - that will ensure you have only wet air in the cooker from the beginning. Afterward, take my advice and go an hour and ten to an hour and twenty each cook - especially if you use corn - the corn around now is PACKED with contams. In fact I quit eating popcorn at the theater or anywhere else the stuff is filled with kernels that are infected.

Yeah that's my PC I just bought. It is in fact spring loaded, so I don't need a weight?
Lucky you!
I almost made you buy a weight regulator!!
It seemed weird that the person would be that much of an asshole and not even tell you you need to buy a new piece for it.
That's a relief, I don't got that kinda money right now. Is it good to have the weight? Cuz I'll get it after my first batch.
you never need a weight for that system, in fact I don't think you can get one that fits and why should you?
you never need a weight for that system, in fact I don't think you can get one that fits and why should you?

The huge picture on the page before this shows the weight beside my exact system. I found it on eBay for $19, and someone on there said you can't can without it.
maybe you can unscrew the spring mechanism. Point is that if you put the lever down and you don't see steam coming out for a while after the cooker begins to shake you got yourself a great deal.
In the picture of a missing weight , there is nothing that would control the pressure.
It would just be boiling the water in there not bringing it up to 15 PSI.

And you can infact buy a weight for that system.
So how is it that I take my 66-quart tub and place it into fruiting conditions/ It's kinda big for a shotgun chamber...
Yeah just like the Bulk Mono Tek Pictorial posted on this site.
just keep it in that tub, keep c02 high by keeping it sealed fairly well, then once it fully colonized mist and increase FAE several times a day, after you mist, then put the lid back on, then mushrooms will grow.
I decided to spawn my 3 Mazatapec jars to bulk since i initially put too little BRF so that = a lack of food, because i didnt want them to be malnourished i spawned them to straw/ worm castings today, in a tin foil roasting pan, its about 4 inches thick and i filled it to the top with substrate, once it colonizes ill just throw it in my bucket and mist and increase FAE.
just keep it in that tub, keep c02 high by keeping it sealed fairly well, then once it fully colonized mist and increase FAE several times a day, after you mist, then put the lid back on, then mushrooms will grow.
I decided to spawn my 3 Mazatapec jars to bulk since i initially put too little BRF so that = a lack of food, because i didnt want them to be malnourished i spawned them to straw/ worm castings today, in a tin foil roasting pan, its about 4 inches thick and i filled it to the top with substrate, once it colonizes ill just throw it in my bucket and mist and increase FAE.

That's interesting, so I won't need any perlite or anything? Didn't think so, that thread didn't mention it. So in the mono tub, misting and going FAE will make it fruit?

So after I make the tub, give it 14 days to colonize, then pull it out the garbage bag and wait a couple days (?) and start with mist/FAE to make it fruit?
Yes just misting the sides of the tub and the substrate will give it enough RH to fruit.
Just remember to cease misting the sub when you see pins, then to start back up when they start growing into mushrooms.
Yes just misting the sides of the tub and the substrate will give it enough RH to fruit.
Just remember to cease misting the sub when you see pins, then to start back up when they start growing into mushrooms.

Sounds good to me, sucks I have to invest another $20, but whatever :P