First Grow - 2 x 1000w

That may very well be but that is doubtful for a 220 screen since the good hash is mixed with the pewpy hash. I'm not sure Dubbz! Try running a 73, 90 or 120 first then make another grade after that. I think I ran 120 and 180 in that order. The 180 run is for baking only since all of the goodness was removed already. When I ran the 120 I spread it out over several minutes. The first hash to come is definitely a finer grade, nice and blonde, as the run got longer it turned darker and "gamier" so I separated that to a shittier grade. I'm thinking 25 per gram is reasonable for the first part of my runs, maybe 15 per gram for the latter part of the runs and then the baking hash is what it is. How much did you end up with?

Now that I think about it, the first screen I tried was the 25. Nothing was falling out so I used the one the guy used in the video, the 220. The first stuff is realllll nice. The smoke hits hard but you feel the high almost instantly. Eyes goes bloodshot after the first hit as well. The last to fall through is still hard hitting and does damage. Overall I'm pleased with the results of my first run. I got 24 grams. I wasn't weighing them out until after I pressed them so the weights are all different lol

Beautiful Hash!
So when does the next season start for you Dubb?

Thanks man. I'm gonna run my lemon skunk trim the same way, except I'll be starting with the 73 screen. Hopefully within another month or so I'll be in a new place with my equipment set back up ready to grow.

Today I was throwing the football with my son and I got hurt lol He threw a pass that was way short so I ran and dove to catch it (trying to be goofy, hes still pretty young). I caught it, but for some reason I tucked it... like Ndamukon Suh was coming to take me out or something, and I landed on my shoulder with all my weight. I heard something *snap* and thats when I felt the pain...I've had ice off and on but now I have it in a sling I got from a friend. If it's worse in the morning, which I'm expecting it to be, I'll be heading to the ER. For now I'm smoking the lemon skunk and trying to brush it off.
MAN DOESNT IT SUCK GETTING OLD???? Man i remmeber falling off roofs and not getting a scratch...but now i get fucked up so easy lol....feel batter man
Man my shoulder is still jacked up pretty good... been staying heavily medicated on the lemon skunk but damn, this may be more serious than I thought. Tomorrow i'll probably head to the docs.

Last night me and a couple friends smoked a fatty of the skunk, followed it with a chunk of the cheese hash...wasted.

Good luck rzza!
I decided to wait a week or two till i have more trim, im still chioppng plants left n right and im up to like 12 oz of good trim, if i wait a week or so ill have upwards of 15 or 20=)
:leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:SWEET LEMON SKUNK HARVEST DUDE!:leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:
FROSTY AND DELICIOUS! :leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:I have never seen hash like that before, totally wild dude! your like a fuckin cannawizzard. :-P:-P:-P:-P perpetually blowing my mind.
How have you been dubbzy? i hear your ill now, sorry to hear it..I hope you feel better soon. unfortunetly I am trying to get better as well. Paris kicked my ass.. :leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:
amsterdam was a blast.:-P:-P:-P:-P take it easy ....trying to get my shit together for my next grow... later on.... amber..............;-)
Man my shoulder is still jacked up pretty good... been staying heavily medicated on the lemon skunk but damn, this may be more serious than I thought. Tomorrow i'll probably head to the docs.

Last night me and a couple friends smoked a fatty of the skunk, followed it with a chunk of the cheese hash...wasted.

Good luck rzza!

Hey Dubbz, hope your prognosis is good bro. Lets see some of that cured cheese when you have a chance! :D
im about to make this hash i got everything i need but i do NOT want to grind all this shit. thoughts?
Rzza you dont have to grind it too much .. just remove the stems and sticks so there is nothing to mess up your bag... The Dry Ice will mulch it up fairly well why you shake it ... I would grind if its buds.. but the trim leaves mulch up well ... imo

Dubbz... I got a half OZ of hash/ pressed kief the day after you pm'd me from a test run .. Smooth smoke and way to easy to make.. Im gonna use the other 3lbs of trim this week if I can find a fucking glass table big enough .. because I did the first batch on my kitchen counter.. and holy shit there was kief EVERYWHERE LOL!