CFL Cabinet Grow.

Hey everyone! Starting my 2nd grow here soon and have a nice cabinet to maybe do 1 or 2 plants maybe, planning on doing LST and scrogging my only concern is size does this cabinet seem sufficient enough for at least one plant?
Seeds are germin' now. Just need some feedback to get started. Thanks!


Going to get actual measurements tomorrow. Does this seem decent?

um all i see is a few walls... add some lights, dirt, and plants and youll be off to a great start!
Yeah I just wanted to get a few more opinions on the size.
But I guess all is good. Will have updates and pics
When seeds are nice and germmied.
Okay, got the dirt and lights haha. I now have 2x 26w
6500k CFLs running for just this one Plant. Will add more along the way
I am Planning to put in an exhaust and intake fan Once I can get ahold of a drill
Is it important to have fan in there right this second? If so I will go buy a converter
Tomorrow for the fan I have in there. Here's some pics, feedback please!




Just messing with ya. Well the cfls are close. That's good. Make sure you have drain holes in the bottom of the cup.
Yep that's all taken care of. Thanks for viewing though!
I think it could go a few days without the fan. So just going To wait on the converter.
Day 1 for this lil' girl :)
you wont need an exhaust fan for quite awhile a long as its not too hot in there. just opening the door a couple times a day with be enough air exchange for now. once the plants are bigger, they will love the constant air exchange of an exhaust fan.

a small circulation fan for some air movement once they pop the soil but not blowing directly at the seedling.

could do a couple plants in that space or 1 big one if you veg longer to train it to fill the space.
Here's the rule for lights. If you put your hand under the light and it's too hot, it's too hot for the plants. Then you need to raise the lights. Your working with cfls which don't get too hot anyway. The fan will decrease the heat between the lights and plant allowing you to keep the lights as close as possible (2-3"). The fan blowing air around in there will also strengthen the main stem as it's growing.

And NO cheating!!!!

Day 1 will be the day the seed cracks and pops its head up out of the soil. You are on day "-3".
Feedback from a complete indoor novice:
Yes the closet size is good for two plants. I've read grow journals on this and other sites with many more than two plants growing in smaller spaces than that. So long as you can fit a pot in the bottom, some lights at the top and have 2-3 feet or more of space in between then you can grow. That space looks nice and tall so it should be easy to get two plants in there without much effort. There are many ways to make the plants grow to fit the size and shape that you want. Google 'micro SOG' for examples of 20+ plants growing in smaller spaces, just as an example. If you wanted to you could grow a single plant and train the branches in such a way that you could fill that space with flowers, though in general going with more plants will fill your space quicker as there's less vegging time involved.

You don't need the fans yet so long as the space is cool enough. You don't want your little girl born into an oven. The purpose of ventilating the space is to get the heat out and to let fresh air in so the plant can breath. As there's no plant mass yet the only thing to worry about right now is not baking your seedling.

Apart from that the only thing I would say is to plan ahead. Work out how many lights you're going to have in there and how you're going to get the fresh cool air in and get the smelly warm air out when the plants are fully grown. It will be much easier to do rough tests on your ventilation and temperatures now when the space is empty than it will be when the space is full of plants. If you add lights and fans piece by piece as you go then there's a risk you'll make a mistake at some point, make the space too warm by adding one light too many, and fry the plants overnight.

Good luck with the grow :)
Yea you have enough space. I grew two plants in a space probably smaller than that. If you know how to LST properly you can grow in some small places.
Feedback from a complete indoor novice:
Yes the closet size is good for two plants. I've read grow journals on this and other sites with many more than two plants growing in smaller spaces than that. So long as you can fit a pot in the bottom, some lights at the top and have 2-3 feet or more of space in between then you can grow. That space looks nice and tall so it should be easy to get two plants in there without much effort. There are many ways to make the plants grow to fit the size and shape that you want. Google 'micro SOG' for examples of 20+ plants growing in smaller spaces, just as an example. If you wanted to you could grow a single plant and train the branches in such a way that you could fill that space with flowers, though in general going with more plants will fill your space quicker as there's less vegging time involved.

You don't need the fans yet so long as the space is cool enough. You don't want your little girl born into an oven. The purpose of ventilating the space is to get the heat out and to let fresh air in so the plant can breath. As there's no plant mass yet the only thing to worry about right now is not baking your seedling.

Apart from that the only thing I would say is to plan ahead. Work out how many lights you're going to have in there and how you're going to get the fresh cool air in and get the smelly warm air out when the plants are fully grown. It will be much easier to do rough tests on your ventilation and temperatures now when the space is empty than it will be when the space is full of plants. If you add lights and fans piece by piece as you go then there's a risk you'll make a mistake at some point, make the space too warm by adding one light too many, and fry the plants overnight.

Good luck with the grow :)

Wow. You responed in english not ebonics. +rep
Thanks for all the advice guys! My only concern right now is that it may not be warm enough in there
Or that the CFLs are too close. I don't think they are but just need some reassurance. What do I do if not enough
Heat is the problem? And I plan on putting a few more cups in there tomorrow should I add more lights then or are 2 enough to start? Again, thanks for the feedback I will post updates as I go along. Good news though pickin up a half of Jackhair tonight :) Happy smokin' fellas!
Im just starting a closet grow using some cfls but i also have some T5 fluorescent tubes i would recommend usig some of these for the top to get a nie canopy and maybe adding the cfl as side lighting to ensure light for lower leaf/bud production just my 2cents. . . I have critical + under 3 T5s could really use another 1 all 6400k and have 2 27w 5000k waiting to add my girl seems to be content of course a hps would be superb but i dnt have the extra $$$ for keeping the temps down. . . I used the 2 27w for my sedlings 1st week or so good luck on the grow. . . Ill be tuned for upsates
I awoke this morning to a little surprise!:weed: :)

This one was planted 3 days ago and the
Other two were planted yesterday. They germed really good so should
See them within the next few days.
Well it's a seed from my caregiver it was jackhair the other 2 are
Bagseed. Jackhair is one of my favorite strains. I sprinkled a little abit of trimmings in the soil
With The bagseed. I'm naming it Cannibowl :)