The UK Growers Thread!

Serial Violator

Well-Known Member
sounds exactly like a partial hermie. no worries, these things happen i'm giving my grow room a good clear out today, change the can filter around and silence the fuckin air pump a bit as i just flipped to 12/12 yesterday and one of the things i'm gonna do is spray them with Dutch Master Reverse as a preventative. its always handy to have around.
I'll get some for next time,what stage do you spray with the DMR, its going to be my last grow of the year as im moving to Spain in November


Well-Known Member
ive had few hermies over the years, i fuckin shit myself at first but the further i read into it and bought the Reverse stuff that was the problem solved, ive fixed plants for mates as well with it. its an hour or twos work to fully check and spray the plant completely but its well worth it. the stuff only cost £30 quid but when u consider what a quarter of weed costs then its a no-brainer.

Serial Violator

Well-Known Member
ive had few hermies over the years, i fuckin shit myself at first but the further i read into it and bought the Reverse stuff that was the problem solved, ive fixed plants for mates as well with it. its an hour or twos work to fully check and spray the plant completely but its well worth it. the stuff only cost £30 quid but when u consider what a quarter of weed costs then its a no-brainer.
Yeah i did know about it but never had any clue what itwas up to and will from now on spray the shit out of them


Well-Known Member
I'll get some for next time,what stage do you spray with the DMR, its going to be my last grow of the year as im moving to Spain in November
some peole spray every week, i think thats a bit extreme. ive only ever used it whena hermie has appeared so far but i think if u do it at light flip and then every two week till harvest that would do it, even thats maybe a bit extreme. there is a link in here of a guy that conductedan experiment with regular seed. he soaked half in dm reverse and sprayed them every so often all the way thru their entire life cycle. he claims he got 100% females from it and his other half turned out 50/50. heres the links
apparently it was created for the fruit and veg market to make seedless fruits like grapes and such. btw sum of the info is VERY in-depth, phd university grade biology shit.

Serial Violator

Well-Known Member
some peole spray every week, i think thats a bit extreme. ive only ever used it whena hermie has appeared so far but i think if u do it at light flip and then every two week till harvest that would do it, even thats maybe a bit extreme. there is a link in here of a guy that conductedan experiment with regular seed. he soaked half in dm reverse and sprayed them every so often all the way thru their entire life cycle. he claims he got 100% females from it and his other half turned out 50/50. heres the links
apparently it was created for the fruit and veg market to make seedless fruits like grapes and such. btw sum of the info is VERY in-depth, phd university grade biology shit.
Cheers mate i'll get reading


Well-Known Member
well lads i'm gonna turn over a new leaf in time for chrimbo, IVE GOTTA PLAN!! im gonna go back on the ant-abuse pills for the duration of my flowering and drying and im gonna try ask my doc for anti-craving pills. this will give me 8 weeks to save for chrimbo and square all my debts off as well as concentrating on my plants a bit more, it should make me feel better as well, this fuckin drink depression can get a bit fuckin tedious. im gonna try and not sleep with birds behind my girls back(although she's never gonna believe that!) and im gonna get stuck into my uni studies. ive tried all this before with limited success ( i'm fine for about a month and then it all goes tits-up in usually spectacular style) but i've never had the anti-craving medication. so tonight im gonna start the pills......maybe next week i'll go to church.


Well-Known Member
Anti abuse and anti craving medication.. man the fuck up :p
distinct lack of will power mate! i'm fine for days like last week but all it takes is a bit of boredom ,a wedge of cash and im off. last week i went out to the pub on tuesday and woke up on friday with the sweat running out me , over £300 lighter and my kidneys that painful i was screaming if i tried to move. extremely unpleasant to say the least

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
distinct lack of will power mate! i'm fine for days like last week but all it takes is a bit of boredom ,a wedge of cash and im off. last week i went out to the pub on tuesday and woke up on friday with the sweat running out me , over £300 lighter and my kidneys that painful i was screaming if i tried to move. extremely unpleasant to say the least
Haha, I'm the same Tbh. Back on the cigarettes with a vengeance and havnt been able to go more than 1 day not drinking in the past 6 years. And once I've had my first beer I don't stop till I drop. No control at all. Had figured come Monday volcano and nothing else till Christmas.

In fact 10 minutes out of bed and i've already opened a bottle of white wine and have a bag of dorito's and salsa on the go :D

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I'm good, gonna roll up a blunt and watch some only fools or play some GTA, although not really enjoying GTA 4 too much, i like vice city :D

Fraid not mate, I've got a male on the go but other than that i've had my rotation full nad have had my plans all upset, don't think i'll flower one out in at laest 6 months. Gotta get my arse into gear pronto if i want anything for January to shift and don't have time to sex anything, time to raid the fem seed drawer. Same goes for all the new seeds i've got going as well, gonna be yonks till i can get em going. Think my ballast and such will be travelling with me :D


Well-Known Member
got another ps3 yesterday iv went threw 7 buying sellig keeping this time tho fucking hate starting again on black ops

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
After my first seed harvest i on longer really care either way about hermies. Firstly even with my cheese full of DT seeds, it's been in a lot of demand, (they calmed down once i told em it was intentional) but hey, i can sell totally seeded bud for 3160 an oucne all day long and everyone seems perfectly happy :D Most of my grow is my own anyways so all it eamns is i spend 20 seconds picking some seeds out prior to grinding and i have a bag of potentially kick ass seeds :)

I say save ya money and just upgrade ya computer, it's my belie that the pro's far outweigh the slight extra cost over a console, such as only having to buy the odd one or two games, 90% of the games i play cost me nothing ;) as opposed to 50 quid a pop or whatever madness it is with consoles.

I can't wait for the new counter strike to be relased so i can utterly dick over all the console players with their "nuh uhhhh, my gamepad makes me just as accurate as your mouse and keyboard" loser attitdes. Some folk just don't have the brain power to understand physics.


Well-Known Member
scotch egg and a cuppa, fuckin ace. yeah tip im fuckin hellish mate, i dont drink everyday but i'm one of the greediest bastards ive ever known( and remember i'm scottish so i really understand alcohol greed), when i hit the pub i drink spirits and of recent ive been havin a shooter with each half, thats a fuckin £5r every 15/20 mins. on top of that its usually 2 to 3 grams of coke, so an 'average' day in the pub is around £200 and i can do that normally for 3 days, it fuckin adds up over a month, every penny i ,make goes into it. i dont want to stop drinkin or anything but i need to be able to leash it sumtimes and right now i need a complete break to get the funds and grow sorted.
its fun at the time though.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Aye, i hear you Dura, While i don't earn much at all, that is i have £90 a week of my own money, £60 of that £90 will be on booze, for me it's just a time killer, but it's become routine and that's not a good thing at all. I both need to get to grips with spending an evening sober, and also save up, i have flights and visas and lots of this and that that i have to be saving for over the enxt few months and putting a tenner aside a week ent gonna put me 50,000ft in the air y January.

Like with everything i can firmly blame women for my alcoholic tendencies, ripped my life from beneath my feet and left me in a vicious cycle.


Well-Known Member
Ttt dura sounds to me like your both brothers lol smoke a fat head and man up lads woman neva got u were u are yourself did and i have a funny feelin u love it lol now y would i think that lmfbo