2nd Flower. 3 Strain, 600w HPS


Well-Known Member
Rock out! Looking great, brother! I just filled 6 more Pint jars wih some dried outdoor...Picked up another case of 12 Quart mason jars for 6 bucks at wally world!! Man, and I still have 3 weeks on the indoor. I'm stoked, because I'm smoking the outdoor, so that'll give the indoor some good time to cure until I break into it...Or maybe I'll just ad it to the mix... ;)

Anyway, whats good, bro? Vacation! I need one, bad! My lady is asking for Thanksgiving weekend off...
Damn bro rollin in da budds lol. ya sounds like ur on vacation haha nah but sounds good man, jus make shur you roll thru for some big nor cal tokes!


Well-Known Member
dont want be doin that norcal mate ave patience and give them lots tlc they reward u mate..

yea i was hurtin though yesterday... i did hold out, and idk karma?, my buddy came over an smoked me out:) got me some Critical Haze at 22% THC .28%CBD and .26%CBN
shits hella bomb! so i didnt have to cut samples. uhgh.. 20 days left...

kevin murphy

New Member
only my opinion mate alot of people take tester nuggs its just not sumat ive done only ever done it once off a damaged plant not one that was still growing..end of day dont matter what me or anyone elses thinks its your grow your rules..


Well-Known Member
only my opinion mate alot of people take tester nuggs its just not sumat ive done only ever done it once off a damaged plant not one that was still growing..end of day dont matter what me or anyone elses thinks its your grow your rules..
pff yea i know man, i said it like that, cuz i didnt realy want to cut. it would have been the bottom tiny buds that would be tossed in with the trim anyways. but good lookin kev!


Well-Known Member

thats the Kryptonite growing some new veg. roots must be doing well then. the 2nd pic is the SC knot made on the right clone, and the one with my finger is the left clone.

i forgot if i put on here i SC thos two, forgot i did myself haha. i was curious why they looked a little limp, and today they had new growth and wer realy good lookin'


Well-Known Member
thye looking great bro. fuckin coveredddd in pistils!!! :D good sign they gunna plump up real weel for ya


Well-Known Member
thye looking great bro. fuckin coveredddd in pistils!!! :D good sign they gunna plump up real weel for ya

thanks man we shud be seein a huge growth spurt the next few days. i saw a big difference today. the BlueD and LA wer hella thirsty today so i gave em half a gal each with nutes! the nxt day er so the chem dawg will get ther, shes so bushy no light hits the soil! i did a decent LST on dat bitch i do believe hehehe

oh reminds me once i upgrade my t5, i want to light up under myflower spot with some cfls maybe... got work on making enough to help with the Ebill. job search continues...


Well-Known Member
ment to add this before i seen the pics my internet is slow and yeah they didnt load till after but ill keep the comment cheers man there looking frosty