I Need Advice About A Threesome?


Well-Known Member
Ok, I'd really like some help with this. It's kinda a weird situation. I'm not even sure it's an offer...

I'm friends with this couple, both my age. I've known them for a few years. He's straight, and she's bi, before him, she was with a woman for a long time.

As I've hung out with them more, they've both started getting really flirtatious and grabby -- but ONLY when the other isn't around. When we're all together they're all about each other.

They have BOTH suggested that we all have a threesome, but we've never ALL talked about it, you know? She's suggested that he'd go for it if we initiate it one day after a smoking session. He just straight told me he'd love to fuck me while I eat her out. Sometimes when we're together I'll flirt with her to tease him, and he...well, he jokes back, but I don't think he likes it too much.

They have a real volatile relationship. Like, they're fighting, then they're making up. They love each other, they hate each other. They get jealous over weird things...

Normally, if my friends boyfriend tries to fuck me, I would tell her. I like to be loyal to my friends. But it's like, she's doing the same thing, and he's my friend too, so I should be telling him too.

I want to know what the hell is going on. Are they fucking with me? Are they both doing this together, or are they both doing this without the other knowing? I'm scared to just bring it up to them both together, because the way they act when we're all together. And I'm too worried to mention it to them separately, because that would mean telling each of them "Your significant other is trying to fuck me." When they fight...they get pretty out of hand.

There's so much talk about sex going around, I figured it'd be a good place to ask for some opinions. I seriously need some.


Well-Known Member
damn girl you's a FREAK!!!! i need to find some females like you lol. na on some forreal shit, i think you should confront them both and let them kno how you feel. obv. the both wanna mess wit chu but they are afraid to put it out in the open because they are afraid about how the other one is goin to act. so once u put it out there, and the smoke clears, they you all will realize that you want the same things. but on the bad side of the track, you have to remember that after sex ppl act diffrient. so you have to decide weither its worth changin how you guys are. but then again it might not change anything.but that choice is yours. i just hope that if u decide to do the threesome that you plz bless me with some pics lol.


Well-Known Member
Dude, a threesome changes shit. You will hear all the fantasy stories like everyone's still friends and you have a good laugh over that one night, but realistically, its gonna change shit between you guys.

If you value the friendship you have with them, my advice is to not go that route, if your really not that great of friends, well then thats your call.


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt do it, I would play and flirt but dont really ever go there. A couple who is happy and never fights and is so cool are suspect to change in a threesome...trust me most of mine though they started out seeming like it was going to be so cool it ended up with somebody having some tension...and me always feeling bad like hey I just did my best sorry if I made you both cum really good dont start playing jealousy games....so long short if they already have a rocky relationship then this could be the catalyst that makes it blow up and it will really only hurt you cuz they will just make up and youll be without friends and have a shitty sex exerience in your head..i try to limit my shitty sex experiences..


Well-Known Member
i dont know cuz they both want her so they both get satisfied. let them both lick you all over, you will have fun. if problems arise they were never realy your friends anyway.

Just wanna make sure you dont show one more affection than the other (specially the man)



Well-Known Member
i fucked my wife an her best friend befor we got married as a little present for myself...been 5 years with no probs..people who claim downslide is not always the case....sometimes its good to sample some new pussy...peace az


Well-Known Member
its not always bad trust....but when there is already tension on the scene why fuel that fire? and take a chance on being caught in the crossfire...ive had big time fun with couples but also had some ahh wish i had, had some hindsight on that one...


Well-Known Member
They have a real volatile relationship. Like, they're fighting, then they're making up. They love each other, they hate each other. They get jealous over weird things...
Re read your paragraph above & you'll know the answer.

This something that i know alot about,my wife is very bi & has had a girlfriend allmost as long as i can remember & im cool with it,i dont expect shit from the two of them either,im owed nothing in my eyes.

Having a 3 some can be a relationship killer for any couple who has problems,3 somes are looked at by alot of couples who have a troubled relationship as a marrige saver but in reality its a relationship killer.

Its also a death sentance to a friendship.

You will most likely become the focus of many an arguement,on her side she'll throw it up in his face about some way he fucked you or did something that she didnt agree with,probabally about him spending too much time with you & not paying exactly the same amount of attention to her as he did you.

On his side you'll be the focus of anger because if he hadnt done the 3 some in the first place he wouldnt be hearing all that bullshit flying out of her mouth.

Ive been where your at right now,it all sounds good but ends up bad.

Farm Friend

Well-Known Member
Well said panhead. Wikid, it is one of those things that sounds all fun and exciting because of the unknown, curiosity, etc. but once you do it, you will regret it. Chances are you will loose two friends and be left feeling empty.That is my two cents from one girl to another. Farm.


Well-Known Member
I know this much....no matter how much a women says it's ok, lets have a threesome.....Says to her man I don't mind if you fuck her as long as I'm there....It's a trap...That women will never get the vision of her man fucking someone else out of her head...Ever.....EVER!!!!


Well-Known Member
I know this much....no matter how much a women says it's ok, lets have a threesome.....Says to her man I don't mind if you fuck her as long as I'm there....It's a trap...That women will never get the vision of her man fucking someone else out of her head...Ever.....EVER!!!!
You know that shit is 100% true too,with my wife she flipped right out about 2 weeks later,going on about how i did this & how i did that,im like WTF are you going on about,you've been fucking her for years now im the bad guy :roll:.

I gave up on that stuff,its all good to dream about it but if a couple really wants a 3 some without all the headache, next time their in vegas visit the Ranch & buy a partner,its much less shit that way with no hard feelings.


New Member
yeah I agree with farm chick.
It sounds interesting and exciting BUT if this couple is in a destructive relationship already,then they are just looking for something else to divert their attention elsewhere instead of each other and their problems.

Find a healthy stable couple instead ;)

Well said panhead. Wikid, it is one of those things that sounds all fun and exciting because of the unknown, curiosity, etc. but once you do it, you will regret it. Chances are you will loose two friends and be left feeling empty.That is my two cents from one girl to another. Farm.