My mom & weed


New Member
My mom is getting pretty suspicious w/ my weed smoking. She's found a tin with some seeds and stems so I told her it was my sister Casey's. She bought that becuase Casey is a ex-crackhead and she does all sorts of drugs and is pretty open about smoking pot. Also Casey has been messing with stuff on my shelves(where the tin was). Anyways, She's noticed my relaxed/easygoing/friendly behavior from smoking but still thinks I'm "buzz free". But I gotta plan to get better grades (I'm a C student) and then when I'm getting A's and B's I'm going to tell my mom that I smoke pot and if she is pissed I'll show her my grades and how much they've improved since last year I got D's and F's. I just hate stressin over her finding my main stash. But she's pretty gullibble so I should have it under wraps for a lil while. Anyone ever get their stash found by parents?
you're in highschool?

I rarely smoked before school when i went. I've been smoking for almost 5 years now, and the last 2 very avidly, and only within the last year and a half have i been able to fully funtion while i'm stoned. I STILL wouldn't recommend it, if you were like me and had A.D.D., it really fucks with you then. Unless you take ritalin, like i did, and then you just get really spaced and concentrate really hard on whatever you're day dreaming about.

sorry. its the green rambling on and on, time to go take another gravity and shut up :)
haha my mom found my bag one time when i dropped it in the bathroom, stupid moment yeah, she just came in my room and was like
"are you missing something?" and I was so confused and just said no....
then she asked "how do you pay for this?"
and i was like "oh shit"

She's known I've smoked for 3 months now, even though I've been smoking for 2 years.
She's come home to the house stinking, but she's never seen me do it, which I think she's happy about.

Weed makes my grades soar, I took all of my exams blitzed out of my mind and got A's - C's, maybe that's why she's left me alone about it =]
I had really good grades when I was in school. I use to smoke before school, leave school and smoke, and after school. A's and B's. The only reason weed has any problem on your grades is because you get high and go to school and you don't want to do anything. If you want to make good grades then you would. Its all in the head.
My mom is getting pretty suspicious w/ my weed smoking. She's found a tin with some seeds and stems so I told her it was my sister Casey's. She bought that becuase Casey is a ex-crackhead and she does all sorts of drugs and is pretty open about smoking pot. Also Casey has been messing with stuff on my shelves(where the tin was). Anyways, She's noticed my relaxed/easygoing/friendly behavior from smoking but still thinks I'm "buzz free". But I gotta plan to get better grades (I'm a C student) and then when I'm getting A's and B's I'm going to tell my mom that I smoke pot and if she is pissed I'll show her my grades and how much they've improved since last year I got D's and F's. I just hate stressin over her finding my main stash. But she's pretty gullibble so I should have it under wraps for a lil while. Anyone ever get their stash found by parents?
I have nothing to say.. i am shaking my head in disgust..
Hopefully you are either an 18 year old senior or maybe going to a community college because being under 18 will get ya banned here.
This is strictly 18 and over...

When I was 12 My mom found by home made bong and just left it there. I didn't know if she saw it but she acted like she didn't. Then We got in a fight later on in the week and she used it agaisnt me. It was pretty un-fair since she haden't aproached me aobut how I was smoking and just used it agiasnt me. When I finnaly talked to her about she calmed down and actully aproved of the fact i was smoking. She eventuly tottaly got over it and started smoking with me. Now I smoke in our house all the time and she doesn't care. It could work out if your mom finds out. It worked out for me. : )
both of my parents smoke pot. for a while, it was a real cat and mouse game about it but now they have come to accept it and are really cool about it.
It's just really a pain in the ass to borrow money from them cause i'm afraid they think i use all my money on dope.

which i do not.

i spend all my money on nutrients, new fans, new pots, coco coir, and maybe some pot.

but anywhoo.
definately introduced my dad to a roor on thanksgiving. The most blitzed ive seen the old man.
I would love to smoke a blunt with my folks someday...

Only problem they have is that it's illegal here. So maybe someday :blsmoke:
I never had to worry about hideing it

I never smoked until i was 16
And my parents didnt find out till i was moved out on my own
toke and i both.
x3....unbelieveable dude
It's funny thinking about having to hide weed in your own home. Of course, I used to hide it from my parents but now it stays right where I need it... Glove box, next to the couch, on the toilet tank, etc.
on the toilet tank? i hope your not smoking while your shittin. thatd be a nice inhale taste. haha. gross
the only thing i have on my toilet tank. is............. an extra roll,(just in case) and the latest high times mag. great toilet read:mrgreen:. seriously i read high times, while i shit EVERY TIME. its the only time i can get my reading in.:hump:f