Belief Without Evidence WTF?


Well-Known Member
show me a link to where ive said i have evidence a god dosent exist lol ive said many times i cant prove a god dosent exist but i lack the belief that one does then you go on shouting prove he dosent blah blah , same old rubbish wich countless inteligent people have gone over over n over again with you , i would choose to ignore you now coz i find you tedious , but im not gonna let you spread nonsense in my thread , so yeah .
and more to the point still not one scrap of evidence for your god existing lmao.
Again check post 58, you said I'm ignoring evidence. Then you said oh nevermind you're ignoring facts. Either way what am I ignoring?
And again it doesn't matter you'rean athiest. You made a stance saying you have evidence I ignore.
And again I didn't claim to have evidence, unlike you.


Well-Known Member
hey heppatitus your time would be better spent , on your knees praying to your invisible friend up above , couldnt you pray yourself some credibal evidence he exists so you can stop looking so stupid infront the internetz people lmao.
Oh I look stupid? How do I look stupid? I'm asking you a question that you keep avoiding. I take no stance in this argument. So, again, how do I look stupid?


Well-Known Member
Why do you hate the idea of an all powerful Creator ?
Myself I believe in the God of the Bible. If I did not have faith that God existed I would believe in Aliens from outer space seeded the planet and will be back soon to see how we did.

No way would I believe all this exists because of evolution. The five senses are a miracle, not to mention the rest of bodies. No way we evolved from mud or monkeys, Utter nonsense from the devil to take as many people to hell as he can

And you sir sativa will have a front row seat if you dont accept Jesus or at the very least accept aliens from out space who may not a lot more about God then you do


Well-Known Member
Why do you hate the idea of an all powerful Creator ?
Myself I believe in the God of the Bible. If I did not have faith that God existed I would believe in Aliens from outer space seeded the planet and will be back soon to see how we did.

No way would I believe all this exists because of evolution. The five senses are a miracle, not to mention the rest of bodies. No way we evolved from mud or monkeys, Utter nonsense from the devil to take as many people to hell as he can

And you sir sativa will have a front row seat if you dont accept Jesus or at the very least accept aliens from out space who may not a lot more about God then you do
Why can't evolution be considered a miracle? I'm not Christian, but I have read the Bible. Evolution makes COMPLETE sense in track with the creation myth. 1st day light (Universe: Stupid to say the universe took 1 day then the Earth collectivity took 5, but it still fits) Then he goes on to create the heavens and the earth ("Gods time" is different than ours, this "day" may have been an entire age in sun terms.) then he makes plants, fish, animals, birds ect. Then finally humans. How does evolution not fit in there as a miracle to describe this phenomenon. To describe how god "did it" without presenting him as a Genie or something.

Michael Sparks

Active Member
how is it seriousley possible people believe in gods without evidence , anything else in life requires evidence, to believe its true , yet when it comes to believing in a god , stupid people disregard this vital point , why is this ? its truly shocking
This video should help out, just a wee bit..... best of luck with the continuance of this thread. [video=vimeo;24071143][/video]

Edit: After reading some of the last back and forth posts, I must says US & The SUN...... pretty good proof goofballs

cut the bickering and unite already, jeeze we are wasting precious time


Active Member
but I have read the Bible.>>>

Ok..I vowed to not waste my time with you, but I'm calling BS on (most)people who say that. What exactly does that mean? You've demonstrated ZERO biblical knowledge, yet somehow you're an expert because you "read it". Comprehension obviously wasn't a requirement. I've *been* reading it daily for over 20 years and *I* don't know much. I read a Geometry book in 10th grade. Couldn't tell you anything about it though.


Active Member
Oh...and what you describe is theistic evolution...which you don't believe in because there is no God. I don't put much stock in it...because if there's a God, who can do/create anything he wants, why would he start a gazillion-year (have we nailed down the exact # yet?) cruel process of "survival of the fittest" to arrive at:man?

Why can't evolution be considered a miracle? I'm not Christian, but I have read the Bible. Evolution makes COMPLETE sense in track with the creation myth. 1st day light (Universe: Stupid to say the universe took 1 day then the Earth collectivity took 5, but it still fits) Then he goes on to create the heavens and the earth ("Gods time" is different than ours, this "day" may have been an entire age in sun terms.) then he makes plants, fish, animals, birds ect. Then finally humans. How does evolution not fit in there as a miracle to describe this phenomenon. To describe how god "did it" without presenting him as a Genie or something.


Well-Known Member
wow, what a stir over a fart in a teacup.

great arguments.

worlds exists = god exists .

something must have created the world, so, god. so what created god?

life on earth exists, so aliens mustave seeded it (who seeded the aliens?)

you still at that point lol.

have fun guys im gonna go play a postapocolyptic storyline shootemup :)


Well-Known Member
do yall burn herbs strickly to get high or do yall use it to lively up yourselves?
I smoke to connect with Shiva. And it helps medically, and it keeps me at homeostasis (never had a headache, ever. Thought I did once, but then someone described a headache to me and I was wrong. What I had was not a headache.).


Well-Known Member
I smoke to connect with Shiva. And it helps medically, and it keeps me at homeostasis (never had a headache, ever. Thought I did once, but then someone described a headache to me and I was wrong. What I had was not a headache.).
The same thing happened to me when I was a young man but it was about sex with another human being:wall:, not headaches ;-)


Active Member
yeah man, smoking to strictly get high is cool and whatever but its unfulfeeling. icant even do it nomore. but when you burn and meditate on yourself/nature/God, God most importantly, ifeel so refreshed and relaxed even days after burnin. irecommend it to everyone.