NOOB HELP ( flowering stage ) all stems are turning purple including the main stem !!


im 5th week into flowering and i noticed that all the upper stems are turning purple. now originally i had noticed it and when i read online people said it could be from the temp getting too cold. so i monitored the temp and its been the same 76 / 78 durring the day. but the problems seems to be getting worse. it has only been affecting the top of the plant and had start on the outer stems first and worked its way into the main stem.. need help .. any tips : best info i can give

ph: 6.4
temp: 76 /78 sometimes a little higher
humidity: 35
fert: 11-35-15 , ive worked my way up from half strength to full every 3 waterings'

NOTE:lower fan leave: all turning yellow and falling off ( im assuming is normal from what i read )

- will upload pics later tonight

(if im missing some info please respond and i will do my best to answer but i am a complete noob about all this , just growing for fun . started with 3 , 2 ended up being male. )

ALSO: im a noob to this site so if post is incorrect i appoligize in advance!!


Well-Known Member
Id say if temps are perfect up the ferts but would like to say 11-35-15 is not too ballanced for flowering, the 35 is a bit high and somthing more 10-20-15 or 4-8-6 or similar would be better.

One would assume the upper purple stems were from a deficiency in P/K and the lower fan leaves were showing this by becoming deficient and falling as well as slightly nitrogen deficient.

Is there anyway that the plant could be asking for a small bit more ferts in better quantities if possible too. Peace


IMG00761-20111015-2019.jpgIMG00756-20111015-1906.jpgIMG00765-20111015-2021.jpgIMG00757-20111015-2018.jpgIMG00757-20111015-2018.jpg ok ill give it a shot. .. heres some pics anyway ! let me know what u think. def appreciate all ur help or anyones at that.


Well-Known Member
Yer its got stuff going on but i dont know or wana guess but it seems like big pot, water issues, fert issues. You got a fan on it for ventilation and stronger light?

As a mess around it looks cool and definatly should finish her and get some smoke although dosent look very resinous bud. Could be the ferts but id suspect better growing conditions and drainage etc etc before a fert issue. Good luck dude. Peace


ive got it in a seperate room in a closet with sliding doors .. i keep one closed and the other open .. and a fan in the window across the room blowing in fresh air . the container its in now is alot bigger than the one i used before .. was a 3g and then the roots seemed to get pot bound so i put it into the one its in now ..i figuered the more room for roots to grow the better. also ive got about 4 inces or more on the bottom of rock for better irrigation. i keep a empty fish tank full of water that i use for watering. it allows me to keep the correct ph and air out chlorine out of the water before hand since im using tap from the town. i keep air rocks running and a filter without a pad for circulation , so to keep oxigen in the water before hand . (read somewhere that it helps) in the closet ive got 3 smaller fans for air circulation and as far as light im not even sure that ive got enough. im only using 6 cfl 400watt bulbs in a roasting pan i cut holes in for a reflector (tight on cash) and i was giving a 70 watt hps light that i use just off to the side. ( i rotate the plant ever other day too so that both sides of the plant get the same light from it ). im sure i could use more light but like i said this is only for fun and i really dont know wut i am doing . i mainly did hours of reading and set up what i got now with what i had. the soil i used i made myself. (1 part soil part potting mix / perlite /and i cant remember what the other stuff was but its sandy like,i forget the name ) along with the stone at the bottom. seem to work in vegy stage with no prob , like i said before i had 3 plants but the other 2 ended up being male. originally i had them outside too, until they got to tall to be out on my balcony so i brought them inside not to mention how cold it started getting here cuz i live in ny. but other than that idk wut else im doing wrong . i figure its all just trial and error. id like to learn more , that is why i signed up for this site, figured i could get tips from everyone . but thank you for ur responce. i will take into consideration what u said about the fert. gonna try and pick something else up 2m.


Well-Known Member
stress ?... from like wut. ex: over watering / heat / not enough light / ect ... thats what u mean ?
How often do you water your plants. I noticed your medium seems to have bark on top? It could be magenese def. Usually tap water has high calcium but doesn't have enough magenese. I would give it a full balance npk of 1 1 1 if possible and cal mag. You still have plenty of time to grow it so get some nitrogen and pk in there. It sure looks hungry! :)


Well-Known Member
I use 12-12-36 ....some times 12-12-40 .
U can mix with your preflowering nuts (a little)


aiight def will try it out... and to the one responce (its only one female left) a plant not but thanks for all ur guys info . will keep everyone posted.

--( question for whoever ) should i try foil feeding since my humidity is low ?, cuz i read that after so long the plant stop getting nuits from the roots or would that still be a bad idea for concerns of mold now that shes buddin ? ..:leaf:


the bark idea was nothing really . had sum left over so instead of throwing it away i just threw sum on top , if u think it might be a cause of sum of my probs i can remove it .. it was just more for look than anything , dont ask idk really why i did it .... just did i guess.. and i water her just about every 3-4 days .. depending on how moist the soil is.

daniel cardenas

Active Member
i would not spray a plant that has buds already it could cause mold. and if you put the bark recently then i would remove it ,it could have an additive to it that might be leaching into soil just a tought.


ok yuh def will remove then ..its worth a shot .. now as far as nuits ... how would i add just 1-1-1 like a previous poster said.? (confused) they make something like that i can buy ... i dont wanna over do it , ya know ..


Well-Known Member
ok yuh def will remove then ..its worth a shot .. now as far as nuits ... how would i add just 1-1-1 like a previous poster said.? (confused) they make something like that i can buy ... i dont wanna over do it , ya know ..
Normally I am opposed to flushing unless it's a hydro grow, but in this case it can be used as a corrective action. I would flush the hell out her, then take the balanced approach as was already posted. You may have trouble finding a 1-1-1, but a 10-10-10 will work as well. I corrected a nitrogen lockout last Summer with a granular version after hitting 2 in-ground girls with too much molasses tea.

Good luck!


what is the correct way to flush ? and i would assume i should wait till shes all dry since shes still moist from the last watering so i am not to shock her any... and thank you all for all ur comments and help.. im crossing my fingers here !


Well-Known Member
what is the correct way to flush ? and i would assume i should wait till shes all dry since shes still moist from the last watering so i am not to shock her any... and thank you all for all ur comments and help.. im crossing my fingers here !
I would go with 3 times the size of your container with distilled/filtered/bottled water. That would be 9 gallons for a 3 gal, then *lightly add your balanced nute. You should only need one application. Don't even wait, do it now. As it stands, you are not getting proper development/resin production. Then once she dries out, use 1 tbsp store bought molasses per gallon of H2O every other watering. That will encourage the microbial activity that was lost during flushing.

Happy growing


Well-Known Member
ok yuh def will remove then ..its worth a shot .. now as far as nuits ... how would i add just 1-1-1 like a previous poster said.? (confused) they make something like that i can buy ... i dont wanna over do it , ya know ..
The 1-1-1 ratio is merely a guideline not the exact npk. Like what Sunbiz1 says 10-10-10 that is a 1-1-1 ratio since they are equal value npk. I personally use 7-9-5 its not exactly 1-1-1 but close enough. For example in Veg I like to use a 3-1-2 ratio (9-3-6) and for bloom 1-3-2 ratio (3-13-6). Does that make sense? Its all in the math. If your still confused feel free to ask.

I usually use the 1-1-1 ratio to fix problems and first 2 to 4 weeks of flower depending on the strain.


sorry guys internet was out for a bit but yes i understand .. about to do that all right now .. appreciate all ur help !.. ill let u all know how i make out in about a week or so ..unless i run into some other trouble .. but thanks again


Active Member
Don't know how much experience you have but BE CAREFUL DURING A FLUSH. If your new the signals your plant will give you after a flush will be confusing.

I would flush right before your lights come on so evaporation is maximized. It's likely your plants will droop in a way that would normally indicate under-watering. However this is just because the small hairs along the plants roots that absorb water get damaged during a flash. If it droops after a flush its not because it has be under-watered its because it cannot access the water available. If you water just before a full light cycle much of the flush water will evaporate, and give these small hairs a head start on a healthy recovery.

Good luck man flushing can be risky, and I do anything I can to avoid doing it. If your feeding with organics make sure to keep an eye on your feed reservoir (if you have one). Organic fertilizers have a tendency to attract algae like a magnet. Algae with consume the CO2 in the reservoir and drive your pH out of control (usually up). If you check the chart I have included Manganese, and Iron absorption are most effected by this increase. Something worth considering in your treatment.


New Member
I would go with 3 times the size of your container with distilled/filtered/bottled water. That would be 9 gallons for a 3 gal, then *lightly add your balanced nute. You should only need one application. Don't even wait, do it now. As it stands, you are not getting proper development/resin production. Then once she dries out, use 1 tbsp store bought molasses per gallon of H2O every other watering. That will encourage the microbial activity that was lost during flushing.

Happy growing
Just a heads up.
Saying "distilled/bottled" might be misleading, as they are very different (at least where I'm at).

Distilled water is deprived of every element, there is nothing at all for the plant or the soil.
But bottled water has minerals in it, just like tapwater has - which means it also has a PH-value (and some buffering ability). You need this if you want to influence media PH.

BTW: I never use distilled water personally, maybe if I start seeds or clones.

Edit: I agree with the people that say give it a balanced diet. I would also give it a lot of runoff, but I'm not sure if I would flush. But don't listen to me on that - because I never flush (as mine get a lot of runoff each time I water/feed).