Lace and Frills <3


Well-Known Member
can someone please recap what happened with the fake girl? i noticed she was posting way more thana ny normal person and she was very forward. she/he got banned? i never had a conversation with it but i am curious as to what happened.


Pickle Queen
bahahahahaha dear god not that site :(
kuroi COME ON!!!!

Oh Well it seems Bethany is not who she appeared 2 be, lmfao They gone and ruined my entertainment !! MEN!!

Oh and my forehead and ears are purple ;)


Well-Known Member
BAAAAAAAH WTF? Crypt, did you put that up there?

My sexy (trying to be anyway) pictures are for you guys only. I have one pinup-y one on my vf (you can see the watermark on it) but that's it.

So who put it up there? I know once content is online it is no longer private, but those I know enjoying it here don't need to share it like a fucking trading card -_-;

April, did you dye your hair?


Well-Known Member
I swear I didn't hear her tak about weed at all. I mean, if we got together like Bwpz said I'd die before having to deal with a girl/guy who doesn't smoke >_<;

I LOVE ganja <3

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Who me? i'm always watching ;)
Jesus does it even matter, chances are she's been scared away, fuck just when i had finaly found a girly girl to talk rainbows and ponies with !!! Damn u alll !!!
What? That hurts! Who knows more about rainbows and ponies than I.... wait.. that didn't come out right.... err... I mean... oh fuck it....