Synchronized Hyperspace Event

First hit went down pretty smooth surprisingly, accompanied by a certain vibration and a growing buzzing. Then I took the second hit, and this where things got squirrelly. My heart raced, and an overwhelming anxiety took hold. Geometric patterns dominated my vision and I had a distant peculiar ringing in my ears. I couldn't do a third hit. I just couldn't do it. I was too overwhelmed. I just laid back and tried to enjoy the show in all of its glory, despite the anxiousness.

The machine is a great tool and DMT is great stuff!! Maybe you need to break through and break away from the world completely to relax? It was very distracting for me that way and I just couldn`t think of anything else, but I kinda got scared towards the end in my infinate "blue grid of space" :D

I never 2 or 3 hitted DMT with the machine, I would eyeball doses the size of a pencil rubber and just send it off :D I heard Mckenna`s voice in songs saying "so let us assume you take, 3rd toke... looong and sloowww... you vaporise! and you take it in, and in and in...." :D Mckennas awesome, so sad he died at 50 odd! I never took more than 1 toke apart from the times I was epic failing with a tobacco pipe and wasting the spice, but I never broke through then. I`d say the journey is more relaxed on a 1 toker, but having Mckennas quote there I can`t say it works for everyone :)
The machine is a great tool and DMT is great stuff!! Maybe you need to break through and break away from the world completely to relax? It was very distracting for me that way and I just couldn`t think of anything else, but I kinda got scared towards the end in my infinate "blue grid of space" :D

Hmm, good point Tenner, you could be right. Perhaps that particular time and space spent in 'limbo' between here and there is too traumatic for this hyperspace virgin. A case of 'if you're going to do it, it's worth doing right'. But I will find out in the coming months when I can attune myself properly and with less pressure as well. Only having one dose, I put an unnecessary weight on myself to do it perfectly, don't waste it and do my darnedest to breakthrough. It's just my nature, and that very well cold have been my downfall. Thanks for this new perspective, Tenner :D Never thought of it this way.

I never 2 or 3 hitted DMT with the machine, I would eyeball doses the size of a pencil rubber and just send it off :D I heard Mckenna`s voice in songs saying "so let us assume you take, 3rd toke... looong and sloowww... you vaporise! and you take it in, and in and in...." :D Mckennas awesome, so sad he died at 50 odd! I never took more than 1 toke apart from the times I was epic failing with a tobacco pipe and wasting the spice, but I never broke through then. I`d say the journey is more relaxed on a 1 toker, but having Mckennas quote there I can`t say it works for everyone :)

Just reading that Terrence quote sends shivers through me.. I can hear that song in my head clear as day.
From reading other accounts of freebasing dmt, yes, it seems to be very common to need more than 1 lungfull to breakthrough. Consider yourself lucky! Or perhaps my smoking contraption is not as efficient as I thought. My pulls of the magic vapor were as large as I could take them for as long as I could hold them. And they were not as rough as I would have expected. I have a pretty good pair of lungs (especially now that tobacco is a non-issue :)) but I prepared myself for some monster hacking. But what I experienced was more of a tickle with a VIcks vaporub sensation. Very pleasant actually.
Yeah, experimentation will provide the best :D

On my first sorta half breakthrough there was an alright techno song on that I hadn`t heard before but just as the stuff was kicking in all other tunes in the song died down and it started saying

Eaaarthhh... Mother.... Father.... Son.... Fire... Water... and loads of sprung out shit words like that. My friend literally apologised for how shit the song was :D Problem was, that part lasted for the length of the trip, it was utter shit... I`d rather of tripped to no music or Dj Tiesto or something lol

I`ll be making some diiiiyemtii in the future :D
^^LOL for some reason I suppose that is what you were meant to hear .. Sounds like a strange little number.

I`ll be making some diiiiyemtii in the future

Me too :D Hopefully before the year has expired, in time for NYE ;)

I see.. yes.. I see some changa in my future @ approximately 12:01am Jan 1/12 ;)
Damn, I'll try to get my bark and extraction done by then!
So we can be in hyperspace together, it will be my first time.
Some people are having trouble getting mimosa bark right now.. does anyone know if psychotria veridis leaves would be a suitable replacement using the same extraction tek??
The basic idea behind the synchronized hyperspace event, or SHE for short, is to have multiple entities around the world where ever you are to take breakthrough doses of Dmt at the same time, then return to reality to discuss.

I hope this thread can be a place to organize upcoming SHE's to take place in the future.

I'm hoping to have one within the next three or so weeks. Enough time for karmapuff to get his mimosa and do at least one pull.

Who's in?:hump:

I'm in.
Just a Lowes trip away from DONE.
Can we do 1/20/2012 12:00?
It's inauguration day. And me birthday. My 20th, lol. 1/20/2012, 12:00, 20

And I think at Noon Obama is no longer president also.
Can we do 1/20/2012 12:00?
It's inauguration day. And me birthday. My 20th, lol. 1/20/2012, 12:00, 20

And I think at Noon Obama is no longer president also.
well there is PLENTY of time i agree ;) but with my situations as of now i may not have time to but ill do my best :P
This is the shit I want to listen to...
11/11/11 11:11

Time is not given, and time is not taken. It just sits through itself.
No violence of course. Of course, why yes of course. I mean, of course, why yes of course.
You can't sell that, it's my back of a head.